Does anyone know how long the MTX stays in your body after you stop taking it ... I've decided to come off it and just stick to my salazopyrin . I've only been taking MTX for 4 weeks but everytime I take it I become stressed out by the side effects ..
MTX: Does anyone know how long the MTX stays in your... - NRAS

Essexgirl, speak to your rheumy nurse or consultant and ask them. You can give them a ring if you don't want to go to the hospital. Hope this will give you some heart.
I thought about doing the same i have been on it since june had terrible headaches and keept being sick but 8wks ago i was put onto injection once a wk i now inject self and i. No longer have head ache and sickness i hope that you will give this a thought good luck with what ever you. Decide xxx
Your not supposed to stop DMARD's without the support of your consultant, so you should really speak to the unit you attend. I'm not 100% sure but I think it's about 3mth, I know men are advised to continue birth control for 3 mth after stopping it and women to use birth control until they've had their first period since stopping.
Hope that makes sense, but please speak to your GP or Rheumy nurse, it can take between 3 and 6mths to feel the full benefit, sick of the side effects I don't blame you, but they can give you something for them.
Beth xx
Yes speak to your rhuem department.. they may be able to advise and help with the side effects., though at the end of the day the decision is yours patients are allowed to make decisions!, though it would be best to tell your rheum department what you have decided to do.
Good luck with what ever you have decided.
Essexgirl, I understand exactly how you're feeling . I too came off MTX a couple of weeks ago (after 6 weeks), due to dreadful side effects (nausea, dizziness, headache and then, on increasing the dose, shortness of breath!). I'm still on Sulfasalazine and steroids, but my joints have flared up badly in my hands (to be honest they were getting worse whilst on MTX too). I'm seeing the Rheumy nurse tomorrow and she's going to start me on Leflunomide, so we'll see what delights that brings! Since coming off MTX I'm still getting some symptoms 2 weeks later - mainly slight shortness of breath and, bizarrely, constant 'palpitations', but that might be more to do with being anxious about what's coming next!! (the sickness went away about 5 days after taking my last dose).
I agree that whatever you decide to do, you must communicate with the Rheumy nurse. Mine was quite firm at first and requested that I continue another week on a lower dose, but when she realised that I couldn't cope with MTX any longer, she was quite understanding. I sometimes feel they focus on the clinical effectiveness of medication on RA, and not the effect it's having on you and your life!!
Good luck, and please post an update to let us know how you get on. x
hiya ... spoke to my rhuemy .... i didnt know that you had to take your MTX with food lol ... she thinks thats why im not feeling too good ... so on monday when i take my next dose i will make sure i take it with me brekkie
thankyou for all your comments
debs x
Hi Debs, you could try taking it in the evening with your dinner maybe? I know it makes me feel very tired and so taking it with last meal of the day is better because then I can go straight to bed afterwards. TT x