knee caps are dented : My appointment is next week and... - NRAS


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knee caps are dented

Fenella34 profile image
21 Replies

My appointment is next week and I am starting to panic about my knees. They look dented and caved in. I don’t have any pain but it doesn’t look normal. Is this a sign of swelling maybe or has anyone else had anything similar?

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Fenella34 profile image
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21 Replies
KittyJ profile image

Don’t panic 😊, you’ve got an appointment next week so you can ask your rheumy to check your knees out. I think you’d notice if they were swollen but the only person who can really answer is your rheumy. 🤞🏻all is ok. Let us know how you go.

Fenella34 profile image
Fenella34 in reply to KittyJ

Thank you. Am panicking a lot, anxiety is really getting the better of me and am worried about what will be said. I have bad health anxiety and can’t help but jump to the conclusion that they will be shocked and say there is nothing they can do but a total knee replacement 😞.

KittyJ profile image
KittyJ in reply to Fenella34

Have you got someone to go with you, that can often help if you feel anxious? They won’t be shocked, they see people with RA all the time so they’ve probably seen everything so please try to put that out of your mind. They’re there to help you. Write down what you want to say and read it out or give it to the rheumy to read do you don’t forget anything.

Have you had X-rays of your knees? If not then that may be something that will happen but they’re not just going to say there’s nothing they can do without investigating first and even then there will be things that can help.

Keep talking to us here until your appointment and we will help you through it. It really won’t be as bad as you think it will 🤗

Fenella34 profile image
Fenella34 in reply to KittyJ

Thank you for your support. It really does help a lot.

I don’t have anyone to come with me so that makes it all the more daunting. I don’t even know where I am meant to go.

My knees are my only concern. My blood tests have always been fine and so that is a consolation at least. I have had only a chest X-ray and nothing else.

Not sure how I am going to get to Friday without getting myself in a complete state. It doesn’t help that I have no real support offline.

Thank you again x

KittyJ profile image
KittyJ in reply to Fenella34

You can always ask on here about where you need to go at your hospital, there’s bound to be someone who goes there too 😊 I’m sorry you haven’t got much support offline but at least you have us.

You could phone the NRAS helpline, they will chat to you and help reassure you. They’re not open at weekends but here’s the number Monday-Friday from 9:30am until 4:30pm. Call on 08002987650

They also do lots of publications that might be useful for you to read if you haven’t already.

wilbertjellyfish profile image
wilbertjellyfish in reply to Fenella34

If you aren't in pain it's not going to be serious. Also if both knees are similar, they are never identical, it's likely to be mild swelling. Days I look at my knees they are all shapes and sizes. The important thing is you aren't sore and you have an appointment soon. Try not to focus on them.

Good luck

Portinatx17 profile image
Portinatx17 in reply to Fenella34

I would be shocked if you need a knee replacement. I am in a lot of pain with 2nd knee, can hardly walk some days, use a stick. My first knee was replaced 15months ago, awaiting 2nd. They dont do any replacement lightly at all. I was on list for 3 yrs prior to first op and using 2 sticks to try to get about. Couldnt dtive as too painful. I think you prob have some swelling that can make your knees look misshapen. Ice packs followed by heat pack has helped me in past plus elevating your legs. Good luck at clinic, will be thinking of you x

Fenella34 profile image

Thank you for being here, it's really kind of you x

seabreezegirl profile image

Do you have pain or weakness in your knees ?

If not , then why would you need total knee replacement?

And anyway you would need a second opinion of an orthopedic surgeon.

I think Anixiety is getting the best of you .

Breath , in and out slowly a few times .

Please keep us updated .

Haz58 profile image

If you want to say which hospital you are going to maybe someone near you would offer to go with you. X

greynot profile image

I hope your appointment goes well. And that your mind is put at rest about your knees.

Not knowing what is wrong, or whether something is wrong, is stress inducing, isn't it.

Knee replacements are done when all else has failed, when you are in pain and disability. Before that, there are lots of options if you do have knee problems. I had physio, cortisone injections, etc over a number of years. I have eventually had a knee replacement, after referral from rheumatology to orthopedics, and am so much better for it.

All the best with your appointment, and let us know how you get on xx

Artfanatic profile image
Artfanatic in reply to greynot

Hi Greynot I've had RA since I was 34 & I'm 70 in April & now have Osteoarthritis in both knees & hips. I'm about to have a full knee replacement operation scheduled for 27th Jan which I'm very nervous about. I've never had an epidural which they will be doing so I'll be awake & I'm petrified! I'm very squeamish & hoping I'll get some sedation & will be asking if I can have music on headphones so I dont hear it! I don't even know if I'll be kept in overnight afterwards but hopefully they'll tell me at my assessment on 23rd Jan. I'm really scared & rang the Consultants Secretary to ask these questions as I wont see him again until operation day. I've already got a metal plate & screws in my ankle of same leg which I broke in 3 places in 2000. I broke my right thigh bone in 2019 & have a rod in that, all due to taking Allendronic Acid tablets for extra calcium for 25 years without a check! Apparently the side effects of it on 15% of women is that it makes the bones brittle & can break easily & I was one of them!! I would appreciate hearing how you're knee replacement operation went & how recovery was after.

greynot profile image
greynot in reply to Artfanatic

Hi, I've got both a new hip (2022) and knee (last Aug) and both ops went well. I'm 73. Both ops with epidural, and enough sedation that I really wasn't bothered! It's worth asking the anaesthetist about this just to check, but I think most would give you sedation.

I was in for 2 nights with the knee - might have got away with 1 but was quite a long journey home so they wanted to be sure I wouldn't have to come back!

Especially with the knee, it's really important to do all the physio, and really work at mobilising. The advice I was given was 'take the painkillers, give them time to kick in, do the exercises, then apply ice'. I was also told by a physio that you should exercise so the pain levels return to pre exercise levels in about 5 mins, as a rough guide to how much to do.

My best friend was an aircast cooler and cryocuff...May be available to borrow from hospital. Otherwise not cheap (shop around) but I was able to sell mine on.

Oh, and tena pads for the night as it takes longer than normal to get to the toilet, unless you're lucky enough to make it through the night!!

The initial recovery is painful, but you'll have drugs to manage this. 'Stay ahead of the pain'..don't wait to take them until it's got painful.

I was driving again after 6 weeks ( tho clutch control was a bit sore!)

I'm sooo much better now than I was pre op, still doing the exercises, walking every day , and aware that I will continue to improve for the next year or 2 if I keep working at it.

Good luck with it, and give me a shout if you'd like any more info, or just to know what it was like xxx

Artfanatic profile image
Artfanatic in reply to greynot

Thanks so much for you're reply & good tips. I will look at aircast & cryocuff & ask at pre op if hospital might lend me one. Good advice about pain levels timing after exercise too thanks. I am exercising every day & will continue after the op. I dont have anywhere nice to walk nearby as live in a housing estate & nobody to walk with so walking the streets before I can drive is going to be very boring!!? Do you mean you went out every day for a walk or just walked around the house?

greynot profile image
greynot in reply to Artfanatic

You'll be ahead of the game by exercising pre op!At first I was only walking a little bit round the house, and making sure to concentrate on the exercises...I did find it was a trade off. Too much walking compromised the physio. Then it was baby steps outdoors with sticks and then I swapped for my trusty trek poles (I used to be a fell walker and hope to be again one day!)

I'm lucky cos I live in a village by the sea, but once you're driving again is probably when you'll want to start 'going for a walk'.

I was advised that, apart from doing the physio, I should work on the things I wanted to do. Ideally I'd like to walk up easy hills (on my way there...I can do half way up my nearest little one ), dance (very gently at home at Christmas!) and ride a bike ( who knows....I can dream)

So about 5 months in, the future is looking good. And my RA is very well controlled.

Let me know how you get on!! And remember, each day post op is a day of recovery even if it's hard at first.

Artfanatic profile image
Artfanatic in reply to greynot

Thanks for the reply & added info about recovery & walking. I have an automatic car & it's my left knee luckily so hoping I can drive to somewhere nice to walk around soon after when ready. Luckily we're going towards summer so by then I'll be using my Nordic sticks hopefully!? I'll let you know how it goes.

Portinatx17 profile image
Portinatx17 in reply to Artfanatic

I had my first knee replacement 15 months ago, had epidural and sedation, slept all the way through. Stayed in for 4 days . 2nd knee due anytime now, had preop. Good luck but you will be fine and pain free x

Artfanatic profile image
Artfanatic in reply to Portinatx17

Hi thanx Portinatx17 you've put my mind at rest about not being awake for it even tho on epidural as I'm petrified of hearing anything! Hope you're 2nd op goes well & as smoothly as the 1st seemed to. They haven't said if I'm staying in or not after, but guess theyll confirm @ my pre-op assessment on 23rd?? Good luck & let's hope we both have a good & speedy recovery. :)

Fenella34 profile image

Thank you all. It is the uncertainty that is getting to me and what they will say. I don’t have hardly any pain in them but they definitely do not look right.

I am 38 so having rheumatoid and ulcerative colitis on top of possibly oestoarthritis is a lot to take on and doing it all alone is hard as none of my family really seem to get it. I think some even think that I don’t really have it even though it is clinically proven . I don’t even think I will feel better about the appointment as there will probably be follow up scans etc which are also a daunting thought. Sorry to be so negative it’s just hard doing this alone.

KittyJ profile image
KittyJ in reply to Fenella34

What hospital do you go to ?

Could you ask one of those doubting family members to go with you, it might open their eyes and make them a bit more of a support to you🤗

Fenella34 profile image
Fenella34 in reply to KittyJ

I honestly think they would make me feel worse. I cannot depend on them for support. I am single as well which doesn’t help as most have a supportive partner to take with them.

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