Hi everyone!
My name is Sam Trott and I am a final year Industrial Design student at Loughborough University. For my final year project I am design a self draining cooking appliance for people with arthritis, and am currently in the process of acquiring specific user feedback to help drive the concept development.
I would really love it if you had a spare few minutes to take a look and fill out my questionnaire, as the more feedback and opinions I can gather from actual potential users, the better the design will be!
Below I have shown a copy of the participant information sheet, please don't hesitate to get in touch with me if there are any further questions you may have! Thank you very much for helping!!
Self Draining Cooking Appliance for People with Arthritis
Participant Information Sheet
Sam Trott, Loughborough Design School, Loughborough University – 07817 312168
I would like to thank you for taking the time to participate in my questionnaire; your feedback is very greatly appreciated!!
What is the purpose of the study?
The purpose of this study is to allow the experimenter to understand the opinions of people with arthritis and gain feedback on their daily cooking experiences in the kitchen. Particular reference will be paid to user interaction with saucepans.
Who is doing this research and why?
The investigator is a student of the Loughborough Design School at Loughborough University, and the research being carried out is to aid in the design of a product solution that provides people with arthritis with a new and more comfortable way of draining food. The investigator is interested in the opinions of people with arthritis and their daily cooking experiences to drive the product development.
Once I take part, can I change my mind?
Yes! After you have read this information and asked any questions you may have we will ask you to complete an Informed Consent Form, however if at any time, before, during or after the sessions you wish to withdraw from the study please just contact the main investigator. You can withdraw at any time, for any reason and you will not be asked to explain your reasons for withdrawing.
How long will it take?
This questionnaire should take no more than 10 minutes to complete.
Who should I send the questionnaire back to?
You should return the completed questionnaire to Sam Trott via email:
What personal information will be required from me?
You will be asked to share your opinions on your daily cooking experiences, views on specific cooking activities, and your thoughts on how cooking appliances could be improved for people with arthritis.
Will my taking part in this study be kept confidential?
All participant responses will be kept strictly anonymous and no personal information will be published.
What will happen to the results of the study?
The results of this study will be analysed and used in the design development of a product that will aid in the improvement of commuters’ daily journey.
I have some more questions who should I contact?
If you have any further questions regarding the study, please contact Sam Trott on
07817 312168
What if I am not happy with how the research was conducted?
If you are not happy with how the research was conducted, please contact the Mrs Zoe Stockdale, the Secretary for the University’s Ethics Approvals (Human Participants) Sub-Committee:
Mrs Z Stockdale, Research Office, Rutland Building, Loughborough University, Epinal Way, Loughborough, LE11 3TU. Tel: 01509 222423. Email: Z.C.Stockdale@lboro.ac.uk
The University also has a policy relating to Research Misconduct and Whistle Blowing which is available online at lboro.ac.uk/admin/committees ... eblowing(2).htm. Please ensure that this link is included on the Participant Information Sheet.
Here is the link to the questionnaire:
Thank you so much for participating!!