Hi all,
I have been on antibiotics for 4 weeks to help clear up an eye infection. It was working (very slowly) but then this last week it has spread to my face. I stopped my Methotrexate, should I also stop the Hydroxychloroquine?
My GP said I need to cary on with the antibiotics I already have, but I am going back tday to see an assistant at the surgery to say that as it is spreading the antibiotic I am on is clearly not working.
I called the Eye Clinic for advice and they said I need to go back to the GP and ask for a stronger antibiotic. I am thinking I really should go and see the Emergency Eye Clinic at the hospital but they need a referral from a GP.
So, do I stop the Hydroxy as it can affect the eyes, and is it normal for an antibiotic having to work harder or being ineffective whenyou have this condition? Bit worried as it is my eyes!
*(Antibiotic is: Doxycycline 100mg, once a day for 28 days).