Hopefully someone can helpIt seems that my bladder is not fully emptying when l go to toilet.
My bladder muscle has lost its elascity
Is this due to R A please
Hopefully someone can helpIt seems that my bladder is not fully emptying when l go to toilet.
My bladder muscle has lost its elascity
Is this due to R A please
Probably or could be weak pelvic floor muscles so look up Kegel and I had an issue recently as had, had 3 cystoscopies in a year plus an operation for stents when they go in through bladder. So a bit stress incontinence. Not bad, so I spoke to GP and she said look up NHS website and it gives details. I did and it's taken a few months but back to normal. You have to be very determined and do them for a while but GP said if not working you can be referred to physio and a machine at hospital covered by my insurance. So far so good.
Ask for a referral to you local continence team. I would suggest you need a full assessment including scan to establish what is happening Good luck
I think your answering me not Legley the OP. But thank you anyway as I’ve had every test known to medicine in the search for the cause of blood in my pee. And under a Urologist who did all the scans, cancer tests at another hospital and on the list goes. So the conclusion was it’s a damaged blood vessel that leaks and stress incontinence caused by weakening pelvic floor which at 71 is fairly common plus the stretching caused by the invasive procedures. And so it’s worth looking up Kegel for all woman as it can stop prolapses. It just worth a look as the NHS website does give good advice whilst waiting a very long time to see a Urologist.
My dad either developed this in conjunction with a bladder infection or they realised he had it due to the bladder infection that wouldn't go away. I think it might be due to old age in some cases.
It's apparently very common so bound to happen in people who have RA as well.
Hi LegleyI too can't empty my bladder fully and have to wait a while before hoping for a second emptying so to speak.
I think the advice from medway-lady is very helpful. Pelvic floor exercises could help you and I do, do daily exercises. I am not incontinent though, so hoping I can keep it at bay.
I had an ultrasound scan which confirmed there was a small issue. I'd been experiencing side pain, which prompted a scan.
I think it's probably also a good idea to speak to your consultant or GP.
I hope you get sorted xx