Hi to everyone who replied to my blog
Last night when i posted , I was in a bit of a pickle . I have actually been seeing the specialist since December last year . I was getting weird symptoms and my GP thought it might have been MS. Anyway that was ruled out , but then started to look into other things when the RF came back positive , So ive seen the specialist 3 times since December . I have been given Co- codamol and Naproxen. The co codomol dont seem to work anymore . I took Naproxen but after reading the leaflet i found if you have a liver problem , you shouldnt take them . I have Gilbert syndrome . So i stopped taking them . I have had injections in my elbow but again that didnt work . Xrays have been done of my hands and feet and they show i have wear and tear ? This is what i dont understand ,if
these xrays are showing things , how come they cant diagnose me . If I knew I could then start dealing with it . I recently had a scan on my toes as they were numb this result came back , I have a Mortons Neuroma . The doctor said the specialist will sort it out . So roll on the 17th .
Thank you all for listening . All the best x