Fell off a bus!: My feet have been quite painful across... - NRAS


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Fell off a bus!

Fruitandnutcase profile image
16 Replies

My feet have been quite painful across the tops recently - I thought it was tendinitis as did my podiatrist until a few months after getting it in one foot and between two podiatrist appointments I had it twice at which point she looked doubtful and said she thought it was more likely to be arthritis so I’m beginning to think my feet just aren’t working properly.

Then yesterday as I went to get off a bus it was rushed by a couple of Chinese students who couldn’t wait to get on. I think I was in a position to get off normally then I moved my body to the right to fit through the gap left by the two girls. Next thing I knew I was heading for the ground. Fortunately I was delivering goodies to a charity shop and had a big bag in each hand so couldn’t put my hands out and as luck had it I landed on the nice soft bag of clothes rather than the bag of books in my other hand. Fortunately I didn’t rip my denims but I’ve got a really skinned knee and my body feels like the bus ran over it - even though it didn’t. A very concerned lady helped me up while the two young girls just stepped round me and got on the bus 😉

Do any of you ever feel that your feet just don’t work properly? Or is it just me?

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Fruitandnutcase profile image
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16 Replies
sylvi profile image

Blimey darling i hope your feeling brighter today,but i have to say you will be sore for a few days. I feel last Sunday down the allotment getting vege for lunch and i fell on the frosty ground and i still have bruises where i fell and my knee is still swollen. Hugs darling.xxx

Fruitandnutcase profile image
Fruitandnutcase in reply to sylvi

Thanks Sylvi, I remember you doing that. Sorry your knee is still swollen. That flying through the air and knowing the landing isn’t going to be good is horrible isn’t it - not to mention wondering if you’re going to break something when you do land.

On the plus side I have a strong family history of osteoporosis so every time I fall and don’t break anything I always think I’ve maybe not been hit with the osteoporosis bat. Got to look on the positive side.

Do you think it’s because our feet and ankles are weak or something although goodness knows we do enough feet and ankle strengthening exercises in Pilate or do you think it is just bad luck? Maybe I need to change from Pilates to karate and learn how to fall.

Look after yourself. Hope your other half is feeling a bit better too, that was why you went to the allotment wasn’t it.

NeonkittyUK profile image
NeonkittyUK in reply to Fruitandnutcase

Noooo sorry to hear of this F&N. Think goodness for a slightly softer landing on the bag of clothes but sorry this girls rushed you. Please take your time next bus ride. Hope you are not too ouch for long. x

Gnarli profile image

How rude! Those girls could do with a good think about their attitude and behaviour. I'm sorry you had such a nasty fall through their impatient and inconsiderate rushing. Thank goodness it was cushioned, preventing more serious injury. My feet don't always do as I want either

sallygrain profile image

Hi my for-foot also hurts across the top. And it’s swollen too not much and it’s not obvious cous you don’t see it sidewise. But from above. Ankles don’t bend so I am. Very unstable There are a lot of tiny bones in that area and I was told it’s more likely to be AA rather then RA. But the swelling rather kooks like RA to me. Take care on the next bus

sallygrain profile image
sallygrain in reply to sallygrain

Just been googling and mine is technically mid-foot ie that bit below ankle and before toes on the top 🤔

Fruitandnutcase profile image
Fruitandnutcase in reply to sallygrain

At the moment it is painful over the arch just forward of my ankle. Last time on the other foot it was different, it was from the arch to my toes, it was really swollen and I could barely walk.

I’ve got to be really careful with my choice of shoes if they are too tight over the arch part / bones part it’s really painful, if it’s not supportive enough that hurts too. Can’t win. What I find difficult is the way pain just arrives out of nowhere without having done anything to cause it.

Ssmart profile image
Ssmart in reply to Fruitandnutcase

Don’t talk to me about shoes 😂😢😢😢

Frankiefocus profile image

Hi there sorry to learn about your feet pain. I was diagnosed with RA just last summer and it was bad in my knees and hands. After treatment I do get pains in my feet and other parts of my body as it sorta travels around. Im taking sulpha and hydroxy everyday and if the feet are bad I take naproxen to help with my flare ups. Thankfully my feet have been good for the past few weeks and its my jaw joint has been flaring. Tell your consaultant or doc about this asap.

nomoreheels profile image

Heck, I hope you're ok? Good you had a soft landing but I know that feeling of feet just not working properly. You'll probably be feeling it more today so take care & apply heat or cold to wherever hurts, whichever you respond to best & take it easy.

Nice someone was concerned & helped you, though seems the two girls need to go to charm school, how rude.

I get pain in my mid foot, on top, usually from the big toe upwards. My Podietrist says it's the mid cuneiform bone, RD related. Heat helps me but it's not that easy when you're unable to apply any when out.

If you can just relax today. x

Fruitandnutcase profile image
Fruitandnutcase in reply to nomoreheels

Thank you. I was even wondering if I could use a couple of those self heating pad things you can buy. Not sure they would fit in my shoes though so it’s the microwave heat bag for me.😉

nomoreheels profile image
nomoreheels in reply to Fruitandnutcase

Haha! You want to treat yourself to an electric foot warmer. You know the ones like a big boot, they're lush, just heaven for painful feet.

Fruitandnutcase profile image
Fruitandnutcase in reply to nomoreheels

Now that sounds perfect.

Ssmart profile image

My feet are hurting today every time I walk across the end of my to joints where they meet my foot 🙁

Glad you didn’t come off worse! Careful! Xxx

MadamJ profile image

Yes, my feet are SO painful, but with pains underneath, in the cushions. Nothing works, the podiatrist says its the nerve endings going down from the chronic sciatica. Special shoes don’t help, and I feel like I have to skim the floor added to that, Achilles heel tendonitis, plus arthritis in ankles and all other body joints!

I feel for you.

Mmrr profile image

My feet are where it all started and still cause me big problems. They ache, are very tender over the top and at my toe joints and yes they just don't work properly at times !

I stumble frequently, but have not had a fall for a while. Fingers crossed.

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