Hey: Hi guys. I had a bad night last night and i... - OCD Support

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Ashley031 profile image
26 Replies

Hi guys. I had a bad night last night and i ended up crying myself to sleep. Tge intrusive thoughts were just playing over and over again in my head. It just wouldnt go away. Does anybody else go through that?

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Ashley031 profile image
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26 Replies
QuietStorm98 profile image

I do and its absolutely horrible! I feel your pain.

Sallyskins profile image

It's something most of us recognize. It's difficult to distract yourself when everything is quiet and you are trying to get to sleep. Of course the next morning you don't feel refreshed either. I don't really know what to suggest, except of course you could read a book, make yourself a cup of tea etc. If it persists then try an anti-histamine tablet which can make you drowsy but don't make a habit of using medication to get to sleep.

Ulisse profile image


I was prescribed Quitapine which I have to take after dinner. I normally take at midnight, though. It guarantees 12 uninterrupted sleep and I wake up feeling ok and awake. A suggestion for your doctor?. Why suffer when there are specific medications for our problems?

Take care


Ashley031 profile image
Ashley031 in reply to Ulisse

Hey ulisse,

Is that an antipsychotic?

Ulisse profile image
Ulisse in reply to Ashley031



Ulisse profile image
Ulisse in reply to Ashley031


Kenyon126 profile image

I feel ur pain :-(

Kenyon126 profile image

Intrusive thoughts plagues my day.. Can't tell what's real or not from the past as well :-(

Ashley031 profile image
Ashley031 in reply to Kenyon126

I just want this to end

Ulisse profile image
Ulisse in reply to Kenyon126


False memories are one aspect of OCD - they have no different feeling from real memories. The best way is to deal with either false memories or intrusive thought is to let them be - if you try to analyse or ruminate if they are false or real, you reinforce the original thought and it will be much more difficult to get rid of it. Let it be and try to cope with the anxiety that it may bring - anxiety will gradually subside and you will have a different perception of the original thought. It may have gone altogether. CBT and antianxiety medications help, definitely.

Hope this helps


Kenyon126 profile image
Kenyon126 in reply to Ulisse

Thank you so much for the comment.. I know I'm not alone and that helps although I hope everyone gets better..

angviolet profile image

Yes I know how that feels . Can be really scary. I had that happen too many nights in a row once and I ended up going to hospital for help coz I was so terrified

Kenyon126 profile image
Kenyon126 in reply to angviolet

How are now I feel for you :-(

angviolet profile image
angviolet in reply to Kenyon126

Thanks Kenyon , I am recovered now. After the mental breakdown I took antipsychotic and SSRI's. The meds kept the intrusive thoughts at bay , made me tired , lethargic and I gained a lot of weight fast, but it was better than the alternative which was constant thoughts of ending my life in different ways and just my mind being at risk of doing even more permanent damage . So I am better now , but have to be careful with my alcohol intake as the alcohol come-down side effects make my anxiety absolutely through the roof . So alcohol is a catch 22. When you take it, it calms you and makes you feel less anxious and feel relaxed and relieved to have a break from it and then when it wears off you feel worse than you did at the start so best to avoid it all together but it's hard

Kenyon126 profile image
Kenyon126 in reply to angviolet

Very true angviolet.. my intrusive thoughts are from my childhood.. I can't seem to figure out if I've done something bad as a child like sexually. I know the person I am I could never of done this bad thought and I panic so much.

Ashley031 profile image
Ashley031 in reply to Kenyon126

Hey are any if you guys afraid to have a knife in your hand bc your thoughts are telling you to do something with it? If im cutting up veggies with a knife these intrusive thoughts come in my head.

Cherbear811 profile image

Yes just all day everyday. Last night actually got particularly scarey for me. I pray and hold a cross. I will pray for you too tonight ❤

Ashley031 profile image
Ashley031 in reply to Cherbear811

Thank you. I use to sleep with rosery beads and a picture of Jesus. It use to be hard for me to sleep

Cherbear811 profile image

Not a problem❤ I feel like im barely hanging on to life myself. If you dont mind, what are your thoughts involving, sometimes it helps if only for a few minutes to hear someone is experiencing similar things

Ashley031 profile image
Ashley031 in reply to Cherbear811

My thoughts are of hurting people i love. I get umages in my head and tge replay over and over again

Cherbear811 profile image

I understand your pain, i really do. I go back and forth between harm and blurting out something sexual. Its my thoughts all day, ocd is a monster. I can hardly do anything, which makes me really wonder if it really is just ocd. Can ocd make it so hard to concentrate, and the thoughts are stuck ALL day. I repeat 3 "safe" words in my head ALL day as well or else it feels like theres nothing good in my head even though I communicate and my words come out right. Im losing the will to go on

Ashley031 profile image
Ashley031 in reply to Cherbear811

Thats how i feel. I feel like um nit enjoying life anymore bc of this. I have to take an ocd class at the hospital and i heard the classes help. Are you in any medication?

Cherbear811 profile image
Cherbear811 in reply to Ashley031

I had a pysychiatrist who was not very compassionate to say the least so i was on effexor for a while and i feel like it did help just a bit but now i have a nurse practioner who says i was misdiagnosed and im bipolar but wont prescribe meds until gene testing comes back. Im afraid ill just forget who i am completely, im afraid to sleep, im afraid all day. Im so sick of it. Been through many nurses but its so hard to get a good pysychiatrist around here. I honestly dont want to live, im so desperate. I cant believe what my mind is doing to me, know what I mean? I shake, my head burns. I feel zaps in my head, im so foggy and thoughts so disorganized. Do you feel like your ever about to just fall outof it completely??are you able to concentrate on anything??

Ashley031 profile image
Ashley031 in reply to Cherbear811

There are days that i cant concentrate and all i eant to do is cry. My head just keeps spinning. I cry a lot. Im sick of this illness. Im sick of life

Ulisse profile image

Ashley hi

I really think you should be on medication. There people here whom have claimed that Fluoxetine (prozac) has helped them intrusive thoughts,m so why not try and take it form am while. Improvement is bound to be slow, but I am pretty sure you will benefit. I did- am on Fluoxetine 40 mg. I also take Lorazepam i the mornings 2.5 mg. It helps.

take care


Ashley031 profile image
Ashley031 in reply to Ulisse

Hi ulisse,

Im on 2 different meds. Risperdone and Zoloft. I also take klonopin when i need it

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