Naproxen and sleepyness how long will it last - NRAS


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Naproxen and sleepyness how long will it last

Haybee profile image
32 Replies

I’ve just started taking naproxen for reactive arthritis (I know not RA but very similar symptoms ), I’m 37 and blimey they Knock me out an hour after taking them, but it’s still better than having hands so swollen that opening a milk bottle is agony.

I’ve read that after a while you get used to the naproxen and it doesn’t make you as sleepy. Does anyone know how long I’m likely to need to tough it out.

Also I’m thinking of trying just taking the full daily dose at night, does anyone have experience of how long it is likely to stay effective for (if I can get through the morning after taking the dose the night before I’ll be ok as am always worse in the morning and this way I avoid the sleepy ness)

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Haybee profile image
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32 Replies
VeronicaF profile image

I felt very sleepy on them but I got very very depressed on them and knew that wasn't me luckly,so took myself off them ,so keep an eye on depression

Amy65 profile image

Hi my husband is on them 500mg twice a day .at night they make him very sleepy he's only been on them a month also had to go to give him stomach tablet as they cause testable acid reflux .hope u feel better soon amy

Haybee profile image

I have been on max ibuprofen for last 12 weeks with occasional cocodemol but that stopped being effective hence the naproxen. Got Omeprezole too to keep the tummy intact.

As I’ve only had this 5 months I’ve been trying to tough it out as most cases of reactive arthritis Peter out after 6 months, but aparrently not me, got to be different. the current flare up is awful and I’m going to have to buy a stick soon as I can’t walk after long car trips, but not sure a stick will help due to hand pain preventing me using one! Anyone got a spare hover board?Naproxen works a treat but just need to solve the sleep effects.

PFKAAde profile image

Surprised an NSAID would make you sleepy (because then it would appeal to a lot of different people), and it isn’t listed as a common side-effect. Are you on anything else that might affect your central nervous system? Things like opiates (morphine, Tramadol, codeine etc), or antidepressants or gaba meds (pregabalin / gabapentin) etc etc?

If an NSAID is having that effect then I would say you need to discuss it with the prescribing doctor and decide if you should continue taking it. Do you take any other meds at the same time as it?

Reactive Arthritis will also make you feel drowsy / fatigued - could it be from that?

Also don’t take twice the dose in one go, depending on the formulation they will either be designed to rapidly release the drugs in to your system or slowly. If you take a day’s worth in one go you risk overdosing on them. Take them as prescribed.

All the best.


Haybee profile image
Haybee in reply to PFKAAde

NHS website has tiredness as a common 1:100 side effect.

Gnarli profile image
Gnarli in reply to Haybee

I've learned something new. Thank you

PFKAAde profile image
PFKAAde in reply to Haybee

Sorry, see below for response. Having a fat-fingers night!

Haybee profile image
Haybee in reply to PFKAAde

Me too, means time for the meds 😂

Fatfingers profile image
Fatfingers in reply to PFKAAde

Oi leave me out of it please...

Gnarli profile image

I can't take NSAIDS as they have a bad effect on my tummy, even with a tummy protector. Wishing you well


VeronicaF profile image

I can't take NSAIDS anymore too due to my stomach or more what they did to my stomach

Gnarli profile image
Gnarli in reply to VeronicaF

Sympathies to you. As if we didn't have enough to cope with. Hugs


PFKAAde profile image

Ah, ok - has it as way down the ‘less conmon’ list.

It’s just an unusual side-effect from an NSAID. It is the ‘drowsyness’ that lots of people seek from lots of drugs (eg opiates) and I would guess it isn’t that common from Naproxen, but I’ve never had it (just diclofenac and ibuprofen). Usually it is gastrointestinal side-effects (or cardio from longer-term use). The only NSAIDs I’ve ever had had zero effect on tiredness / drowsiness but they are effective painkillers for inflammatory conditions.

Would still ask Doc the question and still not take twice the dose in one go.


Haybee profile image
Haybee in reply to PFKAAde

Fingers crossed bloods will come back in a week and suggest some way to treat the condition rather than symptom, as I don’t want to mess up my gut anymore from long term NSAID (the food poisoning that kicked all this off gave lactose intolerance as a parting gift, just imagine the internal anguish at having to weigh up a delicious custard slice vs the inevitable after effects.... it’s still sometimes worth it for life’s little pleasures)

Hobbledehoy profile image
Hobbledehoy in reply to PFKAAde

I'm interested that you have/had Diclofenic. I used to and it was v effective. But my surgery has refused for years to prescribe it any more because of potentially dangerous side-effects.

PFKAAde profile image

Custard slices are good tho...

I was on diclofenac and lansoprazole for >15 years, and it isn’t ideal, but they are very effective anti-inflammatories so sometimes the benefits outweigh the risks. It depends how much pain you are in.


hawker955 profile image

Naproxen doesn't have effect like causing sleepiness. It is a non-steroidal that just reduces inflammation. No reason for your sleepinessdue to Naproxen as far as I can see.

nomoreheels profile image

If it's drowsiness do report it to your prescriber if it doesn't ease off after a week of taking it. Meantime be careful, don't do anything that requires you to be fully aware & awake.

I've always been advised to take my NSAIDs at night (on my fifth). The reason being it's intended to allow the joints move better in the morning. I'm not sure about taking your total daily dose at one time at night. If it's been prescribed one in the morning & one at night that's how the prescriber intended it to be taken, please don't take both together.

Haybee profile image

Aha! Think I have found my answer on under naproxen pharmacokinetics. Half life is 12 to 17 hours (ideal to take a dose at night and have it still effective come 6am when I get up). Takes 4 to 5 days to reach steady state blood levels. More than 500mg at a time is not of benefit as it saturates the blood plasma after that.

Got a week off work now so hopefully will be steady state by then.

Haybee profile image
Haybee in reply to Haybee

Wow, today is the first time in 5 months I’ve woken up and been able to walk without pain in my feet. If it weren’t for children jumping all over me I’d be up and dancing a jig.

Naproxen is definitely going to be part of my night routine now. Just need to suss how to get through a day dose without falling 😴

PFKAAde profile image

If it makes you drowsy (and that’s ok with the doc) then they are a winner. An NSAID that helps with sleep sounds almost too good to be true!

Are they slow-release ones, do you know? When I’ve been on extended release diclofenac in the past (which last 12 hours or so) then it really helps in the morning. If I forgot to take it I knew as soon as I woke up because my hands would hurt. The normal release stuff doesn’t last through the night though.

The half-life doesn’t necessarily mean how long the drug will remain effective for by the way it’s just how long it takes to metabolise half of it.


Haybee profile image
Haybee in reply to PFKAAde

No suggestion of long or slow release in the leaflet, but they give relief within about 15 mins. Perhaps the body is just a bit slower to metabolise this one so it persists a bit longer. Half life is stated as 12 to 17 hours.

I tried a half day dose earlier (250mg) and no drowsiness yet so perhaps that’s my key to a good balance.

PFKAAde profile image
PFKAAde in reply to Haybee

I’d be surprised, nay amazed, if you continue to get a drowsy effect from them for long.

If tbey don’t say ER or SR or extended delayed or whatever release on the packet they will be normal release. I don’t even know if you can get naproxen extended release, but if you can I have always found the ext release diclofenac more effective and convenient than normal release.

Different people do metabolise different drugs at different rates, so that can have an effect on how effective they are and how long they last.


Haybee profile image
Haybee in reply to PFKAAde

Spoke too soon! Went to put the 2 year old for a nap, and the wife came up to whine at why the toddler was still roaming free and not asleep, found me spark out on the floor by the bed!

Think I’m going to have to keep this one for evenings and flare ups only.

PFKAAde profile image
PFKAAde in reply to Haybee

You sure it’s not just the effects of the small children? 🏃‍♂️🏃‍♀️They certainly make me drowsy from time-to-time...

I did notice that the wording of the side-effect in question on was: “unusual tiredness or weakness” and less common still was “extreme fatigue”. Those don’t sound like the “may make you drowsy, if affected blah blah” that it usually says on CNS depressive medications.

Would have a chat with my doctor if it was me - again basically passing out isn’t ‘normal’ from an NSAID in my experience. In fact it isn’t ‘normal’ from morphine or zopiclone and in the case of zopiclone that’s what it’s for!


Hobbledehoy profile image

I hope you & Naproxen live happily ever after! It's been my best friend for many years. Originally prescribed for Osteo-arthritis, it still helps me even now I've got RA as well. If, like me, your prescription is for "1 or 2 tablets a.m. & p.m.", I advise you to take only one at a time. *Following the tummy-protector your dr. has prescribed - I take once-a-day Omeprazole (which you can buy until you get a prescription, if necessary), AND AFTER FOOD. I never deviate from that and have never had any problems. If you are already taking only 1 Naproxen morning & evening, then you need to refer back to your doctor. If your pharmacy is part of the surgery, it is very worthwhile consulting them too. Good luck.

I am on Naproxen but must admit I haven't noticed they made me tired but with everything else I am taking Im probably wouldn't notice. Don't take the full dose at once, they are designed to be slow release, the reason I came off Ibuprofen, getting up in the morning was really painful before and much easier now as it is still in my system, the morning dose then allows me to function during the day.

AgedCrone profile image

Definitely do NOT take the whole dose at night. There is a reason Naproxen is prescribe in two daily doses, taking a double dose at night could cause you problems.

I must say I have never heard of Naproxen causing sleepiness..., but I only take it as & when needed & have never taken it regularly for longer than a week.

Hope you get sorted & that your reactive arthritis does burn itself out soon.

Haybee profile image

Well I have my answer, about 3 days the sleepyness lasted, getting less of an issue each day. My body seems used to the naproxen side effects now.

Taking just one in an even seems to do the trick for me, I can still feel the ReA in the background, but the naproxen keeps it back to the point I can do 95% of things that I want to (never liked running anyway).

nomoreheels profile image
nomoreheels in reply to Haybee

I thought it sounded like side effect that could ease the longer you take it, the reason I said to mention it happens for longer than a week. It's good if you can manage on just one in the evening, hopefully that will help ease joint stiffness in the morning. I only take my NSAID every other day now unless my OA is having a go at me then I increase it to every day as suggested by my GP.

Haybee profile image

Aaaand the blood test results are in.

Everything is normal except monocytes, which are just above the normal range (0.2 to 0.9 is normal I'm at 0.95). And the Drs say it's not enough to investigate further.

But the symptoms are still lurking, ReA seems need to stay.

Tried coming off naproxen 2 days and pains returned.

helixhelix profile image

That's sort of good news, as seems more likely that it is ReA so will go away. My lodger had this and it took a year for it to go, but eventually it did shuffle off.

I do sometimes find my NSAID (arcoxia) knocks me out but I put that down to the reaction to not being in pain as that's such a relief.

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