Just love the discovery of yet another MTX side effect - NRAS


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Just love the discovery of yet another MTX side effect

12 Replies

Just when I was getting to grips with the sickness and fatigue, yesterday a mouth ulcer appeared- cannot remember the last time I had one! And then this morning, discovered that little ulcer had felt lonely and now appear to have a large family of them inside my cheek and the pain is horrendous. Talking and eating hurts so very much and so on way home from work dived into, well as much as any of us with RA can dive into a chemist, more like, hauled myself out of the car, struggled with the key in my hand then hobbled in- but diving in sounds so much better, anyway.......bought some kind of ulcer gel, back to car, managed to get the top off, gel poured onto my fingers......way too much and I sat here in the car, finger in mouth not caring who saw me and the relief felt good.

Despite that they are still so painful and have actually taken painkillers to help while I planned my next move as bedtime approached

Lightbulb, if this is a side effect surely this site will have a question or blog...........hey presto...so many ideas

So now tucked up in bed, bathed my mouth with Cordysol, for which I am so grateful to my son for buying for himself and not using, raked through the medicine drawer and there was the Vit C- none of your namby pamby 500mg, no not for me, straight or the big guns, 1000 mgs x 2! That will get rid of the little suckers.....so as the rest of my body begins the painful night I am so hoping the ulcers have found my mouth is a fairly unpleasant place to be

Guess what I really want to say as well is thank you for blogs and questions- and all the suggestions I found to get rid of these. Thank you to all of you for making this site a valuable resource for sufferers and family- take care, will update tomorrow when I shall expect a full recovery

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12 Replies
watson3 profile image

Try adcortal paste its on prescription only, so you would need to speak to your GP. It worked well for large ulcers during chemotherapy treatment.......... keep you mouth clean after all foodstuffs. Avoid alcohol based mouthwashes. Ask GP to check for oral Candida ( thrush ).

Good luck


petalnumber2 profile image

Hello Katie,

I hope the Cordysol and vit C worked and gave you a reasonably comfortable night.

I think you would make a good story teller and even earn a living from it, because I felt your struggle to get out of the car and into the chemist, and the pain of those pesky mouth ulcers of yours, plus your desperation for some relief. Even so, your sense of humour shines through.

Sulphersalazine produced mouth ulcers for me last year, but I think mouth ulcers are linked to being a bit low or off colour as the old saying goes. And of course we are all a bit open to infection because of our depleted immune systems. I'm not sure if mouth ulcers are like cold sores which are caused by a virus! Anyway, my old dad suffered a lot with the little devils and he swore by ordinary table salt. He would wet the end of his index finger then sprinkle some salt on it and straight onto the ulcer it went. I tried it for the first time last year and though it made my eyes water a bit, it actually worked, and quite quickly too! Salt is very healing and cleansing and it costs next to nothing, so if the Cordysol doesn't do the trick have a try with salt.

Wishing you a comfortable and enjoyable weekend, June x

minka profile image

hi katie

i think its when we get run down in the old body

like when its trying to repair one part it neglect the other

but i vever knew about salt

mind you i didnt know about vinigar on sunburn till i tried it i thought i would have jumped throught the roof or natural yogurt on it after

so their is a lot to be said for natural remidies

i think we could do with a web page on here that people can send what works for them for things then some of us can review them

with the people sending them in and the site administer compiling them

have i come up with a good surgestion

regards john

adcortyl in orabase discontinued by squibb myers about twelve months ago.

orabase still avaible rx only via gp. Difflam moth rinse helps.. pharmacy only product this can be bought withour prescription small bottle £5 large bottle £8

speak to rheum./ gp about increasing folic acid as this will be beneficial.

mspiglet profile image

I found that upping my folic acid intake and taking vitamin d tablets has helped lessen the amount of ulcers I get. It might be worth speaking to your nurse specialist.

Oh thank you all so very much for your suggestions. My face looks like a chipmunk this morning and the ulcers have not lessened any! Will get Difflam today and I can take my Folic acid along with another belt of Vit C. I used to use salt years ago when it was just one- will really need to "man up" to put salt on this lot and am not sure I have the courage to do so.....yet!

Take care all you x

oldtimer profile image

I had horrendous mouth ulcers while on MTX. For relieving the pain I kept my mouth scrupulously clean, used a mouth wash, and found orobase gel (you can buy this, or on prescription) helpful particularly overnight.

Since I've been off the MTX, I haven't had any until yesterday - but these are tiny and not very painful, not like the quarry like pits I had with MTX.

allanah profile image

Yeah good advice from everyone there for you I think ! My mum would u believe puts baking soda on them ouch, but a few month ago she made herself ill by putting on baking powder!! Daft bat, I would stick to the more up to date advice lol, hope you feeling better today xx Axx

samjam profile image

My dentist recommended Colegate Fluorigard Alcohol Free Fluoride Mouth Rinse. I also have to use Colgate Duraphat 2800ppm Fluoride Toothpaste (Dentist has to give me a presciption for this as you can't buy it over the counter).

helixhelix profile image

It's strange that you've got a crop of ulcers when you've switched to injectable MTX. I had foul ulcers that spread down back of throat as well as mouth, which were driving me nuts as I was coughing continually. But switching to injections saw them off, and (fingers crossed) have been fine since. So sorry that you've got them as I well remember how irritating it was, and was amazed that something that was relatively trivial caused such discomfort and was so hard to shift. My pesky ulcers were most squashed by Eludril mouthwash, which was also cheaper than some of the others. Not as cheap as salt of course, but I hate salt and rarely use it in anything so the idea of putting it in my mouth neat is nearly as bad as the ulcers. But hope the deluge of products over last 24 hours has frightened them off. Polly

earthwitch profile image

One of the main reasons for taking folic acid is to avoid side effects of things like mouth ulcers (as well as nausea)

I'd say you need to ask your GP, rheumatologist or rheumatology nurse if this is a sign that you need a little bit more folic acid

I brush my teeth with baking soda and it helps if I have a sore. I hope one of the ideas mentioned helps you. Take care

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