I am just wondering about the possibility of a bus pass being available as i have RA and i dont drive so a badge for a car wouldnt really make any difference to me however i frequently use public transport to help with mobility. I dont get DLA but a bus pass would be a huge help.
Bus pass: I am just wondering about the possibility of... - NRAS
Bus pass

I would think so, I'm in Southport Merseyside and after I was diagnosed I applied for bus pas and I got one with no hastle whatsoever , it may depend on where you live.
My feet and ankles have gone past the sell by date so they are not much use lol, go for it there's nothing to lose really , mine is for life too.
Good luck
Hello Kelli
Try contacting your local Bus company ,find out the regulations.
you can probably do this on line.Best of LUCK.
The bus company or with me it was merseytravel,
Its usually your local council that does any concessionary travel schemes. I get a disabled bus card which is the same as the pensioners one and I'm in Scotland, but I got it through the council.
I found out about all the concessions that were available in our council area by going and seeing the CAB disability welfare officer. They told me everything I was eligible for and also helped me fill in the forms. Its well worth seeing CAB to make sure you are getting what you are entitled to.
i phoned up the local social sevices, explained my condition and that i couldn't walk far because of pain and i was told that i qualify so i filled in the form which i got from the travel company (nexus) and a month or so later i had my pass!
i'd be truely lost without it - it' bern a godsend for doctor and hospital appointments