Hi everybody,iv been reading for some time n it has been very informative,I was diagnosed with RA a few months bk n am on MXT, was adv to take flu n pneumonia jab early dec.....however I developed cold like symptoms,fever body ache headache bad cough with sputum like chewing gum,went to see the GP on 24th,was brushed away saying its cold everybody's got it......jus hav paracetamol etc,etc went to see him again yesterday he gav me antibiotics but still no diff.....now I think iv got pneumonia,I'm waiting to see him again today,has anybody also suffered the same symptoms and thnxs to no help from the GP, junglequeen
RA and possible pneumonia .....: Hi everybody,iv been... - NRAS
RA and possible pneumonia .....

Hi Junglequeen. If you think you might have pneumonia you should go to A&E or phone the out of hours nhs doctor service. I had my flu jab back in October. Your GP sounds clueless I'm afraid - they should have offered you the flu jab sooner - ideally before you started MTX because being on this drug makes you a priority because it works by compromising your immune system. If you feel that lousy don't drag your heals just seek medical advice asp. Hope you feel better soon. Tilda
Hiya, Sorry your not feeling to good, It's must be horrible to be told go home and take paracetamol, when you are concern about it, As you can read from my Blog i was given a flu jab this morning, after having a rotten time over Christmas, The nurse also confirmed the information i got yesterday from these lovely people on this site, That it can affect your results, I wish i had had it before, but my GP also said that she didn't feel it was needed if i had RA, but would give it to me if i wanted, some GP can be so different in treating their patient's,
Hope you get it sorted soon,
Shirl xx
Thnxs,I'm still struggling,n hav been told to wait for the antibiotics to kickin till tomorrow otherwise he says I go to A&E........I felt he didn't care in the first place but hey this is NHS Dr....who's to say what?
Thats probably fairly sensible advice and about what I would have expected a GP to do. You really do need to see if the antibiotics are going to kick in, but don't leave it too long - if you really do feel awful, have high temperature, difficulty or pain breathing, etc, then do go to A & E earlier than GP says - or at the least phone NHS24 to ask for advice (at any time of the day or night).
if u had pneumonia , you would know . you would be very ill . if you could make it to the GP . that would b enough to convince him its not pneumonia.
Hi Cheekybones,I suppose u right cause my hubby took me there,he thought otherwise...I am v afraid for myself cause I had pneumonia a few yrs bk but I wasant on MXT then n the fact that with MXT one has to b careful I don't kno what to do,I think I'm panicking from the thought that in case it happens again......thnxs anyway dear,tc
I have had pneumonia and it isn't nice,one sign is the total exhaustion,and feeling tired and unable to do things. If you were given antibiotics they will take 48hrs to start working. Hope you recover soon. xxx
it is very frightening when you are worried and scared. I hope the antibiotics kick in and make you feel a bit better. If not take yourself off to the emergency room,

Mads,I'm def keeping that option open,thnxs dear....
Hi hope you had a better night. I have had pneumonia twice but before I was on RA drugs. I struggled with my breathing , had phlegm, raging temperature which was worse at night and couldn't get out of bed. They sent me for an X-ray and I was admitted straight after it. This was after three courses of antibiotics which I took as the doc said the same about waiting to see if they kicked in. If you are still poorly though and on immune system lowering drugs I agree with you to go to a and e.
I also had flu once, real flu, I was so ill and very like my pneumonia, but the antibiotics didn't work as it was a virus but that took ages to get over. So I always have a flu jab now.
Hope you get seen to soon though, let us know how u r getting on, thinking of you as pneumonia etc make you feel SO bad don't they. Lov Axx
Oh and great to see u posting blogs as well as reading them , hugs Axx
Thnxs allanah,I seem to b 5% beter ,I'm sure it's cause u all were thinking of me n sending me kind thoughts,aftr 10days I slept from 2am till 6 without having to cough but still I'm cautious .......thnxs again all loads of hugggggggsssssss......junglequeen