Hi all.I have had a persistent dry cough ever since starting on Sulfazalazine last April. I am also on Methotrexate.
My consultant says it is not connected. Anyone else experience this?
Many thanks for any help.
Hi all.I have had a persistent dry cough ever since starting on Sulfazalazine last April. I am also on Methotrexate.
My consultant says it is not connected. Anyone else experience this?
Many thanks for any help.
I've had side effects from sulfasalazine but not a dry cough. But side effects vary a great deal between people I believe, and one of the side effects I get - susceptibility to food poisoning, which the rheumy is, putting it kindly, puzzled about - I've not heard of anyone else getting, and nor has my rheumy.
I'm the same. Cough can be a side affect it came up when my GP looked online and my rheumy said the only way to find out is to stop it if I wanted to. I've not totally tried stopping it yet as I'm on and off my Benepali this winter because of infections. Im going to lower it soon to see if that makes a difference. I'm on 3g a day. Trial and error as always. I've had x-rays etc but nothing showed up.
Forgot to say my GP gave me a blue inhaler to use when it gets too bad and it helps.
This is not an uncommon side effect in my experience. I have seen it listed as a side effect, I am sure it is on the drug information leaflet. If your treatment is working, and it doesn't bother you too much, I would not worry, but you should notify your Rheumy team, so they are aware.
Best wishes
if the cough persists go back to GP. RA can cause lung issues. I had a persistent cough for years and eventually they found it was possible RA that had caused some very mild scaring. Thankfully nothing too bad and no treatment needed. Needless to say I still have the cough but at least I know what it is.
Hi, I have been on the same medication for over a year now and also developed a cough about 9 months ago. I mentioned it to my rheumy team and they did say it is one of the side effects. For me, sulfasalazine is one of the few medications that my body is accepting so definitely putting up with it. If you find it suddenly gets worse I would go back to your rheumy team. Good luck!