How to avoid reinfection: 3 weeks ago I was refused... - NRAS


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How to avoid reinfection

cathie profile image
12 Replies

3 weeks ago I was refused anti tnf as I had a cold. After a course of antibiotics it's pretty much clear, but now my husband is sprouting what seems like the same cold. My new appointment is on Thursday, plenty of time to get reinfected. Does anyone have good advice ?

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cathie profile image
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12 Replies
sylvi profile image

I take vit c,fish oils, that is all i can come up with cathie. I have been told not to take mtx because i was on antibiotics.

On the lighter side make hubby wear a face mask!!!

sorry i can't be any more help.


HI Cathy,

haha I like Sylvi's face mask, actually not a bad idea!!

Manuka Honey, we all take it when somethings doing the rounds, just a couple of spoonfuls. I pretty sure it doesn't boost the immune system but someting about the the anti-bacterial properties, maybe it would help??

expensive but we wouldn't do without it :)

I'll cross my fingers for you xx

Tell him to sleep in the car. Also eat lots of veg, get plenty rest and just general good things. I take fish oils and evening primrose, unsure of effects. You can get a Vicks thing, I think it's called first defence, apparently helps prevent colds. I did hear about a saline nasal spray, keeping nose clean reduces bacteria getting into system, not sure how effective but might be worth a go - think you get in Boots. If you find something please share with us all!! x

cathie profile image

This is all great (apart from the car option...!)

I particularly like the Honey idea and the face mask isn't a bad idea either to avoid the effects of coughing and sneezing.

I will share with all - I suppose the first thing to share is that the anti-tnf treatment does work and that the nurses I've had always really check you carefully. XXX

Beth58 profile image

Sadly with young families it's almost impossible for most RA sufferers to avoid infections. Luckily I'm on my own with grown up children and my grandaughter is 14 now so no little ones running around with colds and runny noses so I very rarely get infections.

My favourite to help ward of infections is hot milk and honey, it's also a natural sedative to aid restful sleep.

Saying that I am babysitting my daughters friends little girl this afternoon and she's quite poorly with JRA and she's only 3.

Good luck hope the face mask and vit C works.

Beth xx

cathie profile image

Thanks Beth. Sadly this cold doesn't come from the young part of my family but I caught it while looking after my centenarian father a few weeks ago - he was really quite ill. But extremely elderly people are just as dribbly as children.

Three years old and JRA - sounds very tricky. However, I will keep thinking of one of my ex students, now a doctor in Australia. He had JRA and joint replacements. But it did burn itself out (at least for the time being) and he was quite athletic and rode a bike and went to India to do medical work while a student. Honey is beckoning!

Cathie XX

Gina_K profile image

Manuka honey & vitamin c, I find this helps ward off colds. I had to take my daughter to big national hops tday and no visitors allowed coz winter vomiting bug! Was in another huge hospital last night visiting mother in law, who had nasty fall last week end, what can you do!,, and my brother is also in another hospital, luckily his illness not catching lol!

I do feel sometimes, with being on immunosuppressants if you are going to catch something you will, and to be overly cautious does, nt help, we have to live our lives as normal..

Off to have a big spoon of the highest strength manuka honey.

Good luck with anti tnf if u get it Cathie.


cathie profile image

That honey... I feel a song coming on, now what was it? Tupelo Honey for the Van Morrison fans! I will write a blog about getting my anti-tnf when I do, eventually!XX

I always have Manuka honey (+15 expensive but worth it!) and rarely get sick ever with colds or flu bugs. Good luck not getting reinfected Cathie and really hope you can get your next anti-tnf. TTx

cathie profile image

Thankyou very much. Its definitely Manuka honey. Should help with my very sorry for himself man who is coming back tomorrow too. Oh dear!!

in reply to cathie

Hi Cathie,

I think, since most colds are viral infections, your chances of catching the same thing are minimal, even with reduced immune systems Atleast, that is what my Rheumy told me years ago, when I had a similar situation with little grandchildren going to day care center.

His comment was, "If you just recently had the cold, you're not likely to get it again. I know.: Hopefully :)

As Gina says, we do have to live as normally as we can, so normal precautions, such as frequent hand washing, using glass cleaner on handles and door knobs (because it usually contains alcohol or amonia), Pouring boiling water over eating utensils and glasses, anything we share that goes into the mouth, should help alot. The first three days are the most infectious, but, of course, could be longer. Medicine was never an exact science. That's why they call it "Practicing" haha Lxxx

cathie profile image

Thanks! I seem to have got away with it iso far. But the honey is loverly

Cathie XX

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