My 1st week of mtx: Hi everyone,just to say to each and... - NRAS


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My 1st week of mtx

Shell1967 profile image
28 Replies

Hi everyone,just to say to each and everyone of you I am so extremely grateful for all your advice since I joined a nervous paranoid wreck a couple of weeks ago.i had no side effects at all on my 1 st week on mtx,my 2 nd dose tomo,do you think if I had a good 1st week I will probably be fine now? Or doesn't it work like that?i hope I'm fine as went to work last week with no problems.also another subject is shoes !!! I've lived in my scholls for 6 months as feel fine with them on,but as soon as I take them off ooohhhh ahhhhhh they hurt !!!!! Any advice on comfy shoes/boots as I seriously can't wear these now the wet and cold has toes hurt if they are even the slightest bit squashed thinking wide to end,any ideas please.i don't wan to look too frumpy tho as upto 6 months ago my shoes were sparkly high and glitzy,so sad wen us women love our heels !!!! But I'm positive and hoping if mtx works well maybe at weekend I will once again wear high heels :((((.im seeing rheumo nurse end of October and consultant dec 6th,so they r keeping an eye on me quite often.i think nurse said while mtx is trying to work they see u more often to see how you are going,and wen and hopefully I start to feel better they will see me less frequently but nurse always there for advice.all she said is the main thing we want to do is get your crp levels down and in turn I will feel in less discomfort.oh I love a good old moan thanks for listtening guys.and once again I'm so thankful you are in my life right now .lots of love Michelle xxx

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Shell1967 profile image
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28 Replies
Gina_K profile image

Hi Michelle,

I'm not on site often these days, but the shoe ssue has come up before, if you search back thru old blogs you should get some good advise. I think we all dread getting back into winter boots and shoes. Sounds like the RA active in your feet as it was with me. Unfortunately , it likes the small joints.

I find Reiker, rohde, and black nubuck Skechers have been life savers, also fitflops, ccasionally, the only advise I can give u is save the heels for car to club or pub situations, I totally can't do heels, I am 5 ft 7. So not too worried, frumpy granny shoes, mostly.

As for MTX, I was so scared when first taking it, and have only once had to stop, as a blod result showed a liver change, and that was only for a week r two. I still take a few drinks ccasionally, but never excessively! If I think I have a sore throat or a cold, I skip that weeks mtx, and visit the dc if it persists, probably quicker than I would normally. 4 years on and I honestly can say mtx hasn't given me anything more than a bit f a upset tum for a day row and tiredness about 10 hours after I take it, which is byAsaturday aft I need a nap, if I want to go out that night.

I am on 17.5 mtx & Humira injection x 2 per month.

The very best of luck, Gina.

LavendarLady profile image
LavendarLady in reply to Gina_K

Hi Gina, nice to hear from you again. I have been put up to 25mg of MTX and Enbrel weekly. I am 5ft 9 and do heels but not too high any longer. I have a lovely pair of Kurt Geiger 3 1/2 inch heels which I have had for years and they are so comfortable but I only wear them in the evening when I can guaratee sitting down for part of it!

Hope you are keeping well. Lavendarlady x

zannie profile image
zannie in reply to Gina_K

Hi Michelle, I've had the world's own trouble with shoes. What with my bunion, a corn on the other foot, and an over riding toe!! The other day I gave away 20 pairs of shoes, just to take away the temptation of wearing them to look smart. I now find the best brands for comfort are Ecco, Merrills, Padders and Dr. Comfort, which were specially ordered in America to fit my feet. However they are also available in the UK. Check

Best of luck, Zannie XX

allanah profile image

Hi Michelle

I went to a Podiatrist who made me a pair of comfortable shoes that were padded to my own foot shape. Also he told me the name of Hotties shoes and boots which i have and help me, this is not an advert! just what the podiatrist told me and worked for me. Good luck and hope the MT8 works well for you this week.


cathie profile image

Ecco, hotties are ok for everyday

Good that you tolerate mtx so far but take each day atatime, usually any unpleasant effects I've had have subsided but take it easy


Shell1967 profile image
Shell1967 in reply to cathie

Ok great thanku catchie I will hav a look today :))))) so far so determined to get better soon xx

elsa123 profile image

Hiya, glad that you are ok so far. I had a few bad tummy days with the mtx, but I think the main thing for me is the tiredness. Not sure it it's the mtx or the RA, or both.

I have accepted having to take it now...I think lol....I was fighting against it at the start, but now try to see it as a friend that is going to help me.

As for shoes....I have a cupboard full of shoes that I can't wear.

I've had insoles from the podiatrist, but not used them yet.

I have been wearing Birkenstock sandals...a life saver.

I also have some Merrel trainers that are great too. Both have in built arch supports.

Alegria are also good, they have great arch support.

Unfortunately, the pair I bought are too tight around my bunion area. I have them ready to put on ebay.

I also wear crocs around the house...I find them slippery when it's wet outside. Don't think they give my ankles enough support for walking too far.

Let us know if you find something lovely and comfortable.

Nic x

Shell1967 profile image
Shell1967 in reply to elsa123

Thankyou yes I have a pair of scholls and birkenstock too,Ibut no good for this wet weather lol,thankyou michelle xx

BossyB profile image


You are going through just what i was 14 months ago when i was diagnosed. Couldn't wear any of my shoes but once MTX kicks in which takes a while, hopefully the pain in your feet will subside, however i bought some boots from next which are okay to be honest, not too frumpy. they are called heavenly soles and they do shoes and boots so have a look on there as there are a lot of styles. Worth a try anyway. Im afraid your glitzy high shoe days might be at and end as they kill your feet, you will get heels back on though but may have to go a bit lower. Good luck and if you were okay for the 1st week on your MTX, chances are you should be okay. I was not good as soon as i started taking it so overdosed on anti sickness tabs as the only way i got through it.


Shell1967 profile image
Shell1967 in reply to BossyB

Thanks deb,heavenly sles sound well like heaven to me,will have a ok now on mtx?i do hope long did it take for ur mtx to kick in deb? I do hope to be feeling bit better by Xmas if it works out for me.keep in touch love Michelle xx

fossil321 profile image

I have really bad feet, I have had surgery to straighten all my toes and have had joints removed four months ago. Before surgery I wore UGG boots all last winter - bliss

Shell1967 profile image
Shell1967 in reply to fossil321

Oh u poor thing so sorry to hear that.yep I have 2 pairs of uggs so thank goodness for that !! Take care Michelle xx

LavendarLady profile image

I also use Hotter shoes but my best knee boots came from good old M & S and they are so comfortable. The Podiatrist at the hospital had a look at them and was very impressed with their broad heel - about an inch high and a good solid sole. I have looked on the M & S site but they don't seem to do them this year although there is a similar one.

I also use Van Dal loafers which are a D fitting and very comfortable but useful when my feet are bad. My normal shoes are a C fitting. I do wear heels but restrict them to evenings or if I am at a special meeting and they are about 2 1/2 inches high which is more than enough.

Insoles can help as well and I got some very good ones from Comfy Feet (I think that's what it is called). The ones the Podiatrist made me were totally useless!

You will find the MTX takes a while to kick in - it can be up to 12 weeks. Some of the side effects include nausea and sickness and if that happens, you can get anti sickness pills from the doctor. Are you on tablets or injections? If on tablets and you start to get the nausea, you can space them out during the day. Trying to take a handful of tablets all in one go is guaranteed to upset the tum. The injections seem to have fewer side effects but they normally keep you on the tablets for a while.

Hope all goes well for you. Lavendarlady x

Beegee profile image

Hi - BE WARNED I have been on MTX for many years now I have a serious Liver problem. Make sure you have regular blood-tests

cazh profile image

Hi Michelle,

I started on MTX (10mg) in May. Have not really had any side effects as such, just very slight nausea at first, the night I took it and first thing on waking. But that stopped when I was told to increase folic acid to 3 times a week. Hopefully you will be the same. Did have one raised liver blood test but that went back to normal the week after and rheumy nurse said could just have been a blip at the lab. However, as Beegee said, make sure you have the tests regularly, to pick up on anything.

Re the shoes, I have dozens of pairs that I'm hanging on to hoping to wear again. I've found a couple pairs of Spanish shoes/boots (from T K M**** - not sure if I can mention!) They are lovely soft leather and seem to be wider than a lot of UK brands. However am sticking to flats/low heels at moment.

Good luck.


Shell1967 profile image
Shell1967 in reply to cazh

Hi Caroline thanku for advice,very pleased u r getting on with mtx,most people do so I'm told?yes wider the better at the min as one squashed toe and I hurt !!!my fingers r stiff today I'm wondering if this heavy rain has something to do with it.inwas very good last week only stiff first thing in morning so cold and rain don't agree with me :((((( and yes it's flat all the way for me too take care Michelle xx

EmmaS-NRAS profile image

Hi Michelle,

Further to all the excellent advice on here, you might also like to visit the new foot health area on the NRAS website (see link below). It contains a large section on shoes including what to look for in a pair of shoes, patient stories and tips from our Members.

I do hope the MTX works for you and best of luck with the shoe shopping.


Shell1967 profile image
Shell1967 in reply to EmmaS-NRAS

Thanks I will defintly have a look for sure.yes so do I,I just pray I tolerate it thanku Michelle xx

Hi, Like others on here I use Hotter shoes, they have wider fittings and they have nice ones for the evening, ideal for cocktail and wedding outfits! The heels are not too high but they pass muster with my Very Fashion Conscious Daughter, who would not been seen dead without her heels!

Hope the MTX kicks in soon for you.

Shell1967 profile image
Shell1967 in reply to

Thanksgeorje I will google hotter shoes as soon as I am off here .and I also have a 21 yr old daughter who sees my shoes at minute as a fashion disaster hahaha !!! I socialise a lot so I need nice shoes,comfy wide and low heel but got to look good lol !!!! Take care xx

Hi, I have just discovered that Evans (I am fat on steroids!) do quite nice shoes and boots in EEE width so you might want to give them a try. Also, I now self-inject 20mg MTX weekly after feeling sick for several months on the pills and apart from feeling a bit rough on the day I have no ill-effects. Don't worry if you start to have some side effects, as there are normally ways around them. Good luck.


Shell1967 profile image
Shell1967 in reply to

Thanku verge,I have many things to look at now,so grateful,to you guys,I wud be so lost and alone without you all.and I mean every word I say xxx

_andy_ profile image

i know just how you feel shell ,, since i joined you suddenly dont feel alone and lost anymore ,, its like youve got advice on hand ... i was on mtx ,, with no problems at all ,, but was taken off it ,, has it didnt seem to improve anything .. but just remember mtx does work for a higher percentage and works well ,, so your odds are good ...

ive never warn heels ,, so i cant comment on the shoe s :)

good luck

andy x

Shell1967 profile image
Shell1967 in reply to _andy_

Hi andy Sorry ur mtx didnt work for you,how long did they try u on it and ru on anything now?this is the first time I wish I was a man lol :)))) I'm hoping and praying it works for me andy but I hav read they usually add another if it dusnt work alone,wonder how long they will give me.take care Michelle xx

Shell1967 profile image

Oh andy i see ur an electrician,my hubby is too,I'm just wondering how r u with ur hands coping with this sort of job?ive got the fingerless infra red gloves ,which really Michelle xx

linnieh profile image

Hi shell....glad you have started your MTX and all ok. Think taking them first time is worse. As for shoes....I work in a shop, factory outlet ,called(if allowed to say) Padders. We sell very comfy shoes,our own and other brands. My work shoes are Rieker and are so comfyespecially with our own in soles. I massage a lavender foot cream into my

Most nights and that seems to really help them to stop aching so much. Keep up the good work and see you on here soon. X Lynn x

linnieh profile image

P.s. sorry wording is terrible. Also the cream for my feet deems to relax my hands ad well.....every little helps. Take care x

Shell1967 profile image

Hi linnieh can I look online for paddlers,and then riders ? Thanks for the tip,I will try lavender actually I will try anything lol !! I have Avon foot cream and never used it and think it Is lavender so will giv it a go tonite thanku Michelle xx

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