So after years of feeling like crap I asked my doctor for a blood test and stool sample as felt so unwell came back positive for helibacter pylori I think that’s how you spell it and after a week on serious high antibiotics started to feel a little better but today I went for my gastroscopy and they have also found a3cm hiatus hernia gastritis and taken two biopsy’s as possible tongue of Barrett’s so I’m feeling like utter crap pain is getting worse everyday it’s constantly there from waking up and every time I eat I become so unwell I’ve even stopped smoking and stopped drinking coffee but no change to the pain can anyone shed some light please as I’m only 37 and feeling about 90 👍🏻
Years of pain and constant belching a... - Oesophageal & Gas...
Years of pain and constant belching and generally feeling pants
Hi did they put you on omeprazole or Lansoprazole. This will help taking. You can buy omeprazole called another name over the counter. Don’t eat late avoid spicy food until it is under control. Also raise your pillows to sleep upright. Get yourself probiotics to balance the strong antibiotics.
Hope you feel a bit better soon.
Hi. I had years of inflammation before I developed cancer. I manged it with diet and some supplements. I am Interested in Ayurveda the traditional Indian system of medicine. Here are some things to try that worked for me:
Take acidophilus I think the best is five lac, three times a day after meals to balance your flora (buy online)
Eat olive oil with food or a teaspoon just befor
Drink hot milk at last thing at night and in the morning it’s very soothing. I put chai latte in it. Milk should always boil before you drink it. If you can take it (I don’t like the taste) put some pure butter ghee in the milk, otherwise I put it into food for cooking. It’s very cooling and soothing.
No coffee, alcohol (very irritant) smoking
Reduce caffeine
No spicy food
Look up Maharishii Ayurveda in India (not Uk) and see if you can buy the herbal medicine Amlant. I used to buy it in India as the Maharishi Ayurveda here doesnt sell it. Take half an hour before meals.
See if you can identify which foods are worse for you and avoid them.
See an Ayurvedic doctor if you can. Search Maharishi Ayurveda. I consider them the best.
Note that once the inflammation dies down you will be able to tolerate things that you are cutting out now, although less often. But I couldn’t drink alcohol apart from a little occasionally.
Hope this helps. Paul.