After an unsuccessful spinal fusion surgery in 2001(and 2 more since) I’ve been taking naproxen for about 15 years and get that together with a long list of other pain meds every 3 months,I’ve now been told I can only have 2 month supply of naproxen at a time which is messing up my repeat meds routine, has anyone else been told this or does anyone know if this new ‘rule’ is correct (and decided by who?) or is it just a guideline that my clinic is taking as law??
frustrated with restriction of naproxen: After an... - NRAS
frustrated with restriction of naproxen

all my meds are now one months supply at a time (including naproxen), really annoying, I seem to be always at the pharmacy. Something to do with wastage I think.
According to the Department of Health “A 28 day prescribing interval is recognised by the NHS as making the best possible balance between patient convenience, good medical practice and minimal drug wastage”.
Mine are the same but with the added problem that I get prescribed a 28 day dose but the reset date for reorder is always the next day on month after the request is looked at. Between 31 days in some months and a couple of days between request and the approval I am ending up short of medication. GRR.
All our meds have been two-monthly for a few years now.
I've only ever had a months' supply of any meds at a time, that's over a 53 year period.
Same here unless I'm going away and then I can request extra
I have around 25 meds on my repeat prescription. Most are 2 monthly, but a few I have to order monthly. It is frustrating as they are all different dates, although I can put order in 2 weeks prior to renewal date. Thankfully I have a medication app, that alerts me when meds are due, but also has a stock control and alerts me when I only have 2 weeks left. I don’t know of any surgeries doing 3 monthly prescriptions
Its not usual to have three monthly prescriptions, only once a month in general. some drugs have to be reveiwed on monthly basis or three monthly basis and others every 6months if Dr has not seen you.The rules for long term repeat prescriptions varies with different surgeries and Chemists and some drugs can be had more frequently. Naproxen as I understand it is being researched in respect of long term use due to side effects arising. It is difficult when the keep changing the repeat rules for all of us on long term drugs, especially if they are working for us.