Hello everyone. I hope all of you are doing ok. Apologies, as it's been a while since I last posted. I was waiting for my first consultant appointment to be done and dusted.
Well I saw him yesterday, and he confirmed my GPs initial diagnosis of RA. I now have to wait for a few days to see the Specialist Nurse Practitioner, after which I begin treatment with high dose Prednisone, Sulfazine, and Methotrexate. Scary!!
Today I have to go for chest Xray, and also have to have a bone scan and Echo Cardiogram (due to a prexisting heart problem) in the next few days. Have had blood tests, urine test, blood pressure, weight etc done.
I was given a wallet full of information from Arthritis Research, NRAS and the hospital clinic.
The consultant was attentive and I have to say, very thorough. It looks like I have struck lucky with the Clinic here in Bristol. I know peoples experience can differ quite widely. Mine thus far (though I know its early days as yet) has proven to be very positive.
I did realise after the appointment that I had forgotten to ask a whole raft of questions..(funny how the mind goes blank and you don't quite take everything in) but I will ask the Nurse Practioner everything when I see him/her.
Hopefully any side effects from the medication will be minimal, but I have no doubt, if you can all bear with me, that I will be sharing that experience with you over the next weeks/months.
Heres' hoping for warmer weather to help our bones!
I am going to create a file for all the paperwork/information today...which gives me an excuse to go wander round the shops and maybe even do a little shopping!! Retail therapy...yayyyyy. Hehee
Well I'll stop bending your ears for now. Stay as well as you can everyone and don't let it beat you!!