Any one get realy dry skin? My hands are so dry little bits of skins pealing off ? Really not enjoying this pain , all in my hips and hands today the boys
R a skin: Any one get realy dry skin? My hands are so... - NRAS
R a skin

I've had this after the joints in my hands have been very swollen - it stretches the skin and then when the swelling goes the skin peels off. I found using beeswax frequently helpful.
It’s even worse in this cold weather. I have always used aqueous emollient cream. It’s over the counter, cheap and I’ve always found it really effective to protect my hands.
Yes on all my hands palms and worse affected fingers it is very dry cracks and can bleed. I have tried everything and I mean everything. So the only thing I find that works for me is 1mg prednislone for about 10days to calm it down and then off again and wait for it to creep back. It's always there just trying to keep it from deep cracks and bleeding. Also have chin and top lip area now incredibly dry. I used to have very supple skin......
Yes, I use olive oil soap and vaseline hand creme which tends to keep things in check.
Yes, particularly around my fingernails which end up being picked as the dry skin catches on clothing. I’ve found that use of Kiehl’s helps.
Try KreaMoint 50:50 Ointment.
Its white soft paraffin liquid for very dry skin conditions. My hands have improved dramatically!
Could be you have PsA as well as RA?
I have very dry flaky skin and have always connected it with the mild psoriasis that I have. I do have PsA as well as RA and OA. It always seems to be worse in the winter months.
I even have the flaky skin in my ears that itches a lot and I have to have the skin suctioned now and again. The worst places are in any folds and particularly under my stomach where I had a cesarean section over thirty years ago. I think that is more than likely a mix of dry skin and a fungal infection and it causes intense itching and often bleeds (it is like that at the moment).
I try to keep my skin as moist as possible and have found that a good cream for my legs and arms is from the Body Shop and is Almond and Honey. However for inside my ears, I occasionally put a tiny amount of Betnovate cream (on prescription) as recommended by the ENT doctor. For the parts under my stomach I use a cream called Trimovate which is on prescription and is a mix of anti-biotic, anti-histamine and fungal cream.
Yes, very dry skin and I have the same problem as hollly-willow with recurrent fungal infection under my stomach. I thought it was the biologics, but maybe it is the RA. Fed up with it anyway and constantly having to cream everywhere.
Yes around nails soles of feet. I use aloe Vera on my arms and legs and atrixo hand cream still feel like a dried prune also very dry lips and mouth which is a pain. Doesn't leave much else when I think about it!! Just one more thing to put up with! C'est la vie as the French say.