Well after getting a text message saying my my PIP will be looked at 26/7/23 I get a letter today(28/6) saying nope not changing it, but in longer words. So now going to an an appeal. Wish me luck.
Pip mandatory decision update: Well after getting a... - NRAS
Pip mandatory decision update

I wish you all the luck in the world and hope your appeal is successful. 🤞
Go get em!
roll up them sleeves and give it to them. Good luck
wishing you all the luck, just keep going, rooting for you x
I wish you all the luck you deserve
Go get 'em
Good morning. Ditto here too! I sent my appeal off yesterday. I wanted to get citazens advice support but I left it a bit late as it needed to be in by today. But you can go back and amend or add information as needed if you apply online. I wouldn't mind my case being rejected if they accurately assessed me but to be honest i think it's just a pen pushing exercise for them.
Oodles of luck to you!
P. S Citazens advice have a great resource on their website for 'how to appeal'
Thank you I had the same thoughts , it's as though whatever I said just wasn't listened too.
Get a copy of your assessment. If you have problems getting through write to them keeping a copy (I keep copies of all my DWP information).
The Benefits and Work website have excellent information about PIP (and other benefits). You will need to pay a subscription to access detailed inofrmation. I think I paid about £15 for one year, then let it drop, but it was well worth it. On appealing it helps if you know what the descriptors are for each part that you get points for. They don't assess on the illness, but on how much you can or can't do certain things.
The website lists PIP descriptors and the points you get for each one. You need 8 points to get standard mobility and 8 points for standard care rates. benefitsandwork.co.uk/perso...
A friend of mine with serious heart disease was turned down and on appeal got care and mobility PIP. All the best to you.
Good luck and take care.
May I be rude and ask what this is about,? it sounds as if you have not seen a doctor but your medicine has not been adjusted to suit your current circumstances. Forgive my ignorance of the system ,but I live in South Africa .
This is about stopping my mobility part of PIP,personal independence payment paid to people with a disability. It comes in two parts daily living tasks and mobility. I have been getting the payments for 10 years then they review it. I have RA which is progressive.but according too the reviewer my mobility has improved after having a progressive disease for 10 years. My medicines have changed over that time. Now need codeine for the pain when I didn't before, I now use a walking stick and I am going through the process now of having a splint fitted to my knee.The point of this is how can a progressive degenerative disease improve yes it can stay stable for a while but not improve.
Good luck. I’m just about to do my MR but not holding out much hope. It’s a nightmare system. Had my mobility car for 15 years. Apparently I don’t need one anymore 🤷🏻♀️
Fight, fight and fight some more…. x

I don’t think you can fight for the mobility aspect it’s a link not the same thing same as the actual assessment so it falls away. I’m not saying it’s right just that its the it’s the way the rules are.
She can fight to get PIP Enhanced Mobility; with this she is eligible for Motability.

Depends on age ? as over if retirement age it appears to drop away. I'm not sure and not insured to give advice but think it may be case of if it drops away then it stops. Be careful as these things are far from straightforward and it could be misleading as no point in appealing if there is nothing to appeal as the legislation says no. I'm not saying it's right but best to be sure of the facts before going to a group that may charge for advice and can't do anything. I'm sorry but the direct gov advice does refer to this. The OP need to contact CAB or Age Concern or Welfare Rights Group which are free. I'm not arguing with you just saying it may not be straightforward.
You can't apply for PIP for first time if you are over statepension age, but if you are already on it then you can stay on it. If at review they have reassessed you and said that you no longer need you can appeal even if you are over state retirement age.
Over state retirement age you can apply for Attendance Allowance, but the criteria for it is very different.
I do know that you but it put simply is that it may be the case that once over state retirement age the rules change and yes you may continue to get PIP but perhaps the motability bit changes due to age. This is because AA has no mobility so being on PIP is effectively an advantage. I don’t know, but it would be best to find out if that is the case because these things do change.
AA is completely different to PIp
I know I used to work in Civil Service (DWP) then Local Authority. As I said might be a good idea to ask so you can target your appeal if it's based on circumstances but is it age?? I don't know how old you are, but the question I'd ask is " have I been refused mobility or downgraded automatically because of being over state retirement age and is this happening to everyone on reaching pension age" If the answer is "yes" you know that your appeal is based on age discrimination as your circumstances have only changed through age. If the answer is "No" then why has it been refused and you can argue for it to be reinstated on the basis that the assessment is wrong or based on assumptions that may be untrue or misinterpreted. I really wish you luck and the whole system is broken.
I had the mobility part and wasn't looking for anything more, my decision letter said I can appeal anything I disagreed with and I disagree that my mobility part should be stopped ,that's why I'm appealing.
I hope you get it too and I’d suggest that it might be worth finding out have they changed the legislation and the mobility bit now falls away. I don’t know and really hope it doesn’t but if they are bringing it inline with AA then it just might do. It is worth reading the info on Direct.Gov.uk which could also help in your appeal because you perhaps can see why it has been stopped. Good Luck.
Good luck with your appeal. xxxxx
Wish you luck for the appeal Chris's, apparently the appeals are better, because there are actual Doctors there, who I believe can more sympathetic to your case. I was not supposed to be reviewed until February 24, but because we have had the raise, they have reviewed me early.
They got my form back on 27th April and I still have not had a response. The mental torture of this is intolerable. I have a motability car, which I hope to god I don't lose. Last time we had a slight raise in 2021, they reviewed me and took £300.00 pound a month off, but with the help of the CAB/Welfare Rights I got it back.
They tend to review a year before your Award is due to end. Everyone gets the April rise and this does not affect outcomes. It is taking several months at the moment to review claims, which is why they have done it so early.
‘Benefits and Work’ have a forum you may find useful, and handy guides in case you need them. It’s about £20 a year to join.

My review firm was filled in and then sent on the 28th May 2022, it's taken them over a year to even send me a text to say I would be having a phone review in June this year then they canceled that one and I had to wait another week. Its shocking the way they are handling this process
Don’t give up. MRs generally just ‘rubber stamp’ the first decision.
Make sure you get a copy of the Medical Report. This can highlight inconsistencies with your lived reality. Phone up every morning until you get it/ they say they have sent it. Keep written records of all attempts.
Back up everything you say with medical evidence. Focus on what you cannot do. Focus on difficulties, not diagnoses. Benefits and Work and Fightback are worth your money. Fightback especially if you are going to Appeal.
Best of luck. I had a total nightmare with PIP; they just want people to go away, as this saves them money 😡🤬
Don't give up as this is what they want. I had a nightmare when I used to claim ESA (support group) and I ended up having to go to court. The judge took one look and within less than 5 minutes was re awarded ESA, with a recommendation of no further assessments. I know it's hard slog, but please don't let those who haven't a clue how you feel or what you have to go through each day dictate the quality of your life and health. If you haven't already got help to appeal as others have suggested it will take some of the pressure and also they will be more used to the appeal process. I dread brown envelopes now and know my PIP will be due to be reviewed soon. Take care and let us know how you get on when you can.
Keep fighting Chrissycl! PIP has just changed in Scotland to Adult Disability Payment. I wonder if this will make a difference but hopefully won’t need to worry for a while with just winning the tribunal case. Wishing you good luck.
Good luck xx
Hi Chris, I like many others was refused PIP. I'm "too healthy and capable of managing my own affairs et al"!!!
I have the standard daily living part and the standard mobility but now they have stopped my mobility, when I first applied there was more than the 2 questions to the mobility part and I actually saw a person who assessed me but now after 10 years my disease re my mobility as as somehow improved by talking to someone over the phone.
I hear you - I’m going through the same atm….. good luck Chrissycl !
I wasn't trying for an enhanced payment but just to stay as I was. I can't understand that progressive degenerative disease can improve that it necessary to stop the mobility part especially when I provided proof from my rhumatologist its is now classed as severe.
How do I get the assessment report.do phone the same number as on my Pip.decision
good luck. I’m going down the same road by the look.
Sadly thought he might wish he’d appealed but it doesn’t mean he would get it. This is about not saying what people will get but what they might might qualify for and we don’t know all the circumstances.
I know it’s hard but it’s also sometimes Chinese Whispers too, and I do wonder if over retirement age then no mobility on AA so it does make a sort of sense. Not necessarily right but is that now the rules. IE should someone get mobility at 68 on PIP when say their twin can’t on A.A . with same illness and disability. I don’t know. But it could then be said on PIP there is a financial advantage over A.A and those over retirement age can’t claim it and is that fair? I’d sayit is discriminating by age. Because I’m 70 don’t I need to run a car? This stuff is really complicated. Lol
Dear Chrissycl,
Way Back in 2016 I had a similar 'Problem', I had Submitted Around 100 Pages of information- some from my Doctors, ever Professors...... and was Turned Down.
Undeterred I attended the Appeals Court, along with my Mother (who was my Primary Carer at the time) and a mutual friend. Not only was my Benefit Restored but at a Higher Rate- based on the Same Submission!
Ok they DID 'Muck About', with the Payments- until I threatened to Take It Back to Court......
So YES DO Peruse this Chrissy, 'They' were NOT Scary AT ALL, just three People- A Doctor, Social Worker and Judge trying to 'do' the Right Thing.
Go For It Babe!
I was never on enhanced mobility only the standard one.That is what I have lost because they have stopped my mobility part. So I am able to appeal
Thank I spent last night in the queue to speak to an agent but had to hang up after that long. Will.try again on Monday as they kept repeating its not as busybody Mondays, I did get back in the letter they sent a run down of points received got only 4 for mobility. They say I can walk unaided, I told them I need a walking stick and also told them I don't go out without my husband for support. I'm sure they didn't listen to most of what I said
I would look at the PIP legislation (google) to see the proper legal criteria. Good Luck x