Hi everyone
Just wondered if any women out there think that RA could be due to hormonal imbalance?
I started with irregular and prolonged periods 4 years ago after always been regular as clockwork. Had numerous blood tests and all came back normal.
I stopped smoking in dec ‘14 and piled on weight in a year. In Oct ‘15 had nasty viral infection which caused nasty chest infection. That week my life changed. I was literally crippled in joint pain in my knees and struggled to get out of bed. Went to Drs he did lots of blood tests and referred me to rheumatology. My 1st visit was in jan’16 to which my joint pain had gone from knees but had it more in my thumb & wrist in right hand.
Through all this time I would bleed for weeks at a time & feel so tired I kept going to see my gp and they did blood tests & found I was anemic. Started on iron tabs within a couple of weeks started to feel better joint pain & inflammation went away rheumatologist was baffled. I kept telling him about my situation with my periods & how my health had changed since this.
In jan ‘16 i eventually started to eat healthy stopped drinking tea, coffee, alcohol and lost 3and half stone in weight and even went swimming every day. In June ‘16 i was literally crippled yet again, at this point not on iron anymore and still bleeding months at a time. I was given steroid injection which did nothing for pain and started on methotrexate folic acid and 10mg prednisolone. Things were great for 3months then ended up with mtx pneumonitis in sept.
I’ve reacted to 3 more dmards was eventually put on benepali in may last year & again things were great for 3mths when I ended up neutropenic and bad skin reaction and taken off it. Since then I’ve been on just prednisolone fluctuating between 10 & 5mg for the last 5months and felt so much better back to me with inflammation and stiffness starting again after bleeding for the last 7 weeks.
Gynacologist has wrote to rheumy to see if I can have Mirena coil fitted because they wouldn’t allow it whilst I was on benepali.
I think this is all hormonal and I’ve said this to rheumy, gynae & dr to be told it’s just coincidence.
What are your thoughts on this please?
Sorry for the long drawn out post
Kind regards
Just found this article about RA and hormones dailymail.co.uk/health/arti...