Hi, I was wondering if I could get some advice. I always have these intrusive thoughts everyday, and recently they are becoming unbearable. I can't control them and it makes me feel guilty and scared of the thoughts that invade my mind. I always have to do things more than once just to neutralise the bad thoughts I get, such as walking in and out of a door or picking things up and putting them back like five times. It takes up so much time and in public I feel too awkward to carry out these compulsions so I just sit there feeling guilty and scared of the thoughts I have. The thoughts I have are of people I care about getting hurt, not by me, just in general. I feel so annoyed, isolated and lost, I wish the thoughts would stop. I try to avoid situations which I know will trigger the thoughts. I tried to tell my parents but they did not understand, and do not think anything is wrong. I don't know what to do, I'd like to find help.
Intrusive thoughts getting worse: Hi, I was... - OCD Support
OCD Support
Intrusive thoughts getting worse

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Hi aayla. Firstly I want to let you know that you have done the right thing by coming on here to ask for advice, it is a positive first step, well done 🙂..I have understanding of what you go through, and so I know that you can feel better than you do right now..
Ocd is an enemy but you can beat it by using the techniques' you learn. You have made the decision to get help which is great! Keep moving in that direction...No one will tell you it is easy, but nothing worth doing ever is, and you can do this.. .I know ocd can get a hold, and when it does it can take all the time up, performing rituals, checking, thinking, worrying about the compulsion -rheuminating- etc,. It can be anything that ocd makes us think we have to do.
. I want you to know that you can take control over it.. You must be determined not to let it win. Do not give in to the compulsion's. You will feel anxious not doing them, but this is the answer to winning, and the anxiety will pass. It will become easier as time goes on....ocd tricks us into believing we feel better when we do them, but once done we have to do it again and again. By doing the compulsion this gives ocd more power, so the more we do it the greater control ocd has.Then the list of the things we feel we have to do grows...By resisting, the ocd weakens. It has less of a hold over us. It's power diminishes...
Your next step could be finding a therapist who knows how to help overcome ocd. anxiety.org.uk has help and advice about anxiety, ocd, and will know of therapists or how to find one in your area..Your GP will also be able to help if you need medication or to gain access to cbt -cognitive behaviour therapies- which help to get you to view things differently. Katie d'Ath can be found on YouTube and has cbt exercises you can do, it really is very helpful. There is a lot of support out there. The ocd UK charities can also offer support, some have support groups depending on where you live.. It is a good idea that you are avoiding triggers...You can win this 🙂. Good luck in your journey.xx
Thank you so much for taking the time to reply, I really needed to hear this. I've been so caught up in this and I'm so grateful for your advice. I agree that not giving into compulsions is key, and will try my best not to but its just difficult not to sometimes as my anxiety seems to get worse. I must admit this has taken a hold on me recently, and I regret being so reluctant to reach out. You've really encouraged me to get further help, I think I will see my GP and maybe look for some support groups. Sometimes I forget that there are people out there that can help, so thank you so much for your input, I am very grateful! Thank you - aayla xx
I wish you all the very best. There is a lot of support that you can access. I am always happy to try and help,. You are not alone. xx
My experience is similar, so I know just how it feels. First of all, go to your GP and explain that OCD is making life very difficult for you, and ask to be referred for CBT. Medication can really help as well, so if your doctor suggests an SSRI antidepressant, give it a try, though it takes a few weeks for the effects to kick in.
A couple of tricks I have learned in CBT: postpone the anxiety you feel in resisting a compulsion until later, giving yourself permission to worry about it at, say, half past two. Then half past two comes and goes and you've forgotten about it. Another is to think of the anxiety as like a wave, or a cloud, that comes and goes. It reaches a peak, then it subsides and you have come out of it.
Another tip: self help books can be a good support. I have several, and have found Overcoming OCD a particularly good one.
The door thing is quite common in OCD. I also have problems going in and out of doorways. Also the picking things up and putting them down again. It's difficult, I know, but it doesn't have to be like this always.
Thank you for taking the time to reply! I think I will go to my GP, only my parents still don't think theres anything wrong. Thats really helpful advice, thank you, postponing the anxiety seems like a good way. I will try and give this a go and hopefully it will help. I might get some self help books too if they are going to be of support. You have been very helpful, thank you for your advice, I am very grateful! - aayla
Hi.My son has been just like you since about 2004.The N.H.S is a long wait.Tell your local M.P. might help.I had to sell my car etc. to go private to help my son.Try talking to your parents and show them this site.It took my wife yrs to try and understand but finally is getting there.Always here for a chat if needed.Keep positive.
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