Losing job: I know this is a bit off topic but have... - NRAS


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Losing job

Sue4983 profile image
44 Replies

I know this is a bit off topic but have been so floored by this news I had to post. I have RA and take methotrexate and have been working from home for the last fifteen months Although I hate the job and it was minimum wage it came in handy at the time that it was remote and I desperately needed the money. Last Friday I received seven days notice that I was being made redundant on a Zero hours contract so nothing other than holiday pay. I’m so devastated .This is the third time I have been redundant and this time I don’t know where to turn ! Although I drive I can’t afford a car at the moment and with the way things are I feel safer working from home . I am sixty next year and have thyroid problems as well.Although I got O and A levels at school I spent most of my working life in travel and this is just a dying trade now Previously I worked at Thomas Cook and was obviously made redundant there.

Has anyone got any advice for me as already I am panicking as we still have a 17 year mortgage to pay albeit a lifetime one so we can miss a few payments. I just feel so lost this time and so weary of it all !

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Sue4983 profile image
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44 Replies
Neonkittie17 profile image

Just to say so sorry to hear this and I haven’t worked for a few years for anyone. Just selling some of my art work which I don’t often do these days, so not sure how home working even goes now. I hope there are agencies you can sign up with for home work. I hope you are able to get a good reference from them to use for other work. Good luck, Sue. 💗🙏🏻

Sue4983 profile image
Sue4983 in reply to Neonkittie17

It’s so hard to get home work apart from surveys or commission only sales . I only got this one through somebody I knew .Thanks for your reply though

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply to Sue4983

As I thought and as you say ... it’s hard to get home work. Hope you can hear about something from friends again. Let as many people you can know you’re looking.

helixhelix profile image

Well the news last night was full of the story that there are the highest ever number of jobs available, especially in the leisure industries. So there is hope.

Maybe contact one of the specialist agencies to help you? Like Scope


Sue4983 profile image
Sue4983 in reply to helixhelix

Thanks for that I’ll try Scope looks good

snoopy29 profile image

I am sorry to hear that you are losing your job, living with ra is hard enough but to worry about your work is a double blow, sending you good wishes and hope things improve 🌻

Sue4983 profile image
Sue4983 in reply to snoopy29

Thank you especially for the third time ! I just felt stronger before but at the moment I don’t feel I’ve got any energy or fight left !

Mmrr profile image


springcross profile image

Hi Sue. I'm sorry you're losing your job, that's a worry for you no doubt. I do hope you get lucky and don't have to wait too long before you get something else. Good luck. 🤞

Sue4983 profile image
Sue4983 in reply to springcross

Thank you Its really affected me this time I am quite strong but feel there’s only so many times you can get knocked down !

springcross profile image
springcross in reply to Sue4983

Yes, I can understand - it weakens you and eventually saps your confidence, but don't give up, there'll be something else for you. xx

skinnycappuccino profile image

Hello Sue4983, I am very sorry to read you lost your job 😥 Unfortunately, I don't have any useful advice to offer but I really hope you find a different (and who knows mabye much better!) job very soon. I keep my fingers crossed 🍀

Sue4983 profile image
Sue4983 in reply to skinnycappuccino

Thank you

rabbits65 profile image

What else could you turn your hands to . Child care, home care, dog walking , make a list of possibilities . Please don’t let it get you down , I know it has. But fight it your still young . I was made redundant at the age of 59 and I know the shock. I am 69 now and of course retired . I do hope you manage to think of something . 😊

Sue4983 profile image

I wouldn’t be well enough to do any of those things Can’t really even play with my grandchildren Yeah it’s very hard when it’s the third time Just feel like all my fights gone at the moment.Thanks for your reply though .

Mermaid11 profile image

Sorry to hear about your job. I'm about to be made redundant too, I work for a well known retailer who is closing all UK stores in a few weeks. I was worried at first, that I wouldn't find anything that I could do having RA. But ive been offered a new job already and they are happy to wait for me to finish my current job, its in administration and I'm in my own office part time. It is a worry, but I now think it gave me the push to look for other work outside of retail.

I hope in a few weeks things will look up for you, don't ever think you don't have transferable skills in other sectors, as you most definitely do. I've been looking on the website Indeed most days and they update every day with new jobs.

Let us know how you get on 🤞 x

Sue4983 profile image

Hi I’m pleased for you but I can only look for home working jobs as I have no transport It is a lot harder to find home work as they tend to be only surveys or commission only sales . Thats why I’m so worried Thanks anyway

Mermaid11 profile image
Mermaid11 in reply to Sue4983

No problem, there may be a few jobs working from home on indeed but I didn't look for those on my search. I'd also get in touch with citizens advice, they might be able to give support and the job centre do work closely with employers and might be able to make some recommendations, might be worth a try. Good luck x

Mermaid11 profile image
Mermaid11 in reply to Sue4983

Also, someone mentioned to me about the ESA payment, I think it is a benefit for those who have health conditions but not like PIP. Might be worth looking into that until you find something job wise x

Sue4983 profile image
Sue4983 in reply to Mermaid11

Yes thanks I have already applied for that although it isn’t a large amount I’ve got to wait for someone to ring me next week about that .

Mermaid11 profile image
Mermaid11 in reply to Sue4983

I did a quick search on indeed, of jobs from home. Fingers crossed for you that there is something suitable

3LittleBirds2 profile image
3LittleBirds2 in reply to Sue4983

It's good you've applied for New Style ESA..good luck with your application. Just a thought and you may already have, but have you applied for PIP? Not means tested etc and many of us work and claim it too, it really helps. Best wishes x

Tempo57 profile image
Tempo57 in reply to Sue4983

Hi Sue, So sorry to hear about your job loss. My motto has always been….”As one door closes another opens”, so please don’t despair.

You say you can only work from home and that ‘We’ still have 17 years on the mortgage. This implies to me that you have a husband/partner? If so, do they have a car to get to themselves to work? Can you can get a lift with that person? This would open up more opportunities to you but I guess you’ve considered this already.

Wishing you the best of luck. T57

Sue4983 profile image
Sue4983 in reply to Tempo57

Thanks for the reply .Yes we’ve just got the one car and he has to have it to get to work himself it’s an hours drive each way . It’s a long story but after 20 years of renting we finally got the opportunity to buy our own house with a pension pot as a deposit but we had to move an hour out of London because of house prices ! It’s nice owning the house but we’re now quite cut off from family so feeling lonely and depressed as well even before this news !

AgedCrone profile image

Why don’t you make an appointment with the CAB…. They have specialists in every field and can point you in the right direction. I am sure they will find it refreshing that somebody is positively looking for work……I’m sure as travel opens up, people with experience will be able to find a job.Being made redundant must’ve been very frightening for you so I really hope you can now take a step forward and find a new job….lots of luck,

HappykindaGal profile image

It must be a horrid feeling being made redundant. But, don’t despair! There are lots of companies that embrace people working from home.

I don’t know your skill set, you mention travel. Have you thought about being an independent travel counsellor? It would need some level investment as it’s a franchise.

If that not for you, look at Sensee sensee.co.uk. Arise, arise.com

These companies are agencies on behalf of companies such as BUPA, Npower, RAC etc...and have hours across 24 hours of the day. They are always looking for good people.

Timeetc...if you have good PA skills.

, Giff Gaff and Enterprise Cars are both homeworkers too.

I know you must feel like pants right now, but have a look at these and you’ll feel you’re doing something which will make you feel a bit better about your situation.


Sue4983 profile image
Sue4983 in reply to HappykindaGal

Thanks for that No I haven’t got the money to set up in travel from home . I will look into Sensee though The trouble is being in travel for twenty years the only skills you have are booking holidays and I don’t particularly enjoy all the IT stuff that almost every job comes with now !

HappykindaGal profile image
HappykindaGal in reply to Sue4983

The IT bit will be tiny. It's all customer service stuff which you're used to doing. You'll be fine 🙂

Sheila_G profile image

Sorry to hear that. I would have thought that there would be jobs going now with everything opening up, especially in the travel business. Maybe in the next few weeks things will start to take off on the job front. Good luck.

Sue4983 profile image
Sue4983 in reply to Sheila_G

Not home working jobs I’m afraid and travel jobs from home normally involve quite an initial outlay so that’s not possible. Thanks anyway .

RachelD1972 profile image

Hi, so sorry this is happening at the moment. I’m also on a zero hours and feel like it’s hanging over me. Just make sure you’re claiming everything you can, pip, if you have a partner take a look at new style esa. There’s a charity, I think it’s called turn2us, they have a calculator and you can calculate what you maybe able to get. That will then give you some breathing space. Good luck and I hope things work out x

Stats12 profile image

Hi, sorry to hear you are losing your job🙈 have you tried temping? I left my job a little while ago cos the Manager was difficult and I thought I’m not putting up with this at my age.. anyway got a temp role at the local council and haven’t looked back. Now have a perm role with them 👏🏼 I’m 59 so please don’t think there is no hope! Get your CV out there on the job boards online like Indeed, Totaljobs etc or contact your local agencies, there are companies needing staff all over 😘 I have RA and take hydroxychloroquine & MTX sometimes struggle & recently hospitalised with Covid but work has been fine, and we are working from home at mo.

Let me know if you need any help Sue, I’ll gladly help you, CV writing etc or whatever.

Take care



Sue4983 profile image
Sue4983 in reply to Stats12

Thanks for that. I think my CVs O K cos my daughter helped me with that .Can I just ask about the council job though Did you go through an agency to start with ?

Stats12 profile image
Stats12 in reply to Sue4983

Hi Sue, yes I went through an agency, my CV was registered online and someone just rang me one day and asked if I would be interested in working for the council.. not even an agency I’d registered with but you usually get that esp if you make yr CV avail to all on the indeed & totaljobs etc… good luck Huney, let me know how you get on xx

Ritaritis profile image

Hi Sue 4983, I was furloughed and eventually made redundant last September, nice birthday present. In March this year I was diagnosed with my RA in feet, ankles, knees and hands. On the advice of the DWP I declared this on my CV. No-one has looked at it for months even though I'm with various sites and agencies they don't want to know. I'm 62, single, no family, 2 cats to support. Fortunately own my house and have savings. I'm scared about when my JSA runs out. The DWP won't let me take early retirement so I took the decision to retrain as a proofreader as I spent most of my career as a typist, Police, local government, Insurance. I did a lot of research and signed with a company who own a publishing firm, offer freelance work and help the student find their own clients. It's cost me a fair bit. I couldn't get any funding but did a lot of research including talking to a careers advisor before choosing the company and going ahead. The course is online, you work at your pace and the qualification is nationally recognised. So far 25% through, my marks are encouraging, above the required pass. I need and want to work. I'm a crafter but currently struggling with mobility so fairs and/online selling are not an option at the moment. Is it worth talking to careers advisor. Mine knew nothing about proofreading but after a chat and lots of questions said 'go for it'. It helps keep the depression at bay and me occupied. I buy a weekly lottery ticket and live in hope, don't we all? Good luck and I hope you find something soon.🐕🐕🦄

Sue4983 profile image

Thanks for your reply. It’s funny you mention proof reading as it’s something I was thinking of for myself over the weekend. I loved English at school and studied to A level standard but ever since then have always spotted mistakes in text and still have a love of language .If you don’t mind me asking what company are you studying with ? What do you think the chances are of getting the work afterwards and do you know what you could expect to earn as I wouldn’t have any idea ? I would have to find the money to fund this myself though so that could be a big problem

I have been redundant twice before but this time I feel more worried I suppose being older you worry that this could be it as far as employment goes.

I’m sorry you’ve had no replies it’s so disheartening and soul destroying . It’s hard to deal with especially with our condition as well .I got diagnosed after the birth of my son twenty five years ago so I can’t really remember what it was like without it to be honest .

Hope to hear from you soon with more info

Sue x x

Ritaritis profile image
Ritaritis in reply to Sue4983

Hi Sue4983, the company is the 'Proofreading Academy' and I have a 5 * review with them under the name of Audrey Jones. The staff will answer any question no matter how trivial and do not push you to sign up, they also give you a free trial and you can pay in instalments. One company kept offering me discounts to sign, e mails and phone calls. I've just started Module 4 of 12 modules, some easier than others, evidently. You will be assigned a tutor, mine is lovely. It is online but as a typist am copying the module texts into a word document as PRA do not offer a hard copy and it helps me to go back over items and make my own notes. Good luck and let me know how you get on. It's nice to think I may have been able to help. 👍🐕🦄

Sue4983 profile image
Sue4983 in reply to Ritaritis

Thank you so much for this You have given me a bit of hope ! The only thing that puts me off slightly is when I see the words Microsoft Word I wouldn’t say I’m a technophobe and I have had to embrace some IT stuff for my previous job but I just don’t find it easy or that enjoyable . I’m going to have a good read on the website and mull it over at the weekend .I will certainly let you know what I decide to do .Take care

Ritaritis profile image
Ritaritis in reply to Sue4983

Hi Sue4983, I'm lucky with MS word as I came in at the beginning, starting my typing career on a manual typewriter using carbon paper. I don't know if other people copy the onscreen text but without something to refer to there is no way I would be able to remember the information and be able to pass the course. Ask the Proofreading Academy advisors how much IT knowledge is required and could they help. Many companies are offering basic IT courses online and free and could you contact the Careers Service or DWP for further advice. As regards IT generally I don't find computers easy at all but like many have had to embrace this world. Paid surveys and telesales are not an option for me and I have lost my typing speeds. Good luck and please keep me informed as like you and others I don't know what other work I can now do. 🐕🐕🦄👍

Ritaritis profile image
Ritaritis in reply to Sue4983

Hello again Sue, please use this link to assist you. It will make the site easier to find. proofreadingacademy.com/ref...


Sue4983 profile image
Sue4983 in reply to Ritaritis

Thanks for that .It looks very good I think I just need to maybe do a basic IT course first .There is a Microsoft word one on their website but it says to brush up your skills so it might not be the right one for me .I will get some advice from them as you suggested .

Sue4983 profile image

Thanks for your reply but at the moment I have got to work from home due to not having any transport so my options are much more limited than when I was made redundant on the other two occasions The nearest shops and offices are at least a ten minute drive and I wouldn’t get on public transport at the moment I have an up to date CV which has been checked over by a friend who works in a building recruitment firm so that’s not an issue and I’m waiting for a call from the job centre .The main issue is the majority of home working jobs are for professionals like accountants social workers IT consultants etc or the other end of the scale such as paid surveys and commission only sales It’s very tough unless you know somebody who can recommend you .

Durrell profile image

Hi Sue i certainly do empathise with you it’s such a tricky time. My sister is 63 she’s been a landlady for the past 10 yrs & was always planning to retire this year, but like all of us was totally unprepared for COVID, This affected her dramatically, a loss of 2 years income & all full rates to pay etc. she had bought herself a little house for her retirement & thankfully at last in her little home, that’s been in need of repair & again due to COVID not much got done & the builder completely let her down adding more endless costs. However she signed with an agency & now working 2 jobs, admittedly 1 she works in the office but the other is 2 days from home. Don’t let your age hold you back, she did have a few no’s before she got the yeses. What’s interesting is the people wanted the older ages groups. I hope this lifts your spirits, give it all you’ve got, you are a valued as a person & a future employee. I wish you all the very best

Sue4983 profile image
Sue4983 in reply to Durrell

Thanks for that really struggling today as I finished yesterday still sinking in I suppose .Will sign up with some agencies next week .

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