Good morning. So I came off hydroxy last week after being told I now need to take metho on 17 October as an injection. I was given cortisone shot into knee and depo medrol into bum cheek last week. Spoke to rheumy nurse yesterday as felt all anxious and as tho I had no control over my own body, hot hands past few days , now headache started and generally feel like either covid or cold symptoms and no sleep for past few nights , I’m exhausted 😒. I forgot to ask if I can take paracetamol and ibuprofen after the steroid shots? Sorry, just starting to realise how horrible this disease is. I just need to try and think positive and get to 17th to start the next leg of my unknown journey . Sorry for the moan ☹️🥹
Depo medrol injection : Good morning. So I came off... - NRAS
Depo medrol injection

I regularly have cortisone injections in one joint or the other - my rheumatologist says my affected joints are buggered -her word! I take cocodamol 4 times a day which is paracetamol and codeine, so I think you should be ok. I’ve never been told to stop it! I had the injection in my bottom once since diagnosis in 2004, it was so painful and didn’t work, but I hope it works for you, we’re all different.
Hi there. I’m quickly finding out that what works for one may not work for another. Thank you so much for taking the time to reply and sorry to hear about your joints. Hope you’re as good as you can be xx
You’ll be fine with Paracetamol. Take Ibuprofen sparingly but as you’ve had a systemic injection and it bypasses the stomach you should be fine taking that too as long as you’re not on oral Pred as well.
Your headache and feeling a bit achy and fluey is probably due to the Depo Medrone and will subside pretty quickly (unless you actually do have Covid……..) and it takes about a week to have any serious effect on your joints and how you feel. RA is a horrible disease but hope you don’t have too bad a time with it. Once you’re on the right drugs these days it’s a question of tweaking the medications until you get the one that works for you. All the very best of luck and hope you feel much better soon.
I had a steroid shot in the bum Monday and I feel worse now then I did Monday. I read up that 5-10days can be the window of it kicking in some immediate. I felt hyper Monday low on Tues and buggered by Wednesday! 🤣 told to call surgery if in 10days things not calmed down and co codomol and me big friends this week.
Good luck 🤞
Oh Deeb, sorry to hear this. Probably explains a lot however I tested positive for covid yesterday,if it ain’t one thing it’s another. Thank goodness I haven’t started the metho yet , I think I would have screamed. Oh yup and I caught it at the hospital 🙃. Friends are always a good tonic, hope you feel better soon xx
Last thing you need blimey it’s rolling the dice when you go into a hospital 🥰
Wanted to say hello I’m newly diagnosed and been feeling overwhelmed
Don’t worry about moaning it’s good to get it out. There appears to be lots of really understanding people on here. I’m glad I posted.
Take care.