I started benepali four weeks ago and so far haven’t managed to inject myself without spilling the drug all over my leg. Also, I find the process very painful. Any suggestions?
new to benepali: I started benepali four weeks ago and... - NRAS
new to benepali

I’ve been on benepali 7yrs, and always use my stomach, as I occasionally found the thigh excruciating. I get no discomfort at all from using the stomach. The other option is to apply ice to the area you’re going to inject for 5 mins prior to injecting.
Thanks for replying. I have been using my thigh. I’ll try my stomach next time.
Are you using the pen? I found that really difficult so asked for syringe and no problems at all. Less painful and so easy to use. I do leg.
Thanks for replying. I didn’t know a syringe was a possibility. May ask for that if things don’t improve.
I'm on enbrel, benepali is the bio similar drug to it. I inject it with a syringe, my nurse suggested that method, said I had more control over it going in. I've found like previously suggested it's better in the tum and I always get my injection out the day before. Sometimes it doesn't sting at all, then sometimes it does, but it's worth a few seconds of discomfort for the benefit it brings. I'm in remission.
definitely give tummy a go, make sure to take it out of the fridge in good time too, I take mine out in the morning and inject in the evening. I find if it’s cold it stings more. It shouldn’t be leaking all over you, I often get a spot of it but it might be worth getting checked you’re doing it correctly too if that keeps happening 😊
Hi,I have been on Benepali for a few years now and use the pen. The nurse demonstrated how to inject into my thigh but I found that excruciatingly painful and now always use my abdomen and feel only mild discomfort. Make sure to press down firmly onto your abdomen and wait for the second click and then I always count to 10 before I take it away from the skin. Also make sure you have removed the pen from the fridge at least a couple of hours before you inject.
Hello, I have been on Benepali nearly two years now, it's completely changed my life, it's worked beautifully for my RA.
When it comes out the fridge, stick it under your armpit for 10-15 mins. The cold makes it much more painful.
I always inject into my left leg (I have Methotrexate in my right weekly)....I always sit forward on a chair, so am perched on edge more, grab a chunk of thigh, always to the outside of the centre, outside of where your bone runs .
Inject till the click and leave in to the count of 10...this works for both my injections.
Benepali stings a little more than Methotrexate but nothing like when it's cold. The pain is enough to make you tentative so doesn't help ...my armpit method I did for myself seems to work a treat.
Hope you find a way, it's worked fantastic for me.
Once the pen activates. Do you count to ten seconds before withdrawing it from your skin ? If you don't hold it there long enough it can cause the fluid to leak from the needle as you withdraw.
With Benepali I was trained to stretch the skin not squeeze it, it also says that on the instruction. Then after the 2nd click wait for 15 seconds then remove. It seems to leak if you remove the it before the 15 seconds. With mtx it was different, I had to squeeze the skin with that. I've also found if I take it out of the fridge at least an hour before it stings less.
Thanks for replying. I did wait for 15 seconds after the second click but think I didn’t keep pressing hard enough - it was so painful. Will try tummy next time. Dreadful to see the medication wasted apart from me not getting any benifit.
I'm another one for the tummy, found the thigh was quite painful. 🤞
I have been on benapali for 10 years. You have to make sure you hear the second click then you know all the medication has gone in. I only inject thighs as too scared to do my stomach. I take it out of fridge one hour before use. You dont really have to do any counting, just wait for second click and you know you are done as needle goes back in.
I inject in the shower running warm water over the site, I also find it easier into the stomach than the thigh
Ask your nurse to check your technique
I have been using benapali for a year,firstly I allways take it out of the fridge 48 hours before I use it, secondly injecting in the tum never seems to be painful probable due to more fatty tissue,thirdly injecting into the thigh does twang a bit, due to its muscle area , I actually gently squeeze an area on the side of the leg not the top, on the first click I slowly release the pressure second click pain virtually zero job done, works for me, if you still struggle get a nurse to show you again.
Hi , I inject about 6 ins above my knee , I pinch a good piece of flesh and then inject, you can watch it in video for my advice . 👍
I use the stomach. I wouldn't be able to use the thigh as there is less fat there, and so find it more painful. The pen was ok for me, but I was used to the syringe with etanercept. I have been swapped back to etanercept now though.
I went through the instruction leaflet very methodically when I was initially put on Benapali, as I was used to using the syringe. I hope switching to the stomach helps. Good luck