Hi all
Have posted in the past, but not done so for a while, though I read posts regularly. Been hiding, head in the sand.
I have RA in hands and feet and was reluctant to take the prescribed Methotrexate, because I was scared, but due to a new flare up a few weeks ago, I have started taking the meds again, stupidly thought it was a mistake and that the RA would go away.
The new flare-up seemed to favour my feet and ankles, the right one being the worse affected, nothing at all in hands and wrists as previous.
On my last visit with a Rheumatologist, saw a new one this time, after the consultation I was sent to have another steroid injection..my 3rd in several months, of 120mg Depomedrone.
When reading posts I've noticed some newly diagnosed get the low-dose steroid tablets along with their DMARD/S to tide them over the inflammation and pain effects from the RA flare up, just wondering why some get the injections and others get the tablet form, surly the injections would be better especially when considering side effects. Does it all come down to the individual Rheumatologist or just patient preference.