Hi folks, feeling run down and fed up, (mild depression), fun contines with the pain and discomfort. Missing Olga, Bella appears to still be looking for her. She won't let me touch her, backs off when I go near, comes in to eat then wants to go out or hides which she never did before, upsets me. Cats Protection said the bond was stronger than I knew and be patient as it was early days. I 'won' a laptop computer was asked and refused to pay towards the postage. They wanted bank account details, tried to talk me around, refused again. They put the phone down. I've had quite a few nuisance calls recently so got an answerphone that blocks calls. Not sure about the number showing ignore it. Struggling with my proofreading course put that on hold. Next Tuesday I have a phone appointment about suitability for and what am I doing to find work. No-one is looking at my online CV. When I pass my proofreading course the company will employ me as a freelancer and advise on how to find clients. It's cost £300.00, DWP wouldn't help out financially. I was an audio/copy typist 60+ wpm, made redundant last September. I,m 63, RA in ankles, knees, hands and wrists. I've lost my typing speed and need to take breaks using a PC as prolonged use causes pain. Sometimes I struggle with dressing and walking. Using my exercise bike several times daily building up how much I do, listening to my body and beginning to see a difference, intermittently in pain with ankles and knees more so at night. I'm frequently tired but can have trouble sleeping due to pain, I will take a painkiller, and can fall asleep reading a book or watching TV daytime. Blood test shows mild anemia so taking vitamin B and trying to increase iron levels naturally, eating more arthritis friendly foods. Today had to go out, car wouldn't start, breakdown service came to the house and said I need to run the engine daily as I rarely go out. He was nice. With an unpleasant childhood, a couple of other issues years ago and this now I find it hard to believe in God. Not giving up just fed up at the moment. It's tough on your own but cope because I have to. Found a waterfall painting by numbers kit in a cupboard so intend doing it. Giving meditation another go as occasionally I have wanted silence. Methotrexate and vitamin B kicking in as will the exercise. Thanks folks as this site helps and have recommended it to several people. I wish you all good health.
ARTHRITIS FLARE UP WINGE: Hi folks, feeling run down... - NRAS

I heard on the news yesterday that most businesses where possible will give the option of working from home, my next door neighbour data inputs for an insurance company and I know alot of financial companies need people to data input, as you may be able to door from home it might open up the possibilities ?
Its a big change for you and your cat isn't it,I guess the cats protection where right and its going to take a bit longer for your cat to grieve xx
I find watching Bob Ross on BBC4 really relaxing so good luck with your paint by numbers, I bet it will be nice to do. I use to do them when I was younger and would mess it up in about 2 minutes ha ha would drive my mum nuts.
Hope things improve pain wise, its a hard job of getting the balance right between moving too much and not enough x
Have a lush day x
Oh my darling you do have it hard. I can inderstand about how hard it is to type as i have the same problems. Thankfully now that i am a pensioner i don't have to worry about looking for a job. Hugs darling and i hope things ease in the coming weeks. xxxx
Just sending a hug x
No suggestions just sending some thoughts in a difficult time. I was diagnosed after I retired (though looking back I realise that I was having symptoms which made work difficult before and influenced the decision) I admire all of you coping with rheumatoid whilst still working and/or bringing up young children
What a rotten lousy time you are having. It's no wonder you're feeling so overwhelmed. I haven't any suggestions but wanted to send a huge virtual hug
Things sound very difficult for you just now, but this spell will pass and things will take a more positive turn. Remember at your assessment next week to be honest, but focus on your poorer days, the issues with your hands, the issues with repeatedly doing tasks, the pain, stiffness fatigue. The ways in which life is challenging.
I was asked if I could lift my hands above my head, they wanted a yes or no answer, neither answer was correct for me ....I could lift my hands above my head ...perhaps once or twice on a good day. But I couldn't do it repeatedly, nor or a bad day....so the answer had to be no.
Don't be forced into agreeing that you can do things when you know you could not do them repeatedly in a work situation. I hope it works out well.
Best wishes to you.
Hi, you sure have a lot going on. Sometimes it’s hard to keep positive isn’t it. I’m struggling myself at the moment as I’ve picked up a bug…I think! The fatigue is awful and everything tastes rotten so I’m not eating. This place is a wee refuge, I’m so glad I found it. Stay strong ((hugs)) M x
My old doctor told me once that I was hitting a wall. He gave me hypnotherapy to allow the sadness out! I thought he was going crazy in his old age but I agreed. Apparently I said a lot and cried solidly for six minutes. I felt so much better after! Maybe you need to let it out too. Don’t despair! Help is around if you look. And even though we all sit in our anonymous worlds we do care on this site. So be brave and go and knock your wall down too 🪴
I'm sorry to hear you're still having it bad and hope things soon start to pick up for you. Maybe it was just as well you didn't give the laptop people your bank account details, you never know these days! The Call Guard phones are really good, we've had them for a few years now and they save so much hassle. You can sometimes find out who the numbers are from by typing "telephone number" (then the number) into Google and find a Who Calls Me site (there are others) - if they are a nuisance call, it will sometimes have comments from others who have received calls from the same number and say who they are.
Hi Ritaris I am sorry that you are going thru this pain. I can certainly relate to you. I am also 63, 11 years with RA in most joints. I gentle exercise and I have used a silver cloth sheet called Farabloc wrapped around each hand which helps them and ice. I also use a heating pad by battle creek and that helps my hips and knees. It feels more like moist heat. I’m not selling anything, it’s just what I found that works for my RA to help alleviate some of the pain so I’m grateful for that. This place is a great resource and people are super helpful hère. Take Care and have a good day.
You can allow yourself to be feeling fed up when faced with all you are faced with right now. You seem to be very positive and resilient deep down which will help you to help yourself out of the momentary low. I'm glad you are listening to your body. I found this hard in the beginning, but it turned out to be amongst the best tools to use on the way to remission. I know how a cat misses her longtime friend. It happened to us twice. It did take months in both cases, but eventually the miaowing and searching stopped. Keep in touch and good luck with your meeting.
Life is so hard at times. Constant pain is so depressing too. Good vibes to you.