3.30am in the morning,why am i awake: Its 3.3oam in the... - NRAS


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3.30am in the morning,why am i awake

sylvi profile image
17 Replies

Its 3.3oam in the morning and here i am downstairs in agony. Thank you fibro, your just what i don't need at this time of the morning. Have taken 2 pain relief pills in the hope that it will allow me to go to sleep.

I am starting to see a pattern here. If i have a day when i have done more, the next day i suffer. All i did tuesday was to go swimming and yesterday i was very slow to get started, i felt my get up and go wanted to stay in bed. Now i'm in agony, my joints ache and i feel that the wind has been taken out of my sails.

My fingers,knees,shoulder and just about every joint aches. Yesterday my fingers were stiff but not like they are now. I wonder if the weather has decided to plazy up as well if so that would explain why. If i'm like this now what am i going to be like in winter. I've always felt that i should hibernate during winter, i didn't anticipate this so early in the season.

At least i know whats wrong so thats some consolation,not. At the moment i'm not crying or shouting why me, because i know what it is. I have no idea what the morning will bring.

Good night everyone, i hope you all had a better nights sleep than me.

Sylvia. xx

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17 Replies

hey sylvi

are you still up? i am doing my usual middle of the night ramble. woke at 3 and finally got out of bed an hour later to get pain killers. i am in the same predicament - For the last few days it is my shoulders and upper arms, knees and hands as well as no energy at all. I can't see the pattern yet - it just appears to be all the time. but like you say it could be the weather. i have a bit of a sore throat as well. whilst i don't think it is great that you are so poorly i am very glad you posted as i was sure this was additional to my ra - this will be my first winter with ra. My biggest worry is my work, i know alot of people have cut back their hours and days or given up all together. i have to talk to my husband about this and i am dreading it - he is not a big bad bully but i think because i have kidded myself for so long that this was something i could manage as well as doing full time work, looking after kids and a house with his help it would be ok but now even though he is doing more stuff i am still not managing, we don't have a lavish lifestyle so it would be hard to make cuts......or should i just wait til i get my new drugs or i could take some time off work to consider my options. right now i have given myself some thoughts to consider i am off - hope you are snuggled up and sleeping now sylvi.


in reply to

Hi mads, if you can I would take some time off work until you can get your meds sorted.

Its all depends on how flexible your work are, I know you have said your line manager isn't very understanding about things, but you still have rights.

You may be able to reduce your hours for a short while then once your feeling better on the right treatment slowly get your hours back, then again you still don't want to over do things. It's so difficult bringing up a family as well. You just have to do what's right for you and your health.

Sorry your not sleeping well again, please take care of yourself.

mand xx

sylvi profile image

Morning mads, I went back to bed at about 4.0am, didn't get straight to sleep as i had a case of the delhi belly, so it was about 4.30am before i settled down. I've had ra for 8yrs and its only in the last month that i've been diagnosed with fibromyalgia. I was doing well until i had divurticilitus in june, i was taken off diclofenic and after that i went down hill, i was fatigued, so tired,angry,stressed out, depressed. It took my rheumy nurse to help me. I was in bed in chronic pain when she rang, i was in tears all the time,but that day i was terrible. She got me in to see another doc as mine was on holiday. Thats when i got told about fibro. It made a lot of sense

The weather makes it worse. I'm on more drugs which seemed to help. I know that they have to be adjusted, but i'm not back at the gps for a month. The weather has been very autumninal here and sadly its made it worse.

It could be fibro or could be that you haven't got your drugs sorted out properly. I suggest you go baack to your gp and speak to him, also speak to your boss about help, if you can. I got made reduntant in 2009, so i haven't been able to work since. Apply for dla as well, if you can get it,it might help make your mind up about cutting your hours. Look at all your options and ask for help. I miss work i have to say.

I am supposed to go and do the weekly shop with my son and daughter this morning, at the moment i don't think i'll be going anywhere. I hope my little note will help you.

Love Sylvia. xx

kezza profile image

Hi both,

It's so weird - both your comments are like a copy of me at the moment. I'm not sleeping very well at all, the RA is absolutely awful and soooooooooooo painful it's hard not crying all day long. It's mainly in my neck, shoulders, arms and hands. They are trying to control my flare with painkillers but nothing seems to be working. Started with steroid injection - didn't work; then solpadol - didn't work; then tramadol every 4 hours with paracetamol - didn't work; then oral morphine - didn't work so now trying sustained tramadol to see if that works........... Just hoping the mtx increase starts kicking in soon. I don't know how you do it with children and working. I'm lucky that I'm currently able to do 3/4 days working at home but similar to you, if I do one day in the office, I suffer terribly the next day......... don't want to give up work as helps to keep you going. I'm sorry to read about others feeling the same way - it's so unfair that we can't get relief from this pain. Hope you are both asleep and not feeling the pain xxx

in reply to kezza

Hi Kezza, I too remember exhausting all pain relief, going through them just like you. The thing is your RA needs to be under control and it's not, obviously, that's what's causing all the pain so until that's under control with the right drugs your pain will continue at the level it is.

It is a very difficult time, and sometimes you have to sleep when you can, and that's not always easy with a job and family.

Hope you sleep batter tonight.

Take care

mand xx

sylvi profile image

morning Kezza, i'm up and not feeling too clever, got to go shopping in a bit with my children as hubby is at work.

Kezza my advice is not give up, yes i know its sooo bl"""y hard,but keep going, you will get there in the end. When your in work take more breaks it might help, even if you have to go into the loo and have a cry, which i have to admit helped me at times as it relieved the tension. Take it easy and don't hurry. I keep being told to pace myself and i try i really do, but its not the easiest thing to do. Keep on at the hospital. Have you applied for dla, if not you want to.

will go and get dressed now.

Take care

Sylvia. xx

Hi Gals - snap, snap snap.

I ache all over, but especially my neck shoulders, arms. Had a rough night, only the cold stopped me getting out of bed! I thought it was the weather affecting my OA. I have just got over a good weeks worth of S and D so thought that didn't help either! No energy either. I did go shopping with Mr Silageman yesterday and I think that wacked me out.

I am on constant painkillers for the first time in weeks! So feels like back to square one!

Hope you all get some respite from the pain and get some decent rest. Keep warm and take care

Julie xxx

sylvi profile image

julie, the weather isn't helping us.What is S and D i'm showing my ignorance.

sylvia. xx

I am in work today so my mind has had to focus elsewhere but isn't it strange that we are all having pain in the upper regions - could it be the weather / something very very peculiar. It has got really cold Julie in such a short time, maybe we are haunched up against the elements (lol)

Hi Sylvia, sorry I answered some of the questions above, your all having a tough time at the moment and like I said to kezza your RA/Fibro needs to be fully under control in order for you to have less pain and less sleepless nights.

It probably seems a pretty obvious thing for me to say but I'm just trying to be helpful and supportive and to let you all know that it won't be like this forever.

At least you can see a pattern, so for you it may be a case of not pacing yourself properly. Your obviously not yet strong enough to do the things you think you can.

It is very disheartening too, you feel a little better one day and do a few more things and the next it feels like your back to square one.

Try not to let it all grind you down, easier said than done at times I know.

Hope you sleep better tonight, look after yourself Sylvia.

Take care


sylvi profile image

thanks mand, the only thing i did tuesday was swimming, doc tells me that i've got to exercise, so why do i feel like crap. I know my drugs are not fully sorted out yet. I know that it will take time. I'm going to try and have a good night.

Love Sylvia. xx

hello Sylvi hopefully we will both get a good nights sleep tonight - guess what i still have an infection from my tooth abscess last week so am going on another dose of antibiotics so that may explain the exhaustion part. Not starting til tomorrow though as dentist wants me to check with rheummy nurse if they are ok, not sure why but will anyway. Hope you feel a bit better tonight.

so getting my hotwater bottle, getting kids to bed and then thats me and the pillow!

NIght night

sylvi profile image

Morning ladies, I have had a better night. After i got out of the bath i had a damn good cry, which strange as it may seem helps relieve all stress. I felt a lot more relaxed. This morning i'm a lot brighter, what pain i have i can cope with. What i find hard to get my head around is that i've been told to exercise and when i do i suffer for 2 days. Whats that all about.

Mads i'm sorry that you have to have more antibiotics, i hopoe that you slept better.

The sun is out here in good old bulko, so hopefully we shall all be a bit brighter today.

Sylvia. xx

hello ladies.. I have been there with that pain several times!! its not great, I know they advocate swiminng but I find the water too cold.. you have to be a very good swimmer to benefit ra! because most pools are a bit cold for ra and fibro.. my health club had lowered their pool by 1 degree to 29 and that is enough to make it to cold for me! im only a couple of lengths person!.. you would need to swim long and hard enough to get warm!.. sitting in the jacuzzi doing my hydrotherapy exercises is my thing!

it was sunny in sidmouth yest feel better after some sun and relaxtion which is what I did yest.. had leave yest and today annual leave! as Im working this weekend!. no getting out of the weekend rota with illness!, I have however reduced my hours!, I wasnt well earlier this week and I wouldnt have felt up to work yest.. my head didnt belong to me until midday!, massive headache!

sylvi profile image

morning summer, i don't know about you, but i find the drugs cloud my brain a lot. I forget when things are said to me, my family keep saying we have already told you, but i can't remember. I'm awake today where i wasn't yesterday, i was like a zombie. my trouble is when i do anything i find i pay for it. I'm down the hospital on the 22nd so i will ask about then. I think the weather has a lot to answer for, because everyone you talk to says the same.

I hope work goes well for you this weekend and you don't suffer too much.

Take care.

Sylvia. xx

Bevers profile image

I know the feeling I spend most nights awake. I had steroid injections in my spine 2 weeks ago thinking that it would help- but it hasn't and things are just the same my GP suggested I spoke to the pain managements Doctor's secretary and wow have tried but she isn't taking calls. Life's difficult hey people?

sylvi profile image

hello, I know it feels like crap at the moment, but don't give up. Keep on at the docs and hospital, they listen eventually. I've got both ra ans fibromyalgia. The fibro was diagnosed only after i kept on at them. I was in bed with pain when i had a phone call from my ra nurse and i was in floods of tears. She got me down the hospital and i was then diagnosed with fibro. I am now on medication and it is getting easier pain not gone, but given time i will be able to live with it.

Get your sleep when your able too never mindnwhat time of the day it is. Have you talked to your gp about amitryptaline(excuse spelling) it has helped me to sleep, not saying it will help you, but ak about it.

Well Bevers i hope i have cheered you up.

Take care,

Sylvia. xx

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