Tenosynovitis in both wrists. On methotrexate and hydroxychloroqine. Steriod injection in bum helped everything except wrists... Any wise words...? I'm finding I'm exhausted all the time - I guess gritting of teeth 24/7 thru the pain. In the past no NSAIDs or painkillers have worked for me. Even tramadol had no effect. Not sure why I seem to be immune to these drugs. Metabolism?
Tenosynovitis in wrists: Tenosynovitis in both wrists... - NRAS
Tenosynovitis in wrists

Might be not to do with RA but something else. It's hard to understand why its sorted everything else but left the wrists out. Might be not enough so need another dose or have you got Carpal Tunnel? I dont' know but worth contacting GP or RA team and asking. I found when I started LEF it caused real pain in my hands and wrists but it was a side effect and went after a couple of weeks so perhaps also might be time to ask about another medication because if MTX and HXC are putting you into remission then something else might.
Could be nothing to do with RA or your medication. Ask for nerve conduction tests to check for anything leading to carpal tunnel problems.
I had CT decompression surgery necessitated by neck problems- although not abolishing pain completely…..it was painless, & although inconvenient it helped a lot.
As the tenosynovitis is still so painful and having such a significant impact on you day to day I'd definitely say it's worth contacting your rheumatology team to see if they can offer you a review appointment. If it's RA-related, then depending on what dose you're currently taking of your medications, potentially they could be increased or a third one added in.
Not carpel - had those tests. Ultrasound showed tenosynovitis. Pretty sure RA related as per Google 😜 No other potential cause.
Bloods yesterday so praps they will shed light.
Thank you for the replies. It is good to finally be getting support even if not from NHS as you'd hope 🤨
Hi, I had this in my right wrist the year after I was diagnosed(2018). I was (and still am) on MTX which sorted most things out but not that bloody wrist!! It turned out to be De Quervains tenosynovitis and they finally injected steroids into my actual wrist. Thankfully, after about a week, the pain went, the wrist released and it's still OK 🤞🙏. I hope you can get this sorted as I know only too well just how painful and debilitating it is. Good luck x
I had tenosynovitis in my hand , it was the most painful thing I’ve had. Painkillers didn’t touch it, I had a few steroid jabs into my fingers which didn’t work either. When I finally saw my Rheumy again she prescribed high dose of steroids for a few months and the swelling started coming down, she sent me for physio as well but it was so painful I could have punched the guy as he squeezed my hand so hard and told me to take painkillers and keep doing this. I’ve lost the movement in my finger now but at least the pain has gone. Good luck and take care x
Try cold pack and wrist support 👍
I have had the same in my wrists, the only thing that I’ve found to alleviate the pain was injections in each wrist which certainly helped. It is part of my RA unfortunately.
I can sympathise with the pain you literally don’t know what to do to get rid of it, pain killers didn’t help. I’ve tried ice packs, infra red light etc etc. Hope you get some help soon.