Has anybody still had shivers and chills 3 days after vaccine just feel really achy and shivery had vaccine Friday
Vaccine : Has anybody still had shivers and chills... - NRAS

Not me mine lasted 24 hours but I recall someone felt “fluey “ for nearly a week.
I hope you feel better tomorrow.
Yes I had this with AZ however covid is far worse so I just took paracetamols and drank tea. All fine now and you will be too 👍
Thank u hun I had Pfizer felt ok this morning just this afternoon but I have been doing a bit too much in the house
Mine lasted about 5 days 🙂
Yes mine were 7 days
I think that mine was on the 2nd or 3rd day - didn't last long though 😊
I had mine Friday last week felt ok over weekend just this afternoon started to feel shivery and achy
Not me but I think some do and it’s perfectly normal.
My vaccine is booked for Thursday . I’m dreading the side affects but know it’s got to be done I suppose
If and it is a big HUGE if ... if you do get side effects ... It’s all temporary and minor. Have what you need in to make life easier for yourself just in case but really focus on how fantastic this is and how it gives great chance of us all being able to do things again. The news that keeps coming out is just better and better and the people passing away is reducing and reducing. 🤞🏻🥰
Had mine last Saturday. So well organised and friendly. No waiting no pain & no side effects 👍
dear I am glad you had no side effects but I want to ask you are you on medication immunosuppressed or not? Because I don't take any medication and I'm afraid that my immune system is not under control and can give me crazy reaction like severe flare up in my joints. I will look forward to your reply best wishes
I'm 72. Done in no time, didn't feel a thing, just had a bit of stiffness in the arm when I lifted it - only for a couple of days. In all probability you will fare no worse. Fingers crossed for you.

Hello dear. Do you know which vaccine did you get and are you you on immunosuppressive medication? I am not not that is why why I worry how my immune system might respond? I will be grateful for you reply best wishes Margaret
Dear Margaret, I take methotrexate and have been on it for two years. I've been on a low dose - 10 mg per week - for the past year, but was on much higher previously. I got the Pfizer vaccine. I've heard of people having more side-effects from the AZ vaccine, but nothing that lasted more than two days. Take your courage in both hands and accept whichever one they offer you. Nobody has died from the vaccine; millions have died from the virus. Wishing you all the best. x
Mine lasted 5 days but I have been assured by an expert that the worse the side effects the better your body has responded to the vaccine so it might be unpleasant but it is excellent news.
I had the Pfizer one last Thursday. Have felt very tired since. Otherwise ok, apart from a swollen lump in my armpit, which I usually get when overly tired 😢
Yes and many more symptoms. It has caused a false for me too, which is lovely.
Hi Deejojo. same as you pretty much. Quite normal to feel that way, I had the Oxford vaccine end of January. I have to say I will never be normal!!!😂😂😂
It seems it's a common response & for a reason
Common side effects, such as a fever, or chills, show that the vaccine has been effective in stimulating an adaptive immune response. Most people experience soreness and redness around the site of injection. practio.co.uk/coronavirus/a...
If I was you I’d just take it easy until the effects wear off. I'm sure it won’t last long Denise so don't worry.
I feel a lot better today hun just tired thank you for your kind words xx
I had the Pfizer jab last Friday. I hate needles and was fully prepared for side effects (fatigue, aching joints, headache etc.) and considered it a bonus if I didn't.
I felt it going in but not too painful. My arm ached that evening and the next day. By Sunday no ache and nothing at all now. Tonight I have my MTX injection. All good so far! 😊👍💉
I had the jab on 6 February at 10am and by 2pm I was really fatigued so went to bed. I slept for about 3hrs but by 9pm I was cold and shivery but no temperature, went to bed but shivering got worse I shook so much the bed moved with me, lasted about 1/2hr. I slept all night and apart for a little fatigue next day I have been fine since. Hope the second one is better.
Hope you are feeling better now.
Had my vaccine yesterday morning (AstraZenneca) was fine during the day and by the evening I felt a bit shivery and achy, didn't sleep too well last night. Woke up this morning with the worst flare I've had in YEARS! A full body flare, every single joint was screaming at me so spent the day in bed with pain relief and cat cuddles, feeling very sorry for myself and scared to move....went downstairs for some dinner at about 7pm, and I felt absolutely fine!? Very odd feeling as I'm used to flares lasting a week or so. But there you are. I would rather flare for a day from the vaccine than ending up in hospital from Covid 🤞💕