Having been placed in wrag and disagreeing with decision,it went to mandatory reconsideration. I got a phone call last Wednesday from a decision maker,she started the call with why have you disagreed with the original decision?
She made me feel like I had no right to question them, I told her after speaking to my GP in his opinion he thinks I should appeal. so she proceeded to go through the form I had filled in, at the time of filling the form I had no idea and really should have got some help.
so we went through every question with her saying you wrote on this form(telling me what I had put)and did this with every question.
I couldn't remember what I`d put, so I was made to answer all questions again.
I felt bullied and intimidated and pushed to answer, I knew I was shooting myself in the foot but helpless to do anything about it!
I scored zero points on the initial medical with atos, so on Friday I got the letter from the decision maker telling me that they were not changing there original decision. surprise surprise! I scored zero again(15 points required)
The next step if i want to appeal is by a tribunal, Has anybody had to go down this route if so could they give me any advice? A bit long winded to get to my question but I just had to share with someone, it really has made me feel worthless and wonder weather I should appeal just to be humiliated again?
Its not about the money for me, its about been given time to get myself well enough so I can go back to work. being put in the work related activity group feels like being pushed and harassed.