My First Clinic Appointment Experience.: Hello everyone... - NRAS


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My First Clinic Appointment Experience.

linbin profile image
9 Replies

Hello everyone. I hope all of you are doing ok. Apologies, as it's been a while since I last posted. I was waiting for my first consultant appointment to be done and dusted.

Well I saw him yesterday, and he confirmed my GPs initial diagnosis of RA. I now have to wait for a few days to see the Specialist Nurse Practitioner, after which I begin treatment with high dose Prednisone, Sulfazine, and Methotrexate. Scary!!

Today I have to go for chest Xray, and also have to have a bone scan and Echo Cardiogram (due to a prexisting heart problem) in the next few days. Have had blood tests, urine test, blood pressure, weight etc done.

I was given a wallet full of information from Arthritis Research, NRAS and the hospital clinic.

The consultant was attentive and I have to say, very thorough. It looks like I have struck lucky with the Clinic here in Bristol. I know peoples experience can differ quite widely. Mine thus far (though I know its early days as yet) has proven to be very positive.

I did realise after the appointment that I had forgotten to ask a whole raft of questions..(funny how the mind goes blank and you don't quite take everything in) but I will ask the Nurse Practioner everything when I see him/her.

Hopefully any side effects from the medication will be minimal, but I have no doubt, if you can all bear with me, that I will be sharing that experience with you over the next weeks/months.

Heres' hoping for warmer weather to help our bones!

I am going to create a file for all the paperwork/information today...which gives me an excuse to go wander round the shops and maybe even do a little shopping!! Retail therapy...yayyyyy. Hehee

Well I'll stop bending your ears for now. Stay as well as you can everyone and don't let it beat you!!

Linbin. :)

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linbin profile image
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9 Replies

Firstly Linbin, sorry to learn you've had confirmation of RA, but you will be feint relieved about this too on several levels, not least because you obviously have a good and thorough consultant and are being treated really soon. I hope the dual therapy approach (recommended by NICE but many consultants still only opt for mono therapy for too long I believe) works well for you and you soon have your RA well controlled. The two DMARDs will probably take a few months to work but the high dose of Prednisolone should tide you over immediately. Good luck with the x-rays and welcome officially to this site! Xxx

Oops silly iPhone predictive spell - feel not feint!!

Glad you had such a positive experience - you sound so upbeat you've made me want to go shopping too!

I do hope that you get on well with your medication & yes, some sunshine would be just the job.

Luce x

allanah profile image

Hi that sounds great and that your team sound professional. I think u guessed you had rA but at least you know what you are dealing with now. Off to the garage, wish I was shopping though. Xxx

mattcass profile image

Hi Linbin, i also have my first appointment tomorrow I like yourself trying to remember to ask the most important things, can I ask you how long did the appointment last its just i have ongoing lung probs which will deter what meds i will be able to receive,also can you take someone in with you in my case Fran if not i will never remember all the things even if they are written down,we may be able to feed each helpful info.Matt

linbin profile image

Thank you everyone for your kind words. As for the shopping...well I did get a file.....and a cinnamon whirl danish.....errrr and a new book (Dawn Frenchs' autobiography "Dear Fatty")...errrr and a new pair of shoes for my somewhat lumpy feet. ;)

Hi mattcass. My appointment took around 40/50 minutes, and that seems to be about average for many. I thought I was being good by taking questions I had written down with me, but was a little overwhelmed and so forgot to ask half of them...silly me! But as I said I will ask them when I see the Rheumy Nurse practioner in a couple of weeks. I saw lots of folk in the waiting room with friends and relatives, so yes, taking someone with you seems to be fine. Let me wish you luck with your appointment, and please let us know how you get along.

Stay well as you can everyone.

Linbin :)

Dotty7 profile image

I am sorry that you have got this crappy disease for real, but so pleased that you havegot a rheumatologist you can feel confidence in.

Dotty xx

miss profile image

Again as with others sorry you have got RA. At least you sound like you have a good team looking after you xx

jeanabelle profile image

Like some of the others I'm sorry to hear you have Rheumatoid Disease. Hope your cocktail works for you. My doc is great and I can say and ask him anything. Also the nurse practioners are gems. I have three of them now and they are at the end of the fone anytime I need them......worth their weight in gold.

Keep us up to date with how you get on. This is a great site and there is always a word of comfort from fellow sufferers who will help in any way they can. Good luck. J

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