does cold weather cause flare ups ?: - NRAS
does cold weather cause flare ups ?

People on here experience more aches and pains in the winter far more than they do in the summer. Whether this would fall under 'flare ups' or normal living not sure.

thank you xx
They do say that when the cold weather hits that you can suffer with more pain, but i suppose that is the same with all sorts of arthritis, I was only diagnosed last September, so i don't really know how much difference it is going to make, but roll on the summer anything has got to make you fill better than this rotten weather, Take Care xxx
I find damp cold worse but it could be all in my head/ warm , dry much nicer and better for the spirits too x
Snap to Summer re cheering up when the weather's nice. I've felt the cold terribly since RA started but could be because of weightloss in my case. If I was going to flare up more in cold it would have happened this winter so I don't think it makes a difference in a big way to RA. There are people on here in Australia - RA is fairly evenly matched the world over I believe. Tilda
You called Tilda? lol Yes even with the warmer weather here in Aus I'm bad at the mo. Cold or hot doesn't bother me but the humidity does. Agree though that the sunshine can lift the spirits. Janet xxx
I've not noticed the cold affecting me, although I'm worse in winter after the flu jab. I do have trouble with heat though, I can cope with cold and don't really feel it (lucky as we can't afford to have the heating on most of the time) but very hot days make me feel ill and weak and shaky. xx
I'm the same, in that I have more problems with heat than with cold. Lucky really since I live in a cold place! And I've certainly not noticed any different re my joints, although constant greyness is miserable mentally. Polly
Found this yesterday, sorry can't do a proper link on my iPad. Article talks about damp/cold and RA/arthritis.
Theory is drop in air pressure allows tissues in the body to expand and fill the space, and make already inflammed tissues swell even more.
I can see and feel my inflammation dramatically get worse on rainy days and my immobility dreadful once the temp goes below 2 degrees.