Vaccine: How many of you feel that the Covid-19 vaccine... - NRAS


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Olmettig profile image
49 Replies

How many of you feel that the Covid-19 vaccine has kept them safe?

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Olmettig profile image
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49 Replies
helixhelix profile image

Yes, I feel safe. No vaccine is perfect, but I’ve never got polio, diphtheria, meningitis, tetanus, malaria, yellow fever, or any of the other things I’ve been vaccinated against so am positive that this vaccine will be the same.

I am also extremely pleased to live in a country where we can be vaccinated easily. Imagine how you would feel somewhere else where there was no vaccine available!

Olmettig profile image
Olmettig in reply to helixhelix

I understand and feel that vaccinations are important but I worry that there is not enough data on the interactions with the medications I take. They rushed this vaccine. But I am thinking about getting it right now because my new job is mandating it. Just wanted to get everyone’s opinion because all of you have some type of autoimmune and it is so helpful. Thank you for your reply!

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to Olmettig

Look at it this way…you have the same chance of catching Covid with or without being vaccinated.But you have a hell of a better chance of not having it badly if you have the two injections.

The majority of people now in ICUs in hospitals throughout the country have not been vaccinated & most are really poorly, & are now regretting the choice they made.

snotts profile image

I have severe asthma and I am so grateful to have received the vaccine. Now that all of my friends are vaccinated I feel a bit freer.... And also as helix says I feel so lucky to live in a country where I was able to get the vaccine quickly.

Olmettig profile image
Olmettig in reply to snotts

I have not been vaccinated yet. I have been careful only because I was worried about the interactions with my medications. Thank you for your reply it is helping me make my decision.

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to Olmettig

If you were on any medication that is known to show a bad reaction to a Covid vaccination your doctor or your rheumy nurse would have told you by now.I had a bad reaction to both vaccinations….but I got over that & now feel quite relaxed about my present situation…I’m not going to be at the front of the queue if I am offered a booster jab…but I will talk to my doctor & take his advice & then just play it as I see it.

Olmettig profile image
Olmettig in reply to AgedCrone

Thank you! I will just pray that my reaction won’t be bad when I get it. All of you have been so helpful.

snotts profile image
snotts in reply to Olmettig

I felt pretty rough after the vaccine and in a way that makes me even more glad I had it. If I reacted badly to the vaccine, that shows I would be really sick with COVID if I got it

shakymum profile image
shakymum in reply to AgedCrone

Hi AgedCroneMay I ask what your reaction was to the Covid-19 vaccine and which manufacturer did you have?


rabbits65 profile image

Yes I think and hope so . 😃 😊

Olmettig profile image
Olmettig in reply to rabbits65

Thank you! Just have concerns with if I get the vaccine will I get another Autoimmune down the road.

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to Olmettig

You will be fine …A lot of us have had a bad reaction and felt pretty rotten for a couple of weeks after our vaccinations ….but I reckon it’s worth feeling a bit rotten because of a vaccination rather than catching Covid.

oldtimer profile image

I was really relieved to be immunised and so were the rest of my family. We felt that even if we got Covid 19 we would not be so ill (and I might even survive it, which I doubted before being in a high risk group).

I feel, too, that I can have more of a social life, although I'm still a bit extra careful of hygiene measures.

Olmettig profile image
Olmettig in reply to oldtimer

Thank you for your reply and that makes perfect sense. I just worry about drug interactions. I have to make a decision and everyone here is helping me. So Thank you!!

shakymum profile image
shakymum in reply to Olmettig

HiI also am on the fence with the vaccine. I’m really worried about the risk of long-term effects which haven’t made themselves known yet. (I’m thinking 10-20 years down the road). What symptoms have you heard others having?

Hi, I was very pleased to move out of the ‘at high risk of death’ group. I am still vulnerable, and will continue to keep myself safe, but I no longer have panic attacks when I leave the house 🎉. Will want the Autumn Booster when they sort it though. I am on Mx though. Some on other meds are still incredibly vulnerable ☹️.

Olmettig profile image
Olmettig in reply to

I feel vulnerable from the many medications I am on and that is why I have not taken the vaccine. I have been very safe but now I am starting a new job and they are mandating that I get the vaccine.

in reply to Olmettig

Oh dear. I would talk to your Rheumatologist / other Consultants about this. If you will have a severe reaction etc they can give you an exemption letter.

paulogribiz profile image

I have had both vaccines, and have been covid positive since last Saturday.

Had lots of quite bad coughing fits and plenty of sweatiness, luckily only two really bad nights with no sleep. Appears to be improving slowly and am really glad i had the vaccine, would not want to have gone through that without it!

Am off my meds, for 10-14 days after my test, then will restart them if feeling better.

Medication i take are:


25mg Methotraxate weekly,

Sulfasalazine 2 twice daily,

Folic acid 2-3 times a week.

Olmettig profile image
Olmettig in reply to paulogribiz

I currently take Orencia, Hydroxychloroquine, OXcarbazepine, Ropinirole, and 4 others. But these are the ones I am worried about with interactions. I believe I had Covid before it was even called Covid.

medway-lady profile image

A good question and I've never thought about it as keeping me safe on its own but as part of a bigger picture. And I feel that combined with other measures I've continued to take like masks in shops, and living in a still low infection rate area must be good news. But the news today about a seemingly declining rate of protection may be more worrying. So many of these studies saying different things of course it's still early days so I will just wait and see and continue being careful. Although I do think eventually we will all get it as no such thing as 100% protection. However no more smallpox infections in the world so vaccinations do work ( and as children we had a lot didn't we ?) but sometimes not fast. Complex issue ! xx

Olmettig profile image
Olmettig in reply to medway-lady

I have been very careful to with wearing masks and honestly have been very hesitant it getting the vaccine: But now they are mandating it more and more. Just worried about the interactions with different medications.

medway-lady profile image
medway-lady in reply to Olmettig

I take enough to sink a battleship most days and perhaps its worth the risk if there is any and I'm not sure there is. I'd rather not get Covid badly and die. As a patient with CKD and most covid deaths its something like 40% occur as covid has affected kidneys as well as lungs so I thought for me it was a no brainer. I did stop the Benepali and AZA and that caused a flare and so didn't stop for second jab and no side effects at all. x

Mmrr profile image

Being vaccinated gives me the best chance to avoid the worst of Covid.

Olmettig profile image
Olmettig in reply to Mmrr

I feel like I have had Covid already before they even knew it was Covid. So I have not been vaccinated yet because I do not like all of the info in regards to the MRNA. But now my new job is requiring it and I am forced to make a decision. Just afraid of all the medications I am on and the interactions. Thank you for your reply, it is helpful.

Ruth12345 profile image

As has been said. Yes pleased to have had vaccine e and it's part of aa big picture ie masks wearing etc.

Olmettig profile image
Olmettig in reply to Ruth12345

Thank you for your reply. I have been very worried about getting it because of drug interactions. I am starting a new job and they are mandating it, so I am trying to make a decision.

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to Olmettig

Have you spoken to your doctor about your doubts….surely his input could put your mind at rest?Thinking that the drugs you are on puts you at any more risk than others on similar drugs is really not helping you…if you should be unfortunate enough to contract Covid…having the protection the vaccines offer is surely what you need to set your mind at rest.

I know if I was still working I would not only want to be vaccinated to protect my own health, but also that of my colleagues if I happened to be an asymptomatic carrier.

Olmettig profile image
Olmettig in reply to AgedCrone

I did speak with my doctor, it was more like a lecture. But I decided to get my first vaccine yesterday and it went ok. Thank you for your reply.

helixhelix profile image
helixhelix in reply to Olmettig

Well done you. It’s hard making these sorts of decisions.

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to Olmettig

I’m glad you decided to get vaccinated…now don’t get upset if you feel a bit “off” for a few days…a lot of us did.I hope you are one of the lucky ones who just sails through!👍

Ruth12345 profile image
Ruth12345 in reply to Olmettig

Get medical advice e and support. Spend time discussing with people you trust.All the best for your new job

Ruth12345 profile image
Ruth12345 in reply to Olmettig

Well I was fine and never told to stop any medication. I was on maths, sulph, hydroxy, pred, plus other meds but not specifically connected to RD.All the best.

Olmettig profile image
Olmettig in reply to Ruth12345

They said I would be ok, I just am so sensitive to medications. But I ended up having the first shot yesterday and it went well.

Ruth12345 profile image
Ruth12345 in reply to Olmettig

Congratulations. First step done. These are not easy times so this forum is great to get support and ideas.Take care 🌞

Olmettig profile image
Olmettig in reply to Ruth12345

Thank you! I am a bit nervous for that second shot as I have had some bad headaches.

MissMinto profile image

Having recently had Covid I’m extremely glad I was double vaxed as it very definitely reduced the severity of my symptoms to Covid-lite. Add in the booster we’ll hopefully be offered next month and I think it’s just about as good as it gets, barring some new variant emerging.

Olmettig profile image
Olmettig in reply to MissMinto

Thank you for your reply. It is very helpful for me to make a decision on receiving the vaccine.

helixhelix profile image

If you are unsure there are two things you could do (as well as speaking to your medical team of course). The first is to check known drug interactions between the vaccine you might take and each of your drugs - here:

And the second is to read the latest analysis of yellowcard reports which is very reassuring, here:

Olmettig profile image
Olmettig in reply to helixhelix

Thank you for your reply. That is what I have been doing to see which one it reacts with. It did say moderate for reaction. That is why I have been so nervous to get it. But reading everyones replies has helped me a great deal. So Thank you!

charisma profile image

We are seeing waves of infections, as expected. But the vaccines appear to help prevent more serious illness and death.

None of the current Covid vaccines are designed or able to prevent the disease, unlike traditional vaccines that do inoculate against eg diphtheria and polio.

So it’s not ‘safe’ yet. And those on specific drug therapy viz RTX infusions, are least ‘safe’ except that each of us not only reacts differently to SARS-CoV-2 but also responds differently to Rituximab.

I remain vigilant and distant ie not meeting others indoors and limiting outdoor contact too.

I am not vaccinated but if Valneva is authorised this autumn, and offered, I would have that as it’s likely to be far more effective, being a whole inactivated virus traditional vaccine.

I had RTX infusions just a week or so before themRNA/DNA jabs were rolled out here. All up to date research shows that drug to prevent much, if any, response to vaccines.

JEM95 profile image

There was a great NRAS webinar about the vaccine and RA drugs. It’s well worth a watch if you haven’t seen it.

Also NRAS have a helpline specific to RA - why not give them a call, they might be able to help you come to a decision.

Best course of action (which will be specific to you, your meds and your disease activity) is to talk to you Rheumy team.

I’m double vaccinated and will gratefully have the booster.

I’m reading about so many Covid-struck anti-vaxxers who are regretting not having the vaccine.

As mentioned before it’s not just about protecting oneself - it’s others too.

Olmettig profile image
Olmettig in reply to JEM95

Thank you, I am going to look for that webinar.

BoneyC profile image

I would hope by being double jabbed if I was to get Covid then I wouldn't become seriously ill needing hospital treatment or die.

Yesterday's news about the vaccines protection diminishing after about 6 months is a little concerning - people who were jabbed first last December-February 2021 must have reduced protection now, but unless everyone is offered an antibody test we're not going to know what level of protection we may or may not have.

I wonder whether the recent rise in deaths from Covid is due to waning jab protection in the elderly/vulnerable and not just unjabbed people??

My elderly MIL is attending a funeral today in her village and it's likely to be well attended. Lots of (elderly/vulnerable) people in one place, passing round sandwiches, talking, not wearing masks, I wonder what the outcome will be as the odds on getting Covid now must be increased with reduced protection from jabs??

I haven't seen MIL for 20 months (husband visits alone) and was thinking maybe next week, but not so sure now.

Bookworm55 profile image

I am very glad I am double vaccinated. I have been very careful throughout the pandemic and continue to wear a mask and socially distance. However, 11 days ago I was pinged by the app as a close contact and subsequently tested positive for Covid. Only one other person in my family group (we were away together on holiday in Devon) tested positive- the rest all tested, and all negative.I can honestly say that we have suffered only very mild symptoms (both double vaccinated) although she is much younger than me.

I can’t help but think that my suppressed immune system made me more likely to catch Covid - but the vaccine came up trumps by saving me from more severe symptoms.

Squirrel3 profile image

I feel getting vaccinated was the right thing for me and also to protect other extremely vulnerable members of my family. Although I’m disappointed to now be told that I may need a booster in 6mths time. I also get an annual flu vaccination, which I’ll get in September and like other members have said, we are very fortunate to have these option in the Uk but I do still worry about possible side effects of surplus vaccinations adding to other health issues.I work in a SEN school and with vulnerable PMLD children too and I just hope, that we don’t see a winter surge if it’s proven that the vaccine protection is reduced after a 6mth period.

Manzana1 profile image

Vaccines are a gift

Green230461 profile image

Much safer than without it😎

rabbits65 profile image

Pleased to read you’ve finally had your first vaccine . You will be fine now .

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