I don’t know weather anyone can help, about 1 yr ago I started suffering with my ears which turned into water behind my ear drums this went on for some while with the doctor giving steroid nasal spray and sent me to see the ear, nose and throat department in the hospital they sent me for a CT scan of my head and sinuses in Dec but still awaiting results. The fluid has gone from behind my ears but my right ear still feels full and it’s making me feel dizzy, now I have a bit of pain in the neck gland on that side. I’m on Methotrexate, hydroxychloroquine, folic acid, statins and verapamil for Arrythmia. I suppose my question is has anyone ever suffered with this problem with Rheumatoid Arthritis as I’m currently at my wits end. Thanks any advice or help would be really appreciated.
Ear, Sinus and gland problem.: I don’t know weather... - NRAS
Ear, Sinus and gland problem.

Currently suffering now. Back on the nasal spray but not getting it. Been round the ENT roundabout several times. Personally I’d chase the result. They often get ‘lost’. Try whoever ordered it, failing that ring the scanning dept directly. A dear young friend of mine’s MRI was only reported on by accident when a gp asked if she’d ever had one done. The answer was yes, 11 months previously but no one had looked at it! She received an apology.
Hi, thanks for your reply. I have chased it up the receptionist in the ENT said the results are there and that the consultant will contact me but I’m still waiting on the CT scan results I had in Dec and this has been going on since last January so I’ve had enough now. I also had a medication review with my GP surgery and asked weather any of my medications could be causing the issue but she thinks it’s unlikely which I’m not convinced by. I’m exhausted all the time with zero energy and it’s really getting me down surely it’s not normal x
I’ve had similar issues, but more we my sinuses. My respiratory consultant was concerned I had chronic sinusitis. She was even more concerned when I described what she said were laryngospasms, and requested an urgent ENT opinion and CRT of sinuses and neck. This was Feb, I had the urgent CT in May, I then heard nothing. Eventually I contacted Pals in Sept saying I had now waited 31 weeks, to be told if I wanted to be seen urgently I’d need to ask gp to change to urgent, as at the moment it was over a years wait for routine, which I wasn’t. I was furious this was the complaints dept, that couldn’t read my email stating it was their respiratory consultant and not the gp who requested it. I attached a copy of the letter explaining the urgency. I then had a phone call offering me an ENT appointment for 5 days later. It seems these days you have to hound them. The ENT consultant I seen was very nice and apologetic. I’m on biologics and methotrexate, and sinus issues are quite common apparently. I’ve been on a steroid nasal spray since 2021, when I seen ENT and they said I had chronic inflammation, filtering from my jaw, which is always inflamed. I would try PALs to get your results, good luck
spookily I’ve just made a doctor’s appointment for next week as I have had the same issue for 3 months. Driving me nuts, the only thing that clears it temporarily is sterimar nasal congestion ( basically a salt water spray). Fed up with clogged ears!
Hi 👋 thanks for replying, I’ve used and am still using Sterimar also was using Otovent suggested by the pharmacy and is used for glue ear and to help with balance. It’s horrible isn’t it I lost over a stone in weight last yr because I didn't want to eat and was literally getting out of bed to lie straight on the sofa my mojo which I didn’t have a great deal of to begin with just totally disappeared. I was thinking of going to the doctors again but feel it’s pointless until I hear back from the hospital about CT scan results, let me know how you get on yourself and I hope you get some relief, by the way before I was diagnosed with RA they suspected Sjogrens which my aunty had but it was Rheumatoid Arthritis which another Aunty had from age 16 ironically both on my Dads side x anyway thanks and good luck x
I used to use otivent but it’s stopped working 🤷♀️. I’ve had problems with my ears for years but this time it just won’t settle, driving me nuts 😡
Hi, awwww I know it’s the worst and makes you feel dreadful especially when it goes on and on and no one seems to be listening or caring we could do without it considering the other struggles we face. I shall let you know how I get on with ENT and my Rheumatologist who I’m seeing in May, I’m determined to get some answers and get to the bottom of this x hugs and hope you get some relief ❤️
Interesting. I've had fluid on my ear on and off for the last year or so. I've told rheumatology and gp who dismissed any link with RA, which I've been diagnosed with for about 14 months. I currently has very swollen legs which they also dismiss. And awful muscle and balance problems. Been walking with a stick for about 6 or 7 months. Very restricted mobility. Previously I was fit and active. I am under neurology for investigations but not getting anywhere. I seem to be causing people to scratch their heads but not much else. Just waiting. I've been on steroids for 13 months and put on 3 stone, despite fasting and only eating 2 small meals a day, which is frankly driving me nuts. And I worry how that will effect my heart and overall health. I have been so careful with diet due to heart issues which led to heart failure a few years back.
Methotrexate didn't work for me. Now on abatacept but it's early days.
I've had heart arrhythmia for 20 years and I remember a similar process then before they finally listened to what I was saying.
It's a bit of a struggle. Very frustrating.
I hope you get somewhere with it!! 🌸
Awwww bless sounds like you’re having a frustrating time. My Mum broke her back last December and she was on steroids she ended up putting on excess weight and ended up with the typical moon face, they have now reduced them bit by bit and she’s feeling better for it. Yeah I’ve had Arrhythmia for 14 yrs now which is controlled with statins and Verapamil and at the same time suffered with chronic Sciatica so have degenerative discs in my back then 6 yrs ago diagnosed with RA which I have to say is an illness that keeps giving and not in a great way sometimes. But this ear thing is really getting me down I’ve always been really active but these days I don’t even want to go out the door, I will get to the bottom of it though and will keep you updated x ❤️ take care
It's a battle sometimes isn't it? I agree about RA being the condition that keeps giving. I've got a small collection of chronic health conditions.... I also have degenerative discs too... but this one is definitely a challenge. Alongside menopause, which brings its own special gifts! 😂
Wishing you all the very best 🌸
Hi, I know couldn’t agree more thankfully I’ve been through menopause which was a challenge in itself but I survived and come out the other side lol only to be presented with loads of other problems we are a strong lot us women our bodies put up with a hell of a lot but we keep keeping on don’t we. It’s really nice to speak to people who get it so many people don’t. I remember someone saying to me what’s happened you used to be social and fun and now you barely do anything I hasten to add they are no longer part of my life because let’s face it who needs that negativity when you are already struggling x thanks for your support and take care ❤️