Hi again lovely helpful people. I am due to have a wrist and knuckle replacements (MCPJ silastic replacement) and intrinsic releases (tendons I think). It’s a big deal and not without risks I’m very worried. I was wondering if anyone else had a similar operation? Thank you 🙏
Wrist and hand operation. : Hi again lovely helpful... - NRAS
Wrist and hand operation.

I've had RA since childhood, 52 years, but never been offered any finger/hand or wrist surgery. My wrists have 'drooped' and fused on their own, with little movement and fingers deformed too. Are you contemplating surgery because of pain and/or reduced movement?
hello, I was due to have a wrist replacement a number of years ago but by the time I had gone through all the tests, X-rays etc my wrist had fused. I did get an ulnar head replacement and had my knuckles replaced on my right hand. All I can say is my right hand is now straight again and I have no pain in either my hand or wrist. I had been getting terrible nerve pain as my fingers were so skewed they were pressing on nerves. I’ve also had both my tendons in my thumbs replaced/renewed, they used a secondary tendon from my index fingers in both cases. My thumbs now work too. The best advice I can give is if you’re in pain, as I was, then it’s worth it. The physio was extensive to get your hands moving again but definitely worth it. Sadly only you can decide if you think it’s worth it. I wish you all the very best whatever you decide.
That’s good to hear and thank you. Did you have it all done at once? Iim not sure how I’m going to manage after for 3 months. Did it take you that length of time to get back to normal? I still have to work and won’t get paid etc. no driving either. I live on my own so it’s going to be tricky. My partner said he would move in temporarily so that will help but he’s out all day. Any hints of how to manage please would be appreciated. It’s my dominant hand.
Hello, yes, it was also my right, dominant hand. I think it would be good for your partner to be there as you will be limited in what you can do.
I had the knuckles, ulnar head done at the same time, my thumb tendons ruptured at different times before I needed the knuckles done. It will take a good few weeks to get mobility back in your hand. It will take commitment from you in doing exactly what is asked of you by the physio but once you start it’s amazing just how quickly movement will return.
As for daily things to make it easier. Cook some meals ahead for the freezer. I bought a One Cup , a kettle which makes one cup of tea at a time. Much less dangerous than a kettle. Washing your hair isn’t easy. You can buy shampoo hats ( sorry can’t remember what they’re called but it shampoos your hair without water. They are handy and at least lets you have clean hair. Also there is foam “stuff” you can get to wash with travellers use it and it’s extremely handy. Both these things can be found on Amazon, I used them after my shoulder replacement. Wear loose fitting clothes while at home, makes it easier too.
If there are specific questions please feel free to ask as I could rant on and perhaps not give you useful advice. I’m happy to help if I can.
That’s all so kind of you and thank you. Did you have a full anaesthetic or a block? I have other different conditions including lung problems so they’re debating which is best for me. I’m a real coward though so not sure if I’ll cope with a block.
I’ve had both to be honest. I have what is classed as a dangerous airway (damage to my cervical spine). Nerve blocks are amazing but I’m sure they will most probably also give you some sort of sedation, just enough to make you slightly sleepy. I would also suggest taking some noise cancelling earplugs/earphones. Some surgeons will let you listen to music but you would have to ask prior to your procedure. Honestly, they will do everything they can to make you comfortable and pain free.
Bless your heart you’ve been so helpful x
Honestly, I know what it feels like to be uncertain. I mean it when I say if you have any further questions, please just ask.
Hi I would love to have a chat sometime if you’re willing?
I was meant to have my knuckles replaced a few years ago all booked to go in and then covid hit and for obvious reasons I never had the op. But earlier this year my Rheumatologist referred me back to the plastic surgeon whom I see in September. He done some X-rays there and then and after reviewing them he has said that the damage is far worse than it was 3 years ago and in his opinion as most of the pain is in my wrist he is referring me to orthopaedics to operate on the wrist first and then back to plastics to do knuckles after.
When you say wrist and knuckle replacement do they actually do wrist replacements?
Not the same but similar, I have had a silastic implant in one of my big toes. Before that the joint was almost completely jammed up, no movement and a lot of pain. After the toe moves again, although the tendon repair that allows you to point your toes to the ceiling didn't work, and I can walk properly, and No Pain!
I had it done five years ago and although I do now get some pain from progression of the disease, I can still walk properly on it, it hasn't locked up or caused a lot of pain. So I am really pleased I had it done.
I don't know anything about the surgeries you are going to have, so i wish yougood luck. xxx
I’ve had in 2021 2 knuckles replaced on rt hand and tendon realigned on middle finger. It was successfully and took the pain away. and saw hand physio weekly while doing exercises home. Back when I was diagnosed in 1994 had my left wrist fused and bunion joints on both feet replaced.
Just make sure you do finger exercises regularly to get movement back . Hope procedure goes well x