I downgraded my Satellite Dish tv service on Monday to save some money and now tonight the new HD box flaked out & I will have no tv, dvr, or anything until they send me another box via UPS-next Mon. So, I will be spending my time on the computer I guess. My box says that it exceeded heat restrictions, so I have a bag of frozen vegetables on top to see if that helps.
This is going to be so hard, because I have the tv on at almost all times-just for the noise. I don't feel so alone when I hear voices on the tv. Maybe I'll try & learn how to cook something new or I've been wanting to make/eat cookies, chocolate chip is what I am craving.
The weather here this week is amazing. I think we broke a record today, if it got to 80 we would, but now that I have no tv-I can't check to see if we did it. We are supposed to be in the high 70's all week. I walked around the lake today, by myself since my walking partner is on vacation. It is Spring Break for all students in Lincoln, so tons of kids, all ages, were out there enjoying the weather. My wrist hurt a bit today, so I held my water bottle only in my right hand. My hand kept sweating so I had to rearrange it a lot.
I'm not ready for shorts yet-I would blind people for sure!, but I did dig out a pair of my capris (sp) & a t-shirt. I got rocks in both shoes, so I sat on a park bench about 3/4ths of the way around the lake & emptied out my shoes.
Guess I should eat supper as it is already 9:40 pm. (I had a late lunch).
Perhaps I should do some yard work tomorrow, that would be good for me & my plants/grass. Or I could bring my bike downstairs & get it ready for riding. Oh, the possibilities...