Dear Moderators. Hope this is ok. Thought it would be useful for all your platforms.
Done, thank you for posting it
Done, thank you, it would be great to raise awareness and understanding of what we all suffer daily. Even my family doesn’t really understand I don’t think!
Done x
Are you sure tis is real and not gathering information for any purpose? I'm not saying it is but it has no Disability Rights Logo on it and I can't see any link to it on their website. I only looked as did look through it and saw it asking for my email address so terminated the survey as did not understand why that is needed.
*I am on their (CII) mailing list & have contributed to research in the past.. NOT DODGY 😎
“Chronic Illness Inclusion is excited to announce a potential collaboration with Disability Rights UK (DRUK) to win social justice for people with chronic illness. CII has spent four years developing our vision for equality and inclusion for people with chronic illness. Working together with disability rights experts at DR UK would jumpstart the change we all want to see. Together we want to transform understandings of chronic illness and shape policies to improve our lives.
To resource this opportunity, CII and DRUK are collecting evidence of the need and the support from the chronic illness community for this work. This is where you come in!
We need to hear from as many different types of energy-limiting and chronic pain conditions as possible. This will increase our visibility to policy makers, and demonstrate that we can unite and speak with one voice to advance our rights.
This short survey takes 5 - 10 mins and allows you to register your interest and support for this project. It closes on the 25th September.”
Not sure if this has been approved by NRAS. If it has then ok, but it has no logo to actually indicate ownership of the information being requested. Looks dodgy to me..
See above x

I wish you'd put that up with the OP as it looks like data harvesting . It is so easy these days to look like one thing and be another. Will look again. x
Was doing it in a rush as I am prone to forgetting things… Yes, I agree!!