Hi everyone well i had my steroid injection yesterday and she also tried to remove any fluid from my knee without any success, My motto is no pain no gain which i'm sure you all understand especialyl us women :))))), I know i was told from some people on here that it is uncomfortable and for some painful, but as we all know we all have different pain freeholds, Well unfortunately i didn't have such a great experience as you know normal when you are in pain you start to sweat and feel dizzy and of course the old eyes started watering, well that was me yesterday, i still had a unpleasant pain in my knee all day yesterday, but i am please to say that thou my knee is still a bit painfuk i am starting to notice the difference in the way i am walking so that is good news,.... hoping it gets even better, I will keep you all up dated, Well was just wondering who on here has had a injection in their knee and what experiences they had? Take care XXX
Steroid injection in knee yesterday....: Hi everyone... - NRAS
Steroid injection in knee yesterday....

Sorry about some of the spelling, i have to blame my computer or maybe the Steroid injection lol, x
Ahigh sexist, us men do feel the pain lol, I'm sure it's just that we don't moan as much hehehe.
I did have injection in my shoulder but having Fibro too the pain was too much and it didn't work anyway lol,.
I hope the injection works for you and reduce the pain.
Hi Philip i thought when i sent it that i would properly be told i am being sexist:)))) but you know what you men are like with the man flu hehehe, Well i had a injection in both my shoulder 8 months ago and it really worked well, but i didn't feel that much pain, so maybe i had a different injection than you,she did take a ultra scan first so she new where to put the needle, but i have had injections in my bum bum lol for 3 months and at the time i didn't think that it worked that well, but now they have stopped them, i release that it did help a lot, so i'm hoping that this helps me to, i really need to get back to work, Sorry it didn't work for you will let you know how i go, Thanks XXXx
I had a steriod injection in the rear end. I had two weeks of bliss. My mind was going rampant with plans to do this and that. unfortunately had a very rude and painful awakening but at least I now know something that works (18mgs)
On metex injections, very slight improvement, so keeping fingers crossed (that's if I could)
Heya, I've had fluid drained from both my knees and steroid injected into them about 3 times lol It wasn't painful though my rheumy did warm me it could be. I guess it was just nothing compared to the pain of trying to walk with 4 knees (big blobs of fluid above each one!). They've always worked amazingly fast as well, was able to go about my normal day-to-day activity within 24hrs.
I've also had a few injections into the hip/bum area because most of the joints were inflamed and there was no point injecting each one individually! This too has worked miraculously within 24hrs. I think I've had my fair share of steroids now though - I was so manic and euphoric while I was on them. Quite glad my Simponi/Leflunomide/low dose Prenisolone combo is working really well - I think anymore steroid-induced hyperactivity and I would have taken over the world !!
I hope you'll feel the full benefits of your injection soon and take care,
Christine xx

Hiya i glad that it wasn't pain full for you, I know at the time she told me that it might be painful due to the tightness of my knee, as i can't straighten it, she also tried to drain the knee to, So maybe that might of been the reason, and it wasn't quick never, but i do feel better today, but there is no change to the swelling, but i did read that it can take a week to see any benefit, so i will have to be patient, i also know that she only put in 2mg which i don't think is a lot, and this was due to the tightness of the knee and me unable to straight it,
Fingers crossed!! Hope you feel better really soon !! xx
Hope you get some benefit x
I had steriod injections in my knees before I went on a months holiday to Aus.last year. It took about 3 days to reduce the swelling but I was walking better the day following the injections. With mine they also failed to withdraw liquid. They said they were putting in local anethetic so it wouldnt be so painfull but sometimes i think that its not untill you nearly slap them that they've hit the right spot. Well it lasted for about 2 weeks, I think it would have lasted longer but we were on a boat for 3 days and 3 nights and I had to walk up and down steps to get to my cabin and onto the deck and after a day and a half of steps this must have irritated the joints too much. My knees are still swollen. I was invited to have more injections in them in January but I refused knowing what steriod can do to the tissues, (dont all shout at me, coz I also know what that liquid can do the joints as well) but I want to wait a few more months till I cant stand it any more or maybe they'll go down on their own. (I know I live in cloud coocoo land) but I'm ever hopeful.
Hope you feel better soon x
Have only just joined this site as just diagnosed, my swollen knees seem to have come up overnight . Is this the with norm with Ra. knees ache but I can walk OK at the moment.They are so swollen all the way round and I have a hard squishy lump on the top of the right one. Rheumy nurse referring me to someone who can try draining them. When did you get your problem's.I hope you managed to have a good hol. I have a two day trip planned for end of month, today.
Best wishes
Lorraine x
Welcome, Swelling can come quite suddenly. Ive had my knee problems for quite some time as Ive had RA for about 10 years. i think my knees have been a problem for about 4 years but I cant say Ive kept records of these things. I just know my life has changed and I cope as best I can.
Hope you have a good trip. x
Hiya, that's what happened with me and the pain was crippling, but this was back in July, at the time i thought it was due the op i had the year before, but they then confirmed that i had RA, Even thou i have been on MTX now for 13 weeks and have had 3 steroid injection in my buttocks the swelling in the knee didn't change, so they decided to give me one in the knee, today has been a lot better, i have been able now to start doing some excise on it, it's still not prefect, but it seems to be better, take care xxx