I have not been posting much lately because I have been recovering from a fall on the stairs on Christmas Eve where I smashed both my elbows. I have tried to keep up my spirits, but I have to say it has been quite an ordeal. For the first 6 weeks I had both arms in slings and was able to do very little for myself . I had a home care worker coming over twice a week for a few weeks to give me a shower, but my main helper has been my dear husband, who himself has been recovering from his stroke in November. He has actually been doing very well thanks to the excellent health care he received, but having to help me every day has probably helped him too in a way. My youngest daughter came to visit in January and cooked us a pile of meals for the freezer, which was a huge help.
So now it has been almost 3 months. The bones have mostly healed and I can do most things for myself, but my shoulders, which were painful before because of the RA, did not do well being immobilized for 6 weeks, and my elbows have not regained their previous range of motion. I am still drinking my coffee through a straw though I can manage a couple of sips like a normal person, so think I will be able to give up the straw soon. The things I still can't manage alone are putting on shirts, washing my hair, and getting things from overhead cabinets. That is a short list compared to where I started.
When I saw the orthopedic doctor after the breaks he recommended that I stop my Rinvoq, which was starting to show good results after 2 months. I had been through a miserable year with my RA , trying different meds that were not working for me, so I was not eager to stop Rinvoq. I asked my rheumy the following week and he advised me to keep taking it, so I guess I did the right thing.
So now I feel like I am coming out the other side.. I am doing well on the Rinvoq with just a few stubborn joints that still bother me - the left knee and those 2 sore shoulders. I think maybe I need some physiotherapy to get the shoulders and elbows moving better. My energy is improving and my blood tests have improved with the Rinvoq .
Sorry this is so long. It has been a rough go, but I have managed to keep up my spirits, and now it is Spring. The snow is almost gone and I am looking forward to better days.