Help. Seeking some sort of pain relief other than increasing Steroids. I am suffering from a flare-up unlike any from my past. Usually, my flareups for the past 20 years directly attack my shoulders or wrists. This is a direct attack on my knee. It's on fire and feels as if it is being hit from the inside out by a hammer. I had X-rays done 2 days ago and was told it looks good...if it's so good why is it killing, KILLING me. Do any of you knee suffers OUT THERE offer some help for pain relief advice? I'd so appreciate it!
Rheumatoid Arthritis in KNEE: Help. Seeking some sort... - NRAS
Rheumatoid Arthritis in KNEE

The only thing I have found is ice. Those gym towels that you soak in water, ring them out and then shake them and they go cold help if wrapped round the knee. Only thing I have ever found.
Piroxicam gel (has diclofenac in) / ‘deep heat’ cream/ ice packs/ wheat bag. Paracetamol.. but tbh drugs have never worked for me apart from cocodamol, and then you are mashed or asleep.
I would agree with 'Wobbie's - although it almost seems counter intuitive to use ice, I have found it really does help and have sometimes even taken an ice pack (inside a plastic bag) to bed. A physio. told me that using a hot water bottle can make the inflammation worse and cause swelling.
Ketoprofen gel from my GP works surprisingly well
As everyone says, ice and pain killers. I try to keep a bit mobile but gentle walks only on the flat. Plus I have several knee supports which help when walking.
I am not given any pain killers! I have a max of 3 Lortabs a day and that's just not enough. The only people who understand this RA pain, are the people who have it. The only way I can describe it is like something is "eating" my bone from the inside out slowly. I've had 3 C-sections and this pain is WORSE. I try not to cry but the tears just come out!
You poor thing. It's horrible when all biological signs are contraindicative to pain. Doctors get sceptical. Ice gel packs were the only thing that ever helped reducing the knee pain. I hope you find something to help you.
Hi. I have had the same thing, and found ice, even during the night, plus iboprufen gel to be helpful. But in the end it was a steroid injection directly into the knee that calmed it down.I hope this is helpful. I can sympathise with you.
Thank you EVERYONE! I am trying the Voltaren gel and it's helped a bit. Woke this morning and I still can not put weight on it BUT at the VERY least that burning sensation is better due to the gel. Ice has helped. I forced myself to swim yesterday..gently. I feel very sad and defeated. RA has won.
I've had RA (diagnosed) 20 years and never had an attack on my knee. Scares me. I try so hard to keep it and myself healthy (exercise, eat right, take my meds on time), everything "they" tell you to do. Yes, I feel that PTSD! It's like you just never know when it's going to attack or where next? I am taking Biologics & Steroids so does that mean its stopped working for me now? Hubby thinks I'm "overly" exaggerating with the pain level, I WISH so badly I was. I get NO sympathy from him. I have 2 kids (15 & 13) and I hide the pain because I don't want to scare them. I am blessed as there are worse illnesses to have but RA really is beating me pretty bad.
I am sorry you are suffering so much. When I was first diagnosed 3 years back I had the worst pain in my left knee, it was swollen & very painful. I tried everything I could do on my own but nothing helped. I was feeling so helpless and sad at that time. However once I saw the orthopedic surgeon, he had MRI done, which showed severe synovitis and fluid build up. Next week I had the fluid drained and steroid injected in the knee. Boy...that was an instant relief. Soon after that I started my RA treatment along with steroids and everything was sorted out in about 3 months. Since then I have not had that kind of knee pain. I do get some random aches and pains once in a while still but they are milder and usually controlled by Ibuprofen if needed.
Is it possible for you to see an Orthopedic specialist? that might help to rule out synovitis or ligament tear?
In the mean time, along with all other suggestion here, you can try Epsom salt bath,
Turmeric paste (mix with Catsor oil & apply directly on knee-cover with cloth and leave it overnight-be careful it stains pretty bad),
Turmeric Tea/ Latte- Put a teaspoon of good organic turmeric powder in milk or water, add pinch of fresh ground black pepper& Ground dry ginger powder if you can and drink before bedtime.
Hope this helps, take care & hang in there.
Great advice! Thank you so much! I'm wondering would my x-ray (of which I had last week and was told everything was good) show any problem if it was a direct cause of my RA?? Does anyone know?
Yes! That helps and explains alot! I was beginning to think maybe I was imagining this pain for a minute there. My RA attacks my wrists, hands, shoulder, feet..I've had xrays before on each and they always show "something"! My knee (so said) looked GREAT on the x-ray. THANK you so SO MUCH for the explanation!
I use gel ice packs, 3 at a time, one on back of knee and one each side of knee, at least 3 times a day plus paracetamol or an anti-inflammatory. Bougt the gel packs from the supermarket, cheap and cheerful. Good luck.
Try Volterol
Try Volterol
I’ve been suffering with my knees for years now. Given pain killers with little relief. Nothing showed on X-rays but just had mri. Knee cartilage is sheared and the resulting flap is getting bigger. Having operation next week to remove the cartilage and will be left with bone on bone. I had to give up on the nhs and this is only happening because I’m lucky enough to have some private medical insurance. I should have done this years ago. So I would suggest an mri as we are a complicated bunch.
I agree cold press is a great help for flare, I find doing that helps, for about an hr. depending how you feel after one hour. Wish you well.