Hi everyone, my mum has pulmonary renal vasculitis PANCA positive, and rheumatoid arthritis. She has been tried on many different medications over the last 10 years but unfortunately has been unable to tolerate any of them.,,,,,she has a general intolerance to most drugs which has naturally been a problem over the years. She lives with constant pain in various parts of her body, but she had a recent fall and twisted her knee. There was no bony injury and was given aids to allow her to be mobile. However as this happened just before the lockdown, she has been housebound for last 5 weeks and mobility is worsening because of excrutiating pain in both knees when she tries to mobilise. She should have had follow up physiotherapy after but in present situation this is unlikely to happen for some time. She takes paracetamol only for pain, and occasionally Cocodamol which she is reluctant to take regularly because of codeine. She is unable to take NSAID's as she has had problems in the past with her stomach. We are looking for alternatives that will help with the pain. She looked at Turmeric but this is contraindicated as she is diabetic, on insulin, and has hypothyroidism. I had suggested cannabis oil, but would prefer to get this from a reputable source, as I know it can come in different forms. We would really appreciate any advice or recommendations for pain relief as she is really struggling.
N.B. She does not want to go anywhere near her GP or hospital at the moment because of Coronavirus, as she is very high risk with pulmonary fibrosis and heart problems.