I'm getting severe headaches that are around my eyes. I wake up with my head & eyes killing me. Is this just dry eyes? My light sensitivity is off the charts. Has anyone else expierenced this? Is this a Sjogren symptom?
Sjogrens - eye pain/migraine: I'm getting severe... - NRAS
Sjogrens - eye pain/migraine
Get yourself looked at darling asap. xxxx
Go to optician first, they can refer you quickly.
GP second, but both urgently.
Then contact Rheumy team.
Please, don’t ignore eye pain.
If it is Sjogrens you can get drops and gels to help. I have had pain, dryness and migraines. Have controlled all of the above with hydroxyclorquine (works for me) and eliminating trigger foods from my diet.
What are your trigger foods please?
Did you know that there are Scleroderma and Sjogrens groups on HealthUnlocked? They might be able to give 🫣you more help and advice.
I have Sjogrens and very very dry eyes but had severe eye pain and that was glaucoma. If you do not have a number to phone eye casualty at your local hospital see an emergency optician. Specsavers see people as an emergency but you need to mention it is an emergency and not an ordinary appointment. If you can't get to see one phone 111 or go to A& E, that is what I actually did because mine was so severe. You must be using eye drops for dry eyes if you have been diagnosed with Sjogrens?
As others have said to see someone preferably an optician ASAP. Don’t leave it to chance that it may be because of dry eyes. I see you’re in the USA so go and get assistance from an optometrist or failing that a GP. Let us know how you get on please. Maybe cluster migraines or something else but best to know what it is so you can be treated accordingly.
I experienced the same symptoms several years ago, I was back and forward to the Opticians, GP, the Optician eventually advised me to get back to them in two weeks time if it continued and that they would give me a letter to take to the hospital. However, in the interim it became severe to point it was painful to put my head on the pillow, I took myself to Moorfields Eye Hospital A&E, I was diagnosed with Scleritis. In my case it was triggered by food intolerance, Cows Milk which I’ve excluded from my diet. I currently have problems if I eat too many Brazil nuts. As others have suggested its important to seek urgent medical advice.