Dismissal due to ill health : Hi so I spent a day... - NRAS


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Dismissal due to ill health

MatrixSteele profile image
13 Replies

Hi so I spent a day searching but I couldn’t find a good answer.

So I have been working for a company for 1 year (this month), I was signed off in may.

My work is selling furniture and it involves moving heavy furniture each day, I have developed a problem in my shoulders and it means I can’t lift, I have to have a shoulder operation, (both replaced)

Work has had interviews with me asking when I will return, and hinted me being dismissed due to ill health, they even said December as a date.

I just started paying into a work pension, can I claim?

Do I have any rights with the employer?

The GP appointment my employer sent me to said I am now considered as disabled, does this affect my rights?

What payments should I receive?

Would I be made redundant?

I suggested that I work from home but they declined, and said I have to drive an hour to head office, but go advised not to dive more than 10mins

The only pay sap, but only paid me £35 this month saying the payroll company changed their cycle dates

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MatrixSteele profile image
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13 Replies
Sweetheart0377 profile image

I’m sorry to read your in such a crap state ( sorry couldn’t think of another way of saying it ) I have been in the same boat myself . Statutory sick pay can only be paid for six months after that they have to let you go if they can’t find a suitable place to put you , because of your condition going back to work is only going to do you more damage or even cripple you . I know this doesn’t help with paying the bills . Now that your un employed may I suggest you start with esa , apply for pip , gather as much medical history as you can and what your currently on and what is planned next for you . ( I know this a lot to take on at the moment as I bet you never dreamt you’d end up here ) I know I didn’t ! .

Go to citizens advice see if they know of any help I haven’t mentioned . Pop into the local council an inform them of your circumstances they will help with lower council tax and rent ( if renting privately ) .when you ring up benefits helpline ask if there is anything else you could qualify for ( if you don’t ask they won’t tell you !) worst you’ll get is a no but you will definitely qualify for esa as basic . Hope this helps .

MatrixSteele profile image
MatrixSteele in reply to Sweetheart0377

I just had my pip assessment, I get little income support.

They are paying housing benefit, and given me a tax refund.

The employer said they only pay up to end of November on ssp.

I just had a minor operation today.

I’m still currently employed but my employer wants to dismiss me next month, my go said I’m classed as disabled but my employer are saying I can’t do what I’m employed to do so dismissal due to ill health is the route they will take

Sweetheart0377 profile image
Sweetheart0377 in reply to MatrixSteele

You can get a top up of esa whilst on sick pay ( no one tells you this )

Sweetheart0377 profile image

Hope your getting reduced council tax aswell , please just rest and recover from the op , tackle one thing at a time ( easier said then done I know ) . If you need any advice on anything please ask I’m sure if I don’t have the answer someone will , we all seem to have jumped through these hoops at some point in time . The people on here are really nice and caring and what’s nice is we are all in the same boat x

AARA profile image

Hi MatrixSteele,

So sorry to hear about your current situation. Suggest you go to your nearest Citizens Advice Bureau without delay. They can advise you about Employment Law, and Benefit Entitlement and how to claim. They also help with advice about the money problems which so often accompany ill health and it's implications on employment.

I hope the information you get helps in the long run.


Something smells stinky with your work situation. AND if I can smell this stink way over here in Vancouver, Canada....Well, something just isn't right with what you are being told.

The UK is a 1st world country and people with disabilities have rights. Canada's disabled laws are based on the UK laws. So do not allow your employer to "tell you the law on your rights" . Your employer is not your friend.

I know you feel scared & hopeless. Have a good cry & then lick your wounds. You are not going to be a victim of your fool of a boss.....Now pick up your phone and ask advice from a disability advocate. Do you belong to a union? If so, get ahold of your shop steward. Every few years you vote for your elected government official. It is the job of your elected officail to help you (even if he wasn't the one you voted for).

I too fought this fight. Once Occupational health & my Head Office got involved, my boss ran with his tail between his legs.

All the best to you & please keep me informed


LizzieR profile image

I've fought it too! Union, citizens advice and go to a lawyer. Just the idea that you' re fighting will help you and scare them! Thinking of you-it's an awful time x

Fra22-57 profile image

Well I can't say I was dismissed as I did agree to go due to ill health. I couldn't do the job I did and another job was not suitable.broke my heart but it was stupid if I pursued it as the end was nigh. Got paid full pay for 3mth and half for 3 mth then all my holiday pay.I went with my head held high .years later place is now shut so relieved in a way I went.I am tons and tons worse now

MatrixSteele profile image
MatrixSteele in reply to Fra22-57

I work for a large brand in the UK.

I don’t know my rights as only just been there a year

Jewels94 profile image

I would check your employers pension scheme as well. It might be possible to get medical retirement depending on the schemes regulations

MatrixSteele profile image
MatrixSteele in reply to Jewels94

I'm entitled to 80p before charges

As already mentioned. speak to citizens advice for support. You get SSP for six months, you can claim esa as well if you have started SSP, esa can be back dated to three months I think. If you have been considered disabled this will help you, the company have to look to see if they can offer you an alternative position within the company, if not then ill health retirement or dismissal is next according to your age.

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