R A and urticaria : Wondering does anyone suffer with... - NRAS


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R A and urticaria

Alice70 profile image
16 Replies

Wondering does anyone suffer with autoimmune urticaria (hives) with RA

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Alice70 profile image
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16 Replies
AgedCrone profile image

I do & I reckon probably quite lot of people do.

Among the first few questions asked when I was diagnosed with RA were did I get urticaria, hayfever ,exzema, or asthma? All auto immune conditions …..very often experienced by people who go on to develop RA.

Alice70 profile image
Alice70 in reply to AgedCrone

Yes I agree there for me 32years hypothyriod ,17years B12 injections ,12 years urticaria, 2years RA ,like everyone wish they would just sod of and leave us alone

Paula-C profile image

I do, it started years ago on the top my legs. I had one episode of it when it appeared on my arms, that was embarrassing especially on a plane just before takeoff and my grandson on spotting the rash shouted.....nana, you've got chickenpox! I have seen a dermatologist about it, basically told to shut up and put up with it. It's not painful and doesn't itch so I'm lucky,

Urticaria photo
Alice70 profile image
Alice70 in reply to Paula-C

Certainly looks like urticaria you are lucky it does not itch ,mine drives me mad

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply to Paula-C

OMG Paula, I cracked out laughing re what your grandson said re. chickenpox! ... visions of passengers fleeing to the opposite end of the plane! 🤪

Maybe another rheumy could be more supportive? That one sounded disinterested. I am very itchy/skin sensitive/allergic to certain foods and some meds too. The more severe rash and itching all started when taking Sulfa 1995 and very obvious Urticaria Solaris issues. I was a tickly, itching, bumpy mess from May to October when the sun was around. I’d only to go near a window and it would erupt. It improved when I changed meds but I am quite skin sensitive and I get bitten badly by midges each year but I am a gardener/outdoor person.

What has your rheumy had to say about this? x

Paula-C profile image
Paula-C in reply to Neonkittie17

When it first appeared my rheumatologist thought it was an allergic reaction to something and suggested I started taking anti histamines (I'd taken several photos of the rash at various stages of it developing and fading). At the time I couldn't think of anything different that I'd used or eaten to cause this reaction, only thing I could think of was we were away in the Lake District at the time and I'd walked through a long grassy area. It kept flaring up from time to time, my GP made a suggestion of what he thought it was when I went when it was pretty bad, can't remember what he said. It mainly only appeared on the top of my legs and bottom, so wasn't really visible until it appeared on my arms. It was then that I went back to my doctor's and saw one that had an interest in skin conditions. She didn't know what it was, took photos and said she'd discuss it with other doctors in the practice. She sent me to see a dermatologist and that's when I was told it was urticaria, Dermatologist said I was lucky it didn't itch or was painful and have would have to learn to live with it, in other words..shut up and put up with it. Its not flared up for over a year now so I'm hoping it's sort of burnt itself out (touch wood).

Mosquitoes love me, they make a bee line for me, think I'm a never ending buffet for them. This is no word of a lie, a few years ago we stopped near some wetlands in Spain. First count up I had about 60 bites, had them on my arms, legs, chest, back even my face and neck. Reckon by the time they'd done with me I had about 100. Id doused myself in jungle formula mosquitoe spray but obviously it didn't work.

StormySeas profile image

Maybe that’s what I’ve got! Insanely itchy raised red blotches on the skin when it’s exposed to cold water or air.

Alice70 profile image
Alice70 in reply to StormySeas

Sounds like it is ,mine is delayed preasure and heat ,you need to see a dermatologist

Leics profile image

It’s not something I usually suffer with however I did have a spell of it when I became intolerant to SSZ. My husband also had it after a covid jab, his was far worse than I’ve had even on the soles of his feet. I’m not allowed SSZ again and likewise hubby can’t have covid jabs.

Cookyboy1 profile image

Hi ,diagnosed with pr3 positive anca vasculitus, is this similar to what you have ?.

As is
Alice70 profile image
Alice70 in reply to Cookyboy1

Ooh that looks sore doesn't look like urticaria though may be related ,dont think so ,but I really don't know

wilbertjellyfish profile image

Weird I used to get hives eating oranges...this has settled. However when I was in Canada in the summer came out in really bad hives on legs. Still have marks of them two months later. At the time I thought it was insect bites but got a few new ones when home so assumed then it was some form of hives.

Never thought it anything to do with arthritis

virtualreality profile image

This is an interesting post. I developed severe urticaria as my RA symptoms were first developing which was hard to get under control. When I saw a rheumatology consultant he said that it sounded like an autoimmune flare and nothing more was said, but I wonder what the connection is? Never had it before I don't think, or since starting treatment with steroids and DMARDs.

Wobbies profile image

Yes, flares of it on and off. Never mentioned to rheumy and GP said no idea. So, now I know. Thanks for that post. Tend to try anti-histamine when I get it which seems to help.

medway-lady profile image

It's not an allergic reaction as I got a bad one to Abatercept as soon as stopped, it went. So painful and sore. I don't have the photos now but it was diagnosed by GP as reactive ezceama.

Artfanatic profile image

Hi Alice70, I've hadRA for 36yrs since I was 34. funnily enough I noticed a faint rash that seemed under my skin on my stomach a few years ago that comes & goes but isn't itchy. I've never had that diagnosed as anything. I also had a rash around my neck a week after my 7th covid booster & it took ages to go & nothing touched it or helped it. Recently I've had a spate of spots on my hairline which wouldn't go for a month or so & around my nose & mouth on my face which hung around for a while. I felt like a teenager but I'm 70! I used a witch hazel stick on them which helped. I have Psoriasis on my scalp & get Hayfever but not Exzema or Asthma, altho when my hay fevers bad I have had inhalers in the past. What a joy this all is to put up with on top of the RA & I also have Osteoarthritis & anew knee!!??

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