I got to the hospital fairly early for my apt. at 1.30pm and i was the second patient on the list. Dr lee came to see me and he was lovely. He has hinted that i might need a valve replacement as it is thickening quite a lot. I don't remember much about it as the sedation was working and afterwards he said they couldn't get the tube down. I was surprised as i thought the sedation would stop me from gagging, but no it didn't so the next step is a ct scan to see what is going on and i don't when that is going to happen. I am seeing the consultant on the 21st i told the dr. so i will see what he has to say about what is going to happen next. I know i am not well and i can't do a lot at all. All i am doing is reading the paper and doing my colouring book and playing patience on my laptop.
Have a lovely weekend everyone. Thank you all for your support. xxxxx