Covid Struggles: Hello, I'm new here and didn't... - OCD Support

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Covid Struggles

RachRoux profile image
3 Replies

Hello, I'm new here and didn't really know where to turn.

Since covid started the contamination side of my OCD has got much worse. I feel like going outside makes me feel contaminated because of the virus and so I spend all my time indoors. I get my shopping delivered but now things have become more strict the delivery people can no longer come into my apartment building and the last delivery was just an absolute nightmare. The food was in plastic tray liners (not bags) and left on the floor outside my apartment building. The liner was covered in muddy water as it had been raining and I just froze i didn't want to even move it i just wanted to run away. I didn't want it in my house. I managed to get the stuff inside then spent hours trying to work out what I could clean and decontaminate like tins etc and what was too contaminated. It was awful and I had several panic attacks. Now I need more shopping but that being the new system is just not something i can go through again. How am I supposed to get shopping? I have no family and my boyfriend lives in another city.

I know I'm not the only one struggling at the moment I just feel so frustrated at supermarkets. Why make things so difficult? I don't want to waste plastic bags but I recycle everything. I have multiple health problems and it's just unfair for so many people.

Sorry I'm just so fed up


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3 Replies
Sallyskins profile image

It's such a frustrating illness. All the things you want to do are so difficult! I think a lot of people with contamination OCD are finding it hard going.

Don't be too concerned about muddy water. It's generally quite clean and harmless. I'm not suggesting you drink it or anything, but getting it on you isn't likely to cause you harm. A lot of fruit and vegetables has traces of mud on it, and they're really good for you!

On the whole, all you really need to do is to observe the rules. Social distancing really does make a difference. It sounds as though you are suffering from loneliness because of the isolation, but it does help to talk to people on the phone or by email as much as you can.

Is there a friend or neighbour you could ask to get some stuff from the shops for you? A lot of communities came together at the start of the lockdown and formed help networks. Don't be afraid to ask. People are usually only too pleased to help.

It does you good to get outside, and as long as you socially distance you should be all right. I don't know the sort of neighbourhood you live in, but if there are green spaces or quiet places, perhaps go for a walk.

I think people in flats are suffering more than those of us in houses, feeling that much more isolated. It might help also to phone up the shop where you get deliveries from and ask them if they can co-operate with getting your groceries in.

PinkSpear4 profile image

You Have Your EyeSight and Your Legs i Assume?! If You Google The Life you Have is Just A Dream For Many Than You May Appreciate What You Have. When I was 18/19 I got OCD and Was Scared to Go Out As I Thought Everything Was Dirty And Ended Up In AE and Wad Then Taken To A Psychiatrist and Its Starts With Compulsive Washing Irrational Behaviour Where ever I went I Took A Shower! If I Could my Advice Would Be To Be Moderate With Hygiene Observe Basic Hygiene. The Body Is Covered With Germs&Bacteria(You Can Google it) and If You Look At The Bible and Koran and Probably The Other Holy Books Says Almost All Things In Moderation! And Thses Anti Bacterial Products Are No Better Than The Normal Ones Its Been Researched In Fact They Are Dangerous And Contain Cancer Causing Agents and Triculsan!I Got Emails a From Some People Tellmg Me! When You Look Back At This In. A Few Years You'll Laught At It! Bye

PinkSpear4 profile image

The Reply That Starts With You Have Your EyeSight and Legs I Assume? And End in A In a Few Years You Will Laugh At This Is for RachRoux and Others if It Can Help Them.

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