I've just had another invitation to join the Our Future Health programme. I didn't join initially but I'm considering it now. Does anyone have experience of this? I would appreciate any comments on the pros and cons please. Happy and pain free New Year to all. 😊
Off topic? Our future health : I've just had another... - NRAS
Off topic? Our future health

I’ve signed up and am having bloods taken next week along with waist measurement ( oh eeek) and blood pressure and that’s it. Have read all the blurb and am happy to have my data held if it helps to further research into diseases.
I haven’t with this one, but am part of the study doing research into new treatments for RA. They wanted an armful of blood - 6 vials!. And lots of of homework. It’s so worthwhile as long as it’s controlled and clear that it’s helping the NHS and medical scientists developing treatments or targeting diseases. Mine was done in the RA clinic and I was so pleased to help. Anything that improves or informs future health treatments is such a good thing.
Hi i had it all done a couple of months ago went to a setup in a boots branch , was very easy , everything was explained and was very efficient, was height , weight and measurements together with a blood test and a prick test in thumb to get cholesterol which you was given the number for , all done for research which I was happy to help with.
Hi yes myself & hubby signed up last summer. It was set up in a van in Tesco Car Park. They were very efficient. It was BP weight height & waist measurement. Then a quick blood test ( finger prick) for Cholesterol & was told the result whilst there. We felt it was a worth while study researching future health plans. I think it was about 15/20 mins total.
Hi Otto, I didn't expect to have the cholesterol results whilst there, that will be useful. I have Familial Hypercholesterolemia but only have it tested annually, so an update will be good.
I joined last year as I wanted to contribute to the research. It’s easy and doesn’t take much time. As with any research you can withdraw your data at any point. I’d recommend everyone does it if possible to help with future health discoveries.
Happy new year!
Hi. I joined Our Future Health. I think it is a really food idea for Future generations. You have a full history and other measurements taken including blood tests. The only results that I was given were the cholesterol tests and blood pressure. They stated that you will not get any other results. If you are happy with this then it IS a really good idea.
Hope that helps