Hi all, wondering if anyone knows if you can take Lysine tablet form when on MTX I’ve heard it prevents cold sores. Any help would be appreciated?
cold sores: Hi all, wondering if anyone knows if you... - NRAS
cold sores

Hey Swanfull. yes had them since a woman spat on me telling me she had just been diagnosed with Her... Peeees... the next morning, ta da! One on my chin. After than I had them on my lips and now I just get them in my nose and on nostril. So - I discovered the merits of lysine many years ago - and am on methotrexate for Lupus and Sjogrens and all sorts. I've never been told not to take it... You need to take 1000mg of lysine every day to keep it at bay (and 1000mg am and pm when actively have one) - BUT...... the best thing you can do t avert the blighters is to..... not eat tomatoes or nuts and seeds anymore - and certainly not when you have a sore. It changed my life! They are full of arginine., which is the contra to lysine... and actively bring on cold sores. I had a salad with walnuts in the other week and,.,, next morning (along with a ton of stress in my life which is also, as I'm sure you know, a massive trigger for them) I had a sore on my nostril. Used to live on tomato pasta and crunchy peanut butter on toast.... but no more...sadly. There is a lot of research on it, for anything, on the web... and you'll find lots if you look.
Hope that answers your question... oh, and drink tons of water always... I'm sure you do anyway!
All the best, D
Thank you soooo much for that I have very similar symptoms to you on Benapali and MTX so immune system not that great. Been looking on internet about things I shouldn’t eat drink etc have been having almond milk smoothies, nuts etc thinking I was eating healthy just can’t win!! Suddenly broke out in this horrendous thing on my bottom lip had it for weeks!, ( first time ) on antiviral medication now. Read about taking a supplement of Lysine to keep them at bay but was worried about the medication I am on that’s for the reassurance and help I really appreciate it x
Yikes - no more almond anything for you.... or any other nuts :(.... But you'll be glad you did. I take a great powder supplement each day, mixed up with Rachel's coconut greek style yoghurt to get rid of lumps and then add pineapple juice and water... it's delicious! The supplement I mix with it is called Super Elixir by Welleco... Elle McPherson (a top model in her time, called "The Body"). Anyway, she met with a top nutritionist many years back to try and feel a lot better than she was... and was so impressed with the stuff she put Elle on she hooked up with the nutritionist and made Super Elixir. I found it 6 years ago, pre diagnosis, and in the midst of yet another chest infection (ie v bad), bed bound, for the second time in two months and really struggling to work generally. I started taking it and never looked back. There is an offer on the website at the moment - 20% off subscriptions. It's not cheap, but, IMHO, it's the best and totally worth it... Why not give it a try? Do let me know if you find it helpful... All the best... x
Hi Swanfull. They're nasty little buggers aren't they! You can also get a Lysine Lip Balm, I used to use it a few years ago and it's good stuff (well it was for me). You can get them on Amazon.
Thank you x
You can get Zovirax lip cream at Boots or any pharmacy... or Boots do their own cheaper brand. I chuck it on day and night when I get a sore.. It's full of aciclovir which is the anti viral you will be taking orally I'm guessing? GP also put me on shed loads of that when I had shingles last year... very effective. All the best, D
Hi yes I take Lysine to prevent cold sores and mouth ulcers on MXT with no problem 😊
Never had a cold sore with Mtx but once I started Tocilizumab, hey presto!I'll certainly give the lip balm a try.
hello, it might sound weird but I use apple cider vinegar. I'm on mtx since 2017 but I get cold sores since I was a kid. If I put some vinegar on my skin when it starts itching, it stops. If I woke up with a cold sore, I put vinegar immediately and bam it's gone by the evening! If I get it inside my nose, I use cotton buds (not plastic) to apply vinegar, it hurts to breathe in for a couple of seconds then it's all good. I have stopped using any kind of cream, tablets, etc. since I discovered vinegar a couple of years ago. I even told about vinegar to my rheumatologist last year, she asked if it is apple vinegar, I said yes. She replied: my patient just before you told me the same!" I guess it is not my secret recipe