Sorry for the long message but would appreciate knowing if this is typical or if I am being a little dramatic and unrealistic.
diagnosed with RA nearly 2 years ago. Took a while but pretty much back to normal after moving to injecting 20mg MTX, 200g hydroxy and folic acid 6 days a week. Took just over a year. Able to take my 2 dogs on 5 mile walks and do the gardening etc without any repercussions. I’ve been very lucky as I still haven’t experienced the debilitating fatigue.
in the main ok, most morning I feel what I described as several of my joints are “full” they don’t look swollen or feel swollen on the outside but feel swollen on the inside if that makes sense. Finger/wrist joints are always sensitive if I squeeze them but nothing more than that. if I accidently hit my hand on something the pain is disproportionate but otherwise ok.
Happy with that. Last nurse telephone review suggested I was nearly / close to remission.
what is happening with more frequency, and it tend to be my bigger joints……Terrible pain which is stopping me sleeping, it just appears from nowhere, sometimes only for 24hrs. Sometimes longer.
so far this year I’ve had what I consider bad hip pain on both sides. One side slightly worse than the other for about 2 weeks. I ended up taking naproxen and painkillers fenbid - managed without codeine, just. My wrist joined in for the last 36 hrs then all resolved.
Last week for no reason both my shoulder socket joints felt like they were on fire. Could barely move either arm at all. Same pain in my left shoulder was one of my earliest symptoms pre diagnosis. Could not move without it hurting, a lot. It was also causing neck clavicle pain too both sides. Could barely move Friday night and yesterday.
Couldn’t sleep and had to take nsaids/painkillers including through the night which eased it a little one side, not so much the other side. It only lasted a couple of days and now I am left with a residual dull ache, but I can carry on this morning almost as normal - housecleaning etc.
I would say these outbreaks/mini flares if that’s what they are is how this all started. Am I being unrealistic that I shouldn’t be having these?
I am thinking next time this happens I should go and get my bloods done, (I only have them done every 3 months now so these mini flares are likely not showing) then ring the nurse hotline.
I am thinking I could be at the point my body is telling me the RA had adjusted to the current meds and starting to kick off/progress again. Is this similar to anyone else experience?
Thank you