I was wondering if anyone else has had problems with ears with RA and Sjogrens. I have had this uncomfortable feeling in my ear, feels full and achey and not right at all. Just been to see my GP who looked in ear, said he could see nothing unusual, examined my jaw which is very tight and clicky and swollen glands in neck. I have had two throat viruses in last 8 weeks and as usual my immune system has gone into overdrive and caused a big RA flare, which is normal for me whenever I pick a virus up.
Another weird thing is my long bones, like shins and fore arms are hurting, not like normal RA pains but dull achey feeling.
Whilst there my doctor went through results of recent DEXA scan, it seems that I do have osteoporosis to now add to my list of ailments, my lower spine is in very bad state and so will be seeing my rheumy shortly regarding medication for that. In the meanwhile GP requesting blood tests for next week in case MTX is affecting my bone marrow and causing these strange new pains. As regards my horrible earache I think maybe the jaw could be the problem, but seems I will have to put up with it for now!
Virus's are the bane of my life, even the mildest ones cause such problems.
Ps - to add to my woes I have just broken a crown and seeing dentist Thursday, this should be interesting, seeing as I am struggling to open my mouth!!! Lol
Lynda x